April 24, 2006 FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Project Activity Report


Palm Beach Post. "A Katrina Every 14 Years." April 22, 2006. Accessed at: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/storm/content/shared-blogs/palmbeach/storm/entries/2006/04/a_katrina_every.html


Hogue, Henry B. and Keith Bea. Federal Emergency Management and Homeland Security Organization: Historical Developments and Legislative Options (CRS Report for Congress RL33369). Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. April 19, 2006. Accessed at: http://www.hlswatch.com/category/preparedness-and-response/


De Rugy, Veronique. "Pork Won't Protect Us." Dallas Morning News, April 23 2006. Accessed at: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/opinion/points/stories/DN-derugy_23edi.ART0.State.Edition1.3e9314e.html


Thomas, Greg. "Home Builders Decry 3-Foot Elevation Rule - Requirement Called Costly, Unnecessary." New Orleans Times-Picayune, April 22, 2006. Accessed at:http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/frontpage/index.ssf?/base/news-5/1145689193275360.xml

[One might think that in the case of Katrina the usual opponents of mitigation would not have the gall to oppose (openly, that

is) a 3-foot housing rise in New Orleans -- but you would be wrong, wrong, wrong. There are only two types of levees -- those that have failed and those that will eventually fail.]


Associated Press. "Calif. Gov. Scorns Bush Response to Levees." April 23, 2006. Accessed at:


Heritage Foundation and George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute Task Force. Empowering America: A Proposal for Enhancing Regional Preparedness. Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation, Special Report SR-6, April 7, 2006, 12 pages. Accessed at: http://www.heritage.org/Research/HomelandDefense/SR06.cfm

Lindlaw, Scott. "Feds to Speed Up Repairs on Calif. Levees."

Associated Press, April 22, 2006. Accessed at: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060422/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush_california_levees;_ylt=Ao6uJBAaUb9m1zuk1r6DMHuyFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--


Associated Press. "Bin Laden Accuses West of Waging War on Islam,"

April 24, 2006. Accessed at:


Knowlton, Brian. "Bin Laden On Tape, Lashes Out At The West."

International Herald Tribune, April 24, 2006. Accessed at:


Pasternak, Judy. "Bin Laden Tape Urges Support for Sudan." Los Angeles Times, April 24, 2006. Accessed at:


Tyson, Ann Scott. "New Plans Foresee Fighting Terrorism Beyond War Zones." Washington Post, April 23, 2006. Accessed at:



Talked today with Ben Reyna, recently retired as Director of the U.S.

Marshall Service, and now with Federal Relations at the University of Texas at Brownsville, where he is leading an investigation into the development of an Emergency Management & Homeland Security Institute at UTB as well as some sort of Emergency Management & Homeland Security blended and multidisciplinary program for students. Mr. Reyna will be attending the EM HiEd Conference, June 6-8, 2006. For additional information, Mr. Reyna can be reached at: 956-882-7445.

B. Wayne Blanchard, Ph.D., CEM

Higher Education Project Manager

Emergency Management Institute

National Emergency Training Center

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Department of Homeland Security

16825 S. Seton, N-430

Emmitsburg, MD 21727

(301) 447-1262, voice

(301) 447-1598, fax


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