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Contact: / Jocasta Lawton
Direct Tel: / 03000 269707
Fax: / 0191 383 4206
email: /

31 December 2012

Dear Town/Parish Clerk,

Registerable Interest Forms

I am pleased to advise that the Registerable Interests of your Members have now been published on Durham County Council’s website, in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. We have published all forms which you have supplied to us and as such it is my understanding that the information on our website is up to date and correct. Could I ask that you take time to access the website and check the information relating to your Council, and advise me at the earliest opportunity of any errors/changes of which you are aware. Furthermore, should there be any outstanding forms for any of your Members could I urge you to submit these to me as a matter of priority in order for our website to be updated accordingly.

To locate your Councils forms on the Durham County Council website please type in the following into your web browser, exactly as it appears below:

You will then be presented with a list of all those parish/town councils that have submitted their councillors register of interests.

Should you wish to place a link on your website to your Council’s entry on DurhamCounty Council’s website, please follow these instructions:

To link to your respective parish council entries you will need to click on the relevant council from the list

The relevant page should then open. You will then need to copy the address which is in the browser and incorporate this into your website.

It would be advisable to make the link more meaningful as it will initially look something like this:

To do this paste the link into Microsoft Word and press return. The link text will turn blue and be underlined.

Right click on the link

Select ‘edit hyperlink’ and change the wording in the box ‘text to display’. Delete whatever text is present and replace it with, for example, xxxx parish councillors register of interests

Press return or click OK

The link text will then change to what you have renamed it as. You can then copy this link and use it on your website, following the process you would normally use to add a link.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance and please remember to notify me immediately of any changes to your Members’ Registerable Interests.

Yours sincerely

Jocasta Lawton

Senior Committee Services Officer