
Meeting Minutes

Meeting: IWG-2 (Meeting 7)

Date/Time: March 7 2017, 2:00 – 2:30 pm EST

Location: Conference call

Committee Members & Observers Present:

Chair: Jayne Stancavage (Intel Corporation)

Vice-Chair: Tricia Paoletta (Harris, Wiltshire and Grannis LLP)

For additional members and observers present, see attached Appendix A.

FCC Employees Present:

Michael Mullinix, Designated Federal Official (DFO) for WAC-19

Allen Yang

Meeting Summary:

1.  Approval of Agenda:

IWG-2 Chair Jayne Stancavage introduced the agenda in Document IWG-2/025 (07.03.17). The agenda was approved by unanimous consent.

2.  FCC Reps, Opening Remarks and Introductions:

Michael Mullinix, DFO for WAC-19, confirmed his presence on the call.

The Chair requested that members and observers participating in the call send her and Vice-chair Tricia Paoletta an email message indicating their presence on the call.

3.  Approval of minutes from previous IWG-2 meeting:

The minutes of the last meeting as contained in Document IWG-2/024r1 (06.02.17) were approved by unanimous consent. The Chair agreed to take the minutes.

4.  Discussion of Draft IWG-2 Preliminary Views and Proposals:

In the absence of any documents for consideration, the Chair noted that a table with a status update on the topics under the purview of IWG-2 was provided in the agenda. There was a discussion on the status of some preliminary views in terms of reconciliation with NTIA: it was explained that the expectation is to have them ready for the upcoming CITEL PCC II meeting. NTIA also advised that the RCS has completed a substantial amount of work recently (including a draft proposal on WRC-19 agenda item 9.1/issue 9.1.8. The entire set of preliminary views and proposals should be available to the WAC soon: IWG-2 would have the opportunity to provide edits to any new RCS preliminary views or proposals. There was also a discussion about whether contributions might be expected for any of the agenda items for which IWG-2 has not yet developed a preliminary view: there is not one anticipated for agenda item 1.1 at this time, there will likely be input on agenda item 1.16, an input on agenda item 9.1/issue 9.1.1 is being considered, a draft proposal on agenda item 9.1/issue 9.1.8 is forthcoming from RCS, and it is likely premature to expect anything under agenda item 10.

5.  Next meetings:

a.  The next IWG-2 meetings will be held as follows:

April 3rd at 11 am-1 pm EDT

April 7th at 10-12 pm EDT

b.  The next WAC meeting is scheduled for April 18th at 11:00 am EDT at the FCC.

Documents Distributed:

IWG-2/024r1 Meeting 6 Minutes

IWG-2/025 Meeting 7 Agenda

Public Participation Statement:

Meeting IWG-2/7 (07.03.2017) was open to the public (DA 17-195) and had 232 members, 14 observers, 2 IWG-2 officials and 2 FCC employees in attendance.


Jayne Stancavage prepared these minutes.

Appendix A: Additional Attendees at March 7, 2017 meeting of IWG-2


Organization / Member Name /
Aerospace and Flight Test Radio Coordinating Council / William K. Keane
ARRL / Jonathan Siverling
AT&T / Stephen Blust
CBS Corporation / Dr. Charles Einolf
Cisco / Dave Case
Comcast Corp. / Bruce Kostreski
EchoStar Corporation / Brennan Price
Ericsson / Mark Racek
GSMA / Dr. Veena Rawat
Harris, Wiltshire and Grannis LLP / Damon Ladson
IEEE-USA / Michael J. Marcus
Inmarsat / Giselle Creeser
Jansky-Barmat Telecommunications Inc. / Donald M. Jansky
Lockheed Martin / Scott Kotler
Microsoft Corporation / Michael Daum
National Association of Broadcasters / Robert Weller
Nokia / Prakash Moorut
National Cable & Telecommunications Association / Andy Scott
New Wave Spectrum Partners LLC / Stephen Baruch
Sprint / Kyle Entz
Steptoe & Johnson LLP / Christopher Bjornson
Virginia Diodes, Inc. / Dr. Gerhard S. Schoenthal
Ygomi LLC / T. Russell Shields


1.  Mike Biggs, FAA

2.  Jerry Conner, Harris for DoD/CIO

3.  Craig Cuttner, Time Warner

4.  Bob Denny, NTIA

5.  Ed Ehrlich, Interdigital

6.  Shelli Rose Haskins, ACES for NOAA

7.  Jim Higgins, ASRC Federal

8.  Bruce Lamb, NTIA

9.  Geraldo Neto, TMG

10.  Brian Patten, NTIA

11.  Amy Sanders, NTIA

12.  Tim Strafford, AAR

13.  Brandy Sykes, NTIA

14.  Joanne Wilson, ASRC Federal for NASA