2017-2018 PED Preschool Lesson Plan
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Program/School: / Date: / Literacy Goal:Choose an itemDaily phonological awareness activitiesOral language and vocabulary activitiesAlphabet knowledge activitiesConcepts of print activitiesDaily read alouds with comprehension strategiesIndividual and small group read aloudsDevelopmentally appropriate (DAP) writing activiti
Teacher: / On-Going Project (optional): / Social Emotional Goal:
Develop self-esteem by: Choose an itemActively listening with childrenRefraining from judgemental statementsResponding to children's ideasRecognizing children's effortsUsing proper name&verbally interacting w/eachchildEngaging in interactions that are supportive
Promote children’s emotional regulation & executive function by:
Choose an itemHelping children recognize emotional cuesHelp child identify appropriate choices&solve prob
Encourage autonomy by:Choose an itemProviding children w/opportunities to make choicesAllowing child time to respond/complete task indepTeach child strategies for self-reg/self-monitor
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Additional Plan:
Teacher Support (guiding questions, conversation starters, etc):
Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Vocabulary Word(s): / Art
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Additional Plan:
Teacher Support (guiding questions, conversation starters, etc):
Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Vocabulary Word(s): / Math Center
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Additional Plan:
Teacher Support (guiding questions, conversation starters, etc):
Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1Exp lang conversationsal skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanind og spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Vocabulary Word(s):
Dramatic Play
Essential IndicatorChoose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sounds Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Additional Plan:
Teacher Support (guiding questions, conversation starters, etc):
Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Vocabulary Word(s): / Class Library
Essential Indicator: Essential IndicatorChoose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Additional Plan:
Teacher Support (guiding questions, conversation starters, etc):
Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Vocabulary Word(s): / Science/Sensory
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Additional Plan:
Teacher Support (guiding questions, conversation starters, etc):
Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Vocabulary Word(s):
Manipulatives/Puzzles/Table Toys
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Additional Plan:
Teacher Support (guiding questions, conversation starters, etc):
Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Vocabulary Word(s): / Writing Center
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Additional Plan:
Teacher Support (guiding questions, conversation starters, etc):
Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Vocabulary Word(s): / Teacher Choice Center
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Additional Plan:
Teacher Support (guiding questions, conversation starters, etc):
Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Vocabulary Word(s):
Large Group
(Usually 15-20 minutes-only as long as children are engaged)
*900 hour Program
2 Large Group Read-Alouds
Large Group Tips
Engaging Children in a Storybook
Picture Story Word Story / Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Read-Aloud #1
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction)
Read Aloud #2
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction) / Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Read-Aloud #1
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction)
Read Aloud #2
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction) / Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Read-Aloud #1
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction)
Read Aloud #2
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction) / Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Read-Aloud #1
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction)
Read Aloud #2
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction) / Literacy EI: Choose an item5.2Recep lang follow increasing complex directions6.1 Exp lang conversational skills7.2 Comprehension of a story (questions/details)7.3a Understanding of the basic concepts of print7.3b Understands that print carries meaning7.4a Recognizes and generates rhyming sounds7.4b Understanding of spoken words/syllables/sound7.5a Understanding of alphabetic knowledge 7.5b Letter/sound correspondence beg. sound rec8.3 Early stages of drawing/writing convey meaning
Read-Aloud #1
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction)
Read Aloud #2
Choose an itemFirst ReadSecond ReadThird Read
Book Title:
Literature (fiction)
Informational Text (non-fiction)
Additional Activity & Strategy:
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus / Additional Activity & Strategy:
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus / Additional Activity & Strategy:
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus / Additional Activity & Strategy:
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus / Additional Activity & Strategy:
Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Small Group (450 Hours Only: if done during play, must be a choice)
Individual Instruction:
Note children on last page.
Small Group Tips / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy: / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy: / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy: / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy: / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy:
Phonological Awareness
Phonological Awareness
Rhyming Songs, Poems, Games
Blending/Segmenting / Skill: Choose an itemListeningRhyme & AlliterationSyllablesOnsets & RhymePhonemes
Activity & Strategy: / Skill: Choose an itemListeningRhyme & AlliterationSyllablesOnsets & RhymePhonemes
Activity & Strategy: / Skill: Choose an itemListeningRhyme & AlliterationSyllablesOnsets & RhymePhonemes
Activity & Strategy: / Skill: Choose an itemListeningRhyme & AlliterationSyllablesOnsets & RhymePhonemes
Activity & Strategy: / Skill: Choose an itemListeningRhyme & AlliterationSyllablesOnsets & RhymePhonemes
Activity & Strategy:
Plans for Meals
Developing Oral Language
Rhyme Alliteration
Outdoor Environments & Explorations / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy: / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy: / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy: / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy: / Essential Indicator: Choose an item1.1 Coordination and Strength1.2 Spatial Awareness (Balance)2.1a Fine Motor Tools2.1b Self-Help Fine Motor5.2 Follows Directions (Receptive Language)6.1 Conversational Ability (Expressive Language)7.2 Listening Comprehension7.3a Concepts of Print7.3b Print Meaning7.4a Rhyme7.4b Phonological Awareness7.5a Letter Naming7.5b Letter-Sound Relationships8.3 Writing9.1 One-to-one Correspondence9.3a Rote Counting9.3b Numerals10.1 Shape Recognition12.1 Sorting13.1 Creativity14.1 Investigations (Science/Senses)14.3 Predictions18.1 Self Control19.1 Cares for PossessionsChoose an item cont .. 20.1 Cooperative Play20.2 Social Problem Solving21.2 Guidance and Support24.2 Independence25.3 Role Plays27.1 Focus
Activity & Strategy:
Reading: Individual or Small Group Evidence
450 hr: groups of 2-4 children 1x/wk
900 hr: groups of 2-4 children 2x/wk / Students / Students / Students / Students / Students
Note: Confidential, not to be publicly posted.