Hockey Board Meeting
VFWJanuary 5, 2009
1. Meeting called to order.
2. Present at Roll Call:Donavon Luhning, Joni Luhning, Sarah O’Kane, Tina Hendershot, Rhonda McManigle, Randy Taggart, Nettie Janson, Tim Meuhler, Stacy Miller, Roberta Schultz, Steve Schloeder, Cindy Behl, George Behl, Katie Dykhoff, Beth Najjar, Amy Killian, Yad Killian, Paul Warren, Pat Boline Anna Olson
3. Approval of Agenda–No additions. Approved unanimous consent.
4. Approval of minutesfromDecember’08: Approved unanimous consent.
5. Treasurer’s report: Discussion on advertisers and sponsors, have not heard back from Lund’s. Donavon reminded everyone to look for more advertisers.
6 Committee Reports
6a. Player Development:Looking to play Bantam A’s only next year. Spread the word to all parents and players.
6b. Tournaments – 12U:Looking for help with upcoming tournaments. Each team needs to come up with themes for the following year before the current years is up. Randy moved, Rhonda seconded to move 12U tournament to 2nd weekend in March, motion carried unanimously. Tournament schedules need to be put online.
6c. Scheduling:Feb 8th added a game w/Brainerd for Mites. Cindy will have a scheduling program presented. Need goalie and shooters for Goalie Sessions….watch the schedule.
6d. Registrar: Have Mites moving up to Squirts bring in a copy of their birth certificates.
6e. Referee: Discussion only, nothing to report.
6f. Concessions: A new front roll-up door is on order. Looking for more help to run concessions.
6g. Public Relations – tournament directory & more:Tournament directory is done. Sarah asked for information as each team completes their tournaments to put in the local media. Suggested to give some cookbooks for Wheeler Dealer program on Wed’s AM
6h. Ways & Means: Anyone who did not sell enough calendars needs to do the fundraiser buyout.
7 Old Business
7a.Tent: Nothing to report
7b. Compressor – Electrical usage: is at 59% to previous years.
7c. Learn to Skate: Registration is on Wednesday and Sunday. Looking for someone to run the program. Katie Dykhoff will help.
8 New Business
8a.Locker Rooms, Practice Outside, & Open Skate:Do not use the Girls locker room unless so requested well in advance. Coach’s discretion as to when to cancel outside practice. Free ice time is only available to children within the Hockey Association. Non-members are welcome during open skate time.
8b. Facilities – Present & Future:Pat motioned, Tina seconded to create a warming house in the corner of the arena, motion carried.
8c.Sponsor Thank You night – Jan 15th: Consensus was to procede.
8d. Girls High School issues – being positive or lack thereof:Discussion of lack of parents/fans support during games.
8e. Blue Line Bids – January 31st at the Elks – Plan to attend: Teams need to have baskets together one week prior.
8f. High School and other upcoming issues: New contract will need to be negotiated with the High School. Looking for suggestions for someone to do the negotiating.
8g. 12U Future: A new player has joined the program.
8h. Female Coaches: Looking for more female coaches.
8i. Webmaster: Need to find someone to take over the webmaster duties.
8j. Elections: Treasurer and President positions will be open.
9 Adjourn
PatBoline moved, Paul Warrenseconded, motion carried
Next Meeting February2nd@ 7:30 PM at the VFW