StreamwoodHigh School


**Please return to Guidance Counselor or Ms. Maynard in C-149.


Congratulations! You have made a great choice to apply to AVID! Answer these questions thoughtfully as they will determine if you are accepted.

Candidate’s Name:______

Home Phone ______Grade Level___

1. What do you think the AVID program does at StreamwoodHigh School?

2. Circle the following that apply to you:

a. My GPA is in the 2.3-3.5 range (please list your GPA _____ )

b. I have appropriate behavior in class

c. I have good attendance

d. I am motivated to work hard to improve my grades and get into a four year college

3. A.) Do you have any circumstances that act as barriers to your academic success or admittance to college? You will explain these circumstances on the back. (Circle all that apply)

a. I may have trouble paying for a 4 year college

b. I have a parent(s) who was not able to graduate from college

c. I have special circumstances that may harm my academic achievement

d. I am a part of a disadvantaged or underserved population

e. I have difficulty getting organized

f. I know I do not put enough effort into getting high grades

g. I haven’t done any community service

h. I may have difficulty visiting various college campuses

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StreamwoodHigh School


(Answer these questions thoughtfully as they will help determine your acceptance.You may use another sheet of paper or type your response if you choose.)

3. B.) In detail, please explain the letters you circled in section 3A. Describe how they act as barriers to your academic achievement and prospective 4 year college acceptance.

4. AVID helps you to accelerate your academic progress by placing you in a challenging curriculum while providing the support you need to do well and gain acceptance to a four year college. Describe why you want to be in this program.

5. Use the space below to tell the AVID review committee why you would be a strong candidate for this program. Tell us what makes you special or how you would benefit from being enrolled in AVID. Be sure to explain any special circumstances from the questions on the front page.

6. Parent reason for wanting student to be a part of AVID:

Student Signature ______Date: ______

Parent Signature ______Date: ______

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