Alliance For Housing, Oakland County’s Continuum of Care

HMIS Data Quality/Agency Admin Meeting Minutes

Date: / 6/1/2017 / Start Time: / 9:30 a.m. / Stop Time: / 11:00 a.m. / Location: / GoToMeeting

Members Present: David Permaloff - Common Ground, Bonnie Haney, Sheila Lincoln, Erinn Johnson - Lighthouse, Jenny Poma - SOS, Audrey White - Community Housing Network, Rebecca Fitzgerald- HOPE, Eliana Giournas and Kevin Bogg- Training and Treatment Innovations, Danielle Redilla- OIHN

Facilitator: / Angela Gougherty & Sarah Sporny / Scribe: / Sarah Sporny
Item / Notes / Due Date
Monthly/Quarterly Data Quality Reports / Due by the 15th of each month.
Compare DQ reports to SPM – recommend new reports / 15th
APRs / Moving forward please send us a copy of your APRs. Send APRs submitted as of 10/1/2016 to Sarah. / Ongoing
Sage- New APR Format / Esnaps will be replaced with a new reporting portal called Sage. Data will be exported from HMIS and uploaded into the portal, similar to eCART.
The report was added as a canned report on 4/4/2017.
David Permaloff will present his ups and downs with the new APR process in SAGE and provide tips for success!
Follow-Up Surveys / The CoC is asking agencies to conduct 90 & 180 day follow-up surveys with clients that exit PSH, TH & RRH projects
ART> Provider Specific> Oakland > Working Folder > OC Follow Up Test Report 030317
-  Need to filter by completed / 3/1/2017
Veteran By Name List (BNL) / Review the BNL and how to make referrals.
VA Data Guide:
VA HMIS Manual:
Built For Zero (BFZ) Initiative to end veteran and chronic homelessness.
PIT/HIC / Thank you for your support in the successful submission of the PIT and HIC!!
Review submissions.
Annual Report available on Website.
HMIS Data Quality guidance from HUD / HUD introduced specific guidance for HMIS vendors to format new data quality reports. Mediware (Bowman) is currently developing these reports.
The report was added in ART on 4/4//2017. Art>Public Folder> Data Quality Folder> 0640 HUD Data Qualiy Framework v1
Report items were updated in v2 and v3. V3 User Manual is not yet released, but the report was just updated 5/2/17. / 4/1/2017
MSHDA CoC Outcomes Report / MSHDA, in conjunction with MCAH, has recently released their new Outcomes Report. On a recent webinar with MCAH regarding this report, many providers offered valuable and critical feedback. MCAH will be taking this feedback to MSHDA.
Additionally, HOPE has found that some VI-SPDATS are not pulling into the report. MCAH is working on a fix for this problem.
Review the report.
ART> ESG (MSHDA Reports)> MSHDA CoC Outcomes_with Client Detail.
General Information - Homeless History Report/Merge Request/RRH Workflow/Alliance Website / Reviewed how to find/access HMIS related documents on the Alliance website.
Please fill out request form and ROI for Homeless Verification report. Helps to determine chronicity.
Topics / Notes / Due Date
640 Reports / Review 640 report- how to review and make changes.
Items to consider:
-  Clients need to have a valid ROI covering their entry- or information will not pull into the report. Pay attention to clients who have been in the program for a long time.
-  Reports are run by program type (ES, SO, TH, RRH, & PSH) for each FY and submitted to HUD with the SPM.
-  Report found- ART> Public Folder> Data Quality > 0640 – HUD Data Quality Report Framework.
o  User Manual available in same folder.
o  Can run by provider or provider group.
-  Look for Missing, Error, & Don’t Know Refused (DKR).
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
-  Name- Impacted by Name DQ field recorded as Alias,
-  SSN- Per MCAH the State of Michigan and MSHDA is only required to report the last 4 SSN. Clients without the full SSN will show up as error. MCAH & HUD is aware of this. Focus on SSN that are Missing (Tab C).
-  Date of Birth- will show error when new-borns are added to entry before they are actually born. They will be shown to have a negative age (Tab B). Workflow attached. CHN testing and will review with group.
-  Relationship to HoH- Focus on clients with missing fields.
-  Destination- Continue to update destination when information comes available. We have been reviewing these clients during the Outcomes Committee. For clients that re-enter system attempt to discuss and determine where they exited to- if missing old project destination.
Income & Housing DQ
-  Entry & Exit (Tab E & G)- Review clients listed with errors. The Inc YN column is the Income from Any Source gateway question in HMIS. The Income Source column, Start Date, End Date, and Amount columns are pulled from the Monthly Income subassessment in HMIS. There are 4 main errors that the report is looking at.
1.  Inc YN is answered as Don't Know (DK)
2.  Inc YN is answered as No (N) but there is a listed income source that was active during the client's stay in program.
3.  Inc YN is answered as Yes (Y) but there is no open income source.
4.  Inc YN is blank if there is no ROI present for the client's Entry/Annual/Exit or the gateway question is not answered.
-  Annual (Tab F)- Focus on Not in Range, Review Due NOW, Review PAST DUE.
o  According to HUD the annual assessment must be recorded within +/-30 days of their anniversary date aka project entry date.
o  Even if Review in Range there may be issues with subassessment.
Next Steps?!
-  We will be running these reports on a quarterly basis and reviewing them with the Outcomes Committee.
-  Information included in the 640 and SPMs may be used by the Scoring Committee during the 2017 NOFA.
Next Face-to-Face Meeting will occur in July / Please consider hosting the July 6 AA/DQ meeting. The HMIS Sys Ads will provide bagels. If you are able to host, please notify us at . / 5/31/17
Updates to 2017 HMIS Data Dictionary and Standards
Secretary/Scribe / Date

The next Data Quality/Agency Administrators Meeting will be held on July 6th at 9:30 a.m.