Time to Teach!
Conference Order Form
Quantity Total Cost
Teach To’s Book
(retail $8995) CONFERENCE PRICE $4500 X _____ = $______
Encouragement Book
(retail $3495) CONFERENCE PRICE $2500 X _____ = $______
Encouragement Audiobook
(retail $8995) CONFERENCE PRICE $4500 X _____ = $______
Music CD
(retail $1995) CONFERENCE PRICE $1500 X _____ = $______
Time To Teach DVD
(retail $44995) CONFERENCE PRICE $9900 X _____ = $______
Shipping/Handling (10% of Total or $530 for up to 5 items) = $______
(Not applicable if you are taking purchases with you!)

TOTAL = $______

Easy Purchase Options!
► Payment by Credit Card Please PRINT all information!
□ Visa □ MasterCard □ Discover □ AMEX
Card Number ______
Expiration Date (mm/yy) _____/_____ CVC (3 digits on back of card) ______
Name as Shown on Card (Print!) ______
Billing Street Address ______
City/State/Zip ______
Phone (Used only if information is missing or incomplete) ( ) ______

Signature Please PRINT Your Name

► Payment by Check: Make checks payable to YOUR NAME.
► Payment by Cash: Accepted at conference, only! DO NOT mail cash!
Mail this order form within 7 days of conference to:


Questions? email / Time to Teach!
Conference Order Form
Quantity Total Cost
Teach To’s Book
(retail $8995) CONFERENCE PRICE $4500 X _____ = $______
Encouragement Book
(retail $3495) CONFERENCE PRICE $2500 X _____ = $______
Encouragement Audiobook
(retail $8995) CONFERENCE PRICE $4500 X _____ = $______
Music CD
(retail $1995) CONFERENCE PRICE $1500 X _____ = $______
Time To Teach DVD
(retail $44995) CONFERENCE PRICE $9900 X _____ = $______
Shipping/Handling (10% of Total or $530 for 1up to 5 items) = $______
(Not applicable if you are taking purchases with you!)

TOTAL = $______

Easy Purchase Options!
► Payment by Credit Card Please PRINT all information!
□ Visa □ MasterCard □ Discover □ AMEX
Card Number ______
Expiration Date (mm/yy) _____/_____ CVC (3 digits on back of card) ______
Name as Shown on Card (Print!) ______
Billing Street Address ______
City/State/Zip ______
Phone (Used only if information is missing or incomplete) ( ) ______

Signature Please PRINT Your Name

► Payment by Check: Make checks payable to YOUR NAME.
► Payment by Cash: Accepted at conference, only! DO NOT mail cash!
Mail this order form within 7 days of conference to:


Questions? email