HealthCARE MT L.E.A.D. Program/MTPIN HCAHPSCommunications
Registration Form
The Montana Performance Improvement Network is excited to announce a joint project with HealthCARE MT’s new LEAD Program (Learn- Engage- Adapt- Do). The LEAD program offers an opportunity for your facility to participate in a program designed to help employees gain awareness of their thoughts and actions and how they impact those around them, with an overall goal of creating a positive and productive work environment. The program offers four modules in communication, professionalism, leadership and conflict resolution with daily conversation topics designed to inspire short discussions (less than 10 minutes) to be held in group settings among peers (huddles, meetings, etc.).
With communication being a large component of the HCAHPS Survey, MT PIN identified this as a great opportunity to test the impact of improved staff communication skills on communication related survey scores.
HCAHPS questions to be tested:
Care from Nurses:
- During this hospital stay, how often did nurses treat you with courtesy and respect?
- During this hospital stay, how often did nurses listen carefully to you?
- During this hospital stay, how often did nurses explain things in a way you could understand?
- During this hospital stay, after you pressed the call button, how often did you get help as soon as you wanted it?
Care from Doctors: (use these measures if providers are included in team huddles or meetings)
- During this hospital stay, how often did doctors treat you with courtesy and respect?
- During this hospital stay, how often did doctors listen carefully to you?
- During this hospital stay, how often did doctors explain things in a way you could understand?
To participate in the LEAD program while testing the outcomes of the project through HCAHPS results:
- sign up for the LEAD by emailing the completed agreement to by May 19th
- select a LEAD champion by the end of May
- A HealthCARE MT Workforce Coordinator for your region will arrange to deliver the cards and discuss the program
- complete a short pre-and post-facility assessment for HealthCARE MT
- commit to sharing your HCAHPS scores for Quarter 1, 2017 and Quarter 4, 2017 with the Flex grant by the due dates listed below
Program timeline:
April-May 2017: Project set-up
June- September 2017: LEAD Program implemented
July 15, 2017: Submit Q1- 2017 HCAHPS data for baseline (data submitted by vendor on July 6)
October- December 2017: Remeasure Period
April 15, 2018: Submit Q4- 2017 HCAHPS data for remeasure (data submitted by vendor April 5)
Complete Application on next page to participate! Thank you!!
A. FacilitynameLocationCEO/facilityleader
B. PrimaryContactfortheLEAD/HCAHPSprojectapplicationanddocumentationsubmission.
C. Facilityresponsibilitiesandexpectations.Pleaseinitialallboxes
Administrationand facility leaders must agree tosupporttheLEAD program frombeginning tofinishComplete project setup with HealthCARE MT by June 1, 2017 & complete facility assessment
Submit Quarter 1-2017HCAHPSvendor reportto MT FlexbyJuly 15, 2017toestablishbaseline
Anystaff/departmentsaffected bythe PI projectwill beinformedof projectgoalsandexpectationsandwillparticipate to the best of their abilities in the LEAD program discussions
Complete HealthCARE MT post-project facility assessment
Submit Quarter 4-2017HCAHPS vendor report to MT Flex by April 15, 2018 to measure outcomes
Ihavereadandunderstandthetimeline,guidelinesandcriteriaforparticipationin the L.E.A.D. ProgramHCAHPSImprovementProject
MainProjectContact ______
ReturncompletedformtoJennifer Wagner () orJamie Schultz () or faxto406-457-8039
HealthCARE Montana/AHEC Workforce Coordinator Contacts
Northeastern MT AHEC/HealthCARE MT
Trudy Winslow
Eastern MT AHEC/HealthCARE MT
Mary Helgeson
South Central MT AHEC/HealthCARE MT
Terri Perrigo
North Central MT AHEC/HealthCARE MT
Terri Perrigo
Western MT AHEC/HealthCARE MT
Carly Holman