Indo-Australian Science and Technology Fund

Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund


Instructions to applicants

Applicants should read the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) Guidelines before preparing an application. Copies of the guidelines are available on the AISRF website at or by contacting .

Applications may only be lodged online or posted in hard copy. Applications will not be considered in any other format (fax and email applications will not be accepted). Applications must satisfy the Eligibility requirements in order to be considered and must be received by the closing date. Applicants should be aware that applications not received by the closing date will not be considered.

This document, the AISRF Offline Application Form – Round 6 is for the August 2011 application round only and will not be accepted in future rounds as the document may change. This offline form is for use by Australian applicants only.

Offline applications must be received by 5.00pm Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Tuesday 11 October 2011, and should be addressed to:


India and Program Management Section

International Science Branch

Science and Infrastructure Division

Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

GPO Box 9839

Canberra ACT 2601 Australia

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible to apply for funding under the Indo-Australian Science and Technology Fund and the Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund the Australian applicant must comply with the eligibility requirements as set out the guidelines including addressing the assessment criteria and providing copies of supporting documentation as required against each criterion.

Before you commence your application you must consult the AISRF guidelines for Round 6, 2011/12.

Applicants MUST agree to the following privacy conditions when submitting an application (tick box and sign)

I agree that:

o I have read the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund Guidelines for Round Six 2011/12 for the components Indo-Australian Fund for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (Indo-Australian S&T Fund) and the Indo-Australian Fund for Scientific and Technological Cooperation in Biotechnology (Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund).

o I understand that the department, its contractors and agents will not otherwise disclose personal information unless required or authorised by law.

Signed (applicant) Date: / /

Printed name: Title:



Please note that this offline form is a facsimile of the online form and is provided solely to assist applicants in developing their AISRF S&T Fund or Biotechnology Fund application.

The offline form outlines the details that you will be required to enter as part of the online application process. It is important to remember that supporting documentation will also need to be provided on submission of this application.

This offline form applies only to Australian AISRF applicants. Indian applicants must apply to the Government of India.

The online full application is available at:

Application Form sections:

·  Australian Applicant Details

·  Project Details

·  Indian Project Partners

·  International Project Partners

·  Australian Project Partners

·  Project Team

·  Assessment Criteria

·  Upload Documents

Australia-India Strategic Research Fund: Offline Application Form

Applicant Details

Note: fields marked with * are mandatory

Organisation name *
Organisation type *
Select from one of the following:
Tertiary Education Institution
Cooperative Research Centre
Commonwealth-funded research organisation
State/Territory-funded research organisation
Public research company
Private research company
Not for profit research organisation
Other incorporated entity
Title and Full Name*
Phone number*
Email address*
Address line 1*
Address line 2*
Address line 3*
State and Postcode*
Title and Full Name*
Phone number*
Fax number*
Email address*
Address line 1*
Address line 2*
Address line 3*
State and Postcode*
CONTACT OFFICER POSTAL ADDRESS (if different to Physical address above)*
Address line 1*
Address line 2*
Address line 3*
State and Postcode*
Project Title *
Activity type *
Select from one of the following:
Collaborative Research Project
Collaborative Research Project with end user
Workshop in Australia
Workshop in India
Priority area of research *
Select from one of the following:
Indo-Australian S&T Fund Projects:
Material Science including Nanotechnology
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Environmental Science including Climate Change Research
Indo-Australian S&T Fund Workshops:
Agricultural Research
Astronomy and Astrophysics Environmental Science including Climate Change Research
Micro-electronics Devices and Materials
Renewable Energy
Marine Sciences
Earth Sciences
Information & Communication Technology
Indo-Australian Biotech Fund Projects:
Stem Cells
Transgenic Crops and Marker-assisted Breeding
Bioenergy and Biofuels
Vaccines/Medical Diagnostics
Indo-Australian Biotech Fund Workshops:
Biomedical Devices and Implants
Stem Cells
Transgenic Crops and Marker-assisted Breeding
Neutraceuticals & Functional Foods
Bioenergy and Biofuels
Vaccines/Medical Diagnostics
National Research Priority Goals*
Select one of the following:
An Environmentally Sustainable Australia
Promoting and Maintaining Good Health
Frontier Technologies for Building and Transforming Australian Industries
Safeguarding Australia
Keywords (up to 6) *
Number of Australian Participants *
Number of Indian Participants *
Project summary (max 300 words) *
Expected outcomes (max 300 words) *
Project snapshot (max 50 words) *
Total AISRF funding sought from the Australian Government (AUD) *
Total AISRF funding sought from the Indian Government (INR) *
Add Indian Project Partners*
Organisation Details*
Partner Organisation Name*
Organisation Type*
S&T Indian Partner Organisation Types:
Indian educational institutions
UGC recognised universities/deemed universities
Indian academic institutes or national research and development laboratories/institutes
Indian public sector research agencies
Indian private, not for profit, research organisations
Biotech Indian Partner Organisation Types:
Indian Education institution
Indian State/Territory-funded research organisation
Indian Public research company
Indian Private research company
Indian not for profit research organisation
Other Indian incorporated entity
Phone Number*
Fax Number*
Email Address*
Website Address
Organisation Physical Address*
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2*
Address Line 3*
State and PIN*
Contact Officer Details*
Title and Full Name*
Phone Number*
Email address*
Add International Project Partners - Organisation Details*
Partner Organisation name*
Organisation Type*
Phone Number*
Fax Number*
Email Address*
Website Address
Organisation Physical Address*
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2*
Address Line 3*
State and Postcode*
Contact Officer Details*
Title and Full Name*
Phone Number*
Email address*
Add Australian Project Partners*
Organisation Details*
Partner name*
Organisation Type*
Select from one of the following:
Tertiary Education Institution
Cooperative Research Centre
Commonwealth-funded research organisation
State/Territory-funded research organisation
Public research company
Private research company
Not for profit research organisation
Other incorporated entity
Phone Number*
Fax Number*
Email Address*
Website Address
Organisation Physical Address*
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2**
Address Line 3*
State and Postcode*
Contact Officer Details*
Title and Full Name*
Phone Number*
Email address*
Role Details
Project Role*
Organisation Name*
Team Member Details (if known)
Title and Full Name
Email Address

Please insert additional rows for Project Team Members as required

Please refer to the AISRF Guidelines for full details on completing this section of the application form.
CRITERION A – The scientific merit of the proposed activity including the potential of the anticipated outcomes to advance the knowledge base of the discipline; and the likely impact of the proposed research. 50%
A written proposal (no more than 10 A4 pages of Times New Roman, 12-point type) demonstrating the scientific merit of the research collaboration and addressing the headings below. The information contained in the proposal must be consistent with that which is provided to the Indian government by the Indian collaborator. Supporting documentation must be provided against this criterion.
In relation to workshop proposals, the potential of the workshop to generate collaborative research projects of sufficient merit to access support through subsequent competitive rounds of the AISRF
A1. Proposal Title
A2. Aims and background
A3. Significance and Innovation
A4. Approach and Methodology
A5. Expected outcomes and benefits resulting from the collaboration
A6. Role of personnel
A7. References cited
A8. End user (if applying for $400,000)
A letter of support from the Indian collaborator confirming that the proposal is jointly prepared and the Indian collaborator will submit an equivalent proposal to the Indian Government.
CRITERION B – The leading-edge research capability of the project’s Australian and Indian partners and participants. 20%
In no more than 300 words, the applicant must address the leading-edge research capability of the project’s Australian and Indian partners and participants.
Supporting documentation must be provided against this criterion.
Please use the curricula vitae template to provide a CV of no more than 4 A4 pages for each key personnel on the proposal. CV for both Australian and Indian key personnel should be included.
CRITERION C – Project plan and budget. 10%
Provide a detailed project plan and budget listing costed eligible expenses. Your project plan should be presented as a mature research plan ready for implementation, leading towards the overall project objectives. The project plan should include proposed timelines, including milestones toward project outcomes.
Supporting documentation must be provided against this criterion.
Indicative budgets for both the Australian and Indian sides should be submitted using the templates provided.
CRITERION D – Level of support and effective collaboration for the research project or workshop from Australian and Indian organisations (including the applicants own organisation. 10%
Supporting documentation must be provided against this criterion.
Letters must be prepared on official letterhead and be signed by a person who is authorised to commit such support.
Letter of support from the applying organisation and any other Australian partner organisations, demonstrating and clearly articulating the organisation’s financial support (cash and/or in-kind) for the project and commitment to engage in the research collaboration or workshop.
Letter of support from the Indian partner organisation and any other international partner organisations, demonstrating and clearly articulating the organisation’s financial support (cash and/or in-kind) and commitment to engage in the research collaboration or workshop.
If applying for $400,000 – a letter of support from ‘end user’ partner, demonstrating and clearly articulating the organisation’s commitment to actively engage in the research collaboration.
CRITERION E – Details of governance arrangements, including intellectual property (IP provisions). 10%
Provide, in no more than 300 words, details of governance arrangements, including use of intellectual property (IP) the proposed ownership of IP generated by the project and strategies for protecting Australia’s interests.
Note: Criterion E is not applicable to applications for workshops.

Assessment Criterion B – Curricula vitae for key personnel

Using the headings below, please provide the following information for all persons involved in your application, including project leader, project team members and key personnel identified under Criterion A6 – Role of Personnel. A limit of four (4) A4 pages per person applies.

Personal details

Title and Full Name
Current Organisation
Role on Project


Please list all your qualifications beginning with the most recently awarded.

Degree/Award / Year / Discipline/Field / Organisation and Country

Add additional rows as necessary

Current and previous appointment(s)/positions(s) – during the past 10 years

Position held / Organisation / Department / Year Appointed

Add additional rows as necessary.

Role on the Project (Limit ½ A4 page)

In no more than half an A4 page, please provide a statement on your role within the project, focusing on your contribution to the research program, operations or management as appropriate.

Expertise and contribution to project (Limit of ½ A4 page)

Please provide a brief description of your expertise relevant to this Proposal and evidence of any previous international collaboration.

Evidence in relation to research impact and contributions to the field over the last ten years (Limit of one A4 page)

Please provide information on research outputs other than publications (for example consultancies, patents, policy advice) including details of all grants held in the last five (5) years.

Ten career-best publications (Limit of two A4 pages)

Provide the full references of your ten best publications relevant to this Proposal. Include a statement of a maximum of 30 words explaining and justifying the impact or significance of each publication.


Indicative budget – Australian applicants

Note: The indicative budget should be drafted with close reference to the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund Guidelines for Round Six 2011/12 for the Indo-Australian Science and Technology Fund and the Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund on Eligible activities and expenses (see Part 3: Funding of the guidelines).

At Assessment Criterion C: Project plan and budget, you will be required to provide a full justification of funding requested and complete and submit the below budget template.

Items of expenditure / 1st Year (AUD) / 2nd Year (AUD) / 3rd Year (AUD) / Total (AUD)
International travel
Living expenses
Domestic travel
Workshop expenses
Bench fees
End-User expenses*
Other expenses
Total (AUD)

Note: These expenses are limited to end-user projects only

Funding totals – Australian Contributions

Cash / In-kind
AISRF Funding Sought from Australian Government
Australian Partner Contributions
Partner name
Partner name (add additional rows as necessary)
Total Australian Contributions


Indicative budget – Indian consortium members

Note: The indicative budget should be drafted with close reference to the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund Guidelines for Round Six 2011/12 for the Indo-Australian Science and Technology Fund and the Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund on Eligible activities and expenses (see Part 3: Funding of the guidelines).

At Assessment Criterion C: Project plan and budget, you will be required to provide a full justification of funding requested and complete and submit the below budget template.

Manpower – Please indicate the designation of manpower (JRF, SRF, RA etc) including monthly emoluments as per DST guidelines

Equipment – Please indicate any major items of equipment

Costs for visits – Should be calculated with reference to the guidelines on eligible activities and expenses