Criteria for Sports Grant Request Approval

Below shows the criteria and questions asked when a grant request is submitted. Please read and consider the points stipulated. This is also the format the exec team will use for their grant recommendations.

Things to note:

  • Grant requests are not awarded retrospectively of purchase or money spent
  • Grant money will not be transferred into subs account, it will be held and spent on the club’s behalf (similar to the subsidy process) – contact James Raywood with invoices/purchase orders.
  • Grant should not be used to save a club falling into financial difficulty (contact your Activities officer, if this is the case).
  • The exec reserves the right to recommend or reject any Grant request.

The process:

  1. The grant requests are to be sent to your sports exec and the Activities & Opportunities officer for consideration prior to its presentation at Sports exec meeting. This is to ensure the required information is present and in the correct format.
  2. It will then be presented to the sports exec, by your exec representative and a decision will be made. The decision will be either to ‘recommend’ or to ‘reject’, further decisions could be ‘recommend a reduced amount then submitted’ – explanations will be given at all times by your exec representative.
  3. The grant requests will then be discussed and presented at the presidents meeting who will have the final vote and take into consideration the recommendations of the exec.
  4. If you request is approved by the presidents you will be notified and you are expected to send your Purchase orders or Invoices to James Raywood to pay it on your behalf. Remember to take into consideration the above notes.
  5. If your request is rejected by the presidents – the exec will advise why this may have been the case and how to improve your grant request for the next month.

Any other queries please contact your relevant executive team representative.

Many thanks

Student Sports Executive Team

Requirement / Additional Information
Budget / 1)How much is in the subs account currently?
2)Clearly organised budget showing annual projection (how much will be in the account at the end of the year)
3)Club contribution (if applicable)
4)Are there any questionable expenditures
Inventory / 1)Fully completed inventory including current equipment, condition, cost etc.
2)Any equipment needing to be replaced that is not in the grant request?
Quotes x2 / 1)Are there two reasonable quotes attached
2)Are they viable quotes? E.g. do they ship to the UK?
Consideration / Additional Information
Is it essential? / 1)How often is the item used?
2)Is it competition or training related?
Does the uea+sport dept already fund it? / This includes health and safety equipment; particularly large/expensive items e.g. boats, coaching, travel, and accommodation and BUCS entries.
Benefit to membership / 1)Will it widen participation?
2)Will it assist in club sustainability?
Longevity of funding / 1)How long will it last?
2)Is it sustainable?
3)Have you already applied for a grant within the academic year?
Storage available? / 1)Where?
3)Special storage required?
4)Is a replacement item?
If the items require extra storage please make sure to organise it before and specify it within the grant request.
Amount / Please state the breakdown of the total cost of the grant – tell us how much you or any other person is contributing and how much you are actually asking for.