Minutes for the

Washington State Board of Registered Sanitarians

Annual Meeting

Date: May 16, 2007

Time: 1:00 P.M.

Location: Everett


The meeting was called to order at 1:05 P.M. by Chairman Barb Andrews. The following board members were present:

Chairman – Barb Andrews

Treasurer – Eric Meyer

Secretary – Rich Ollivier

Executive Secretary – Toni Plemel

The make-up of the board for the 2007-2008 year beginning July 1, 2007 will be:

Chairman – Eric Meyer

Treasurer – Rich Ollivier

Secretary – Keith Grellner

Executive Secretary – Toni Plemel

In addition to the board, the following members were in attendance:

Kevin Plemel, Randy Darst, Bruce Straughn, Brent Raasina.

Minutes of the 2006 Annual Membership Meeting – Rich Ollivier

Minutes from the April 28, 2006 meeting were distributed. Eric Meyer moved to approve the minutes. Barb Andrews seconded the motion. The motion carried. The minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report – Eric Meyer

2006/2007 Budget Review

  1. The budget report is current as of May 1, 2007.
  2. Eric summarized the current year budget. No corrections were necessary.

2007/2008 Proposed Budget

a.  Eric presented the budget for the coming fiscal year. Kevin Plemel moved to approve the budget as proposed. Bruce Straughn seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Investment Update

a. Eric updated the members on the status of the organization’s investments. Specifically, the previous CDs were combined into one higher yield risk free CD. In addition, all funds from the savings account were moved into the risk free CD along with $5000 from checking. Eric also informed the Board that the termination of the previous CDs and transfer of funds resulted in the forfeiture of $144. It is expected that this will easily be made up with the higher interest rate of the new certificate.

New Business

a. The members considered, and ultimately approved, the following four proposed changes to the by-laws:

1. Article IV, Section 2 was changed to allow nominations to be submitted by e-mail, and to reduce the required number of supporting recommendations from ten to two. Moved and seconded by Kevin Plemel and Rich Ollivier, respectively.

2. Article V, Section 5 was changed to clarify the duties of the executive secretary to better describe past and current responsibilities. Moved and seconded by Rich Ollivier and Brent Raasina, respectively.

3. Article VI, Section 1 was changed to allow a general membership meeting to be held at any time during the year. Moved and seconded by Brent Raasina and Kevin Plemel respectively.

4. Article VI, Section 2 was changed to allow the Board to meet via conference call, as well as in person; and to allow Board members to be notified of meetings by e-mail. Moved and seconded by Kevin Plemel and Eric Meyer, respectively.

b. After discussion it was agreed by the members present that in the coming year the board should examine WSBRS eligibility requirements in light of the lower standards of NEHA. There was concern voiced by several members that WSBRS is unnecessarily losing potential registrants to NEHA due to the discrepancy in eligibility requirements.

Chairman’s Report

a. Board Chairman Barb Andrews summarized the results of the membership survey conducted in September, 2006. With no mandate from the membership to restructure the organization, WSBRS will continue to focus on its role as primarily a vehicle for registration of environmental health professionals in the state. Randy Darst suggested that the Board include a statement to this effect in the next newsletter.

b.  The chairman stressed the need for improvements to the WSBRS website. After lengthy discussion Randy Darst moved to dedicate $2000 for website development. The motion was seconded by Kevin Plemel. The motion carried. Eric and Rich will work with the incoming board member, Keith Grellner, to develop a plan for website improvement.

Recognition of Service

The Board recognized Barb Andrews for her three years of service. In appreciation of her service she was presented with an official WSBRS stamp.

Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday June 14th at 9:30 a.m. This meeting will be held at the Double Tree Inn at SeaTac.

Meeting adjourned at 2:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Richard Ollivier, R.S.
