Mill Cottage
01380 859723 (home) / 125 Westbrook
07771 900 825 (mob) / Bromham
/ Wiltshire
SN15 2EE


Personal Highlights 2014:

Top US wildlife film PBS 2013/14, and 10th highest show PBS 2013/14, Mating Game.

iMDb 13th best wildlife films ever made. Himalayas.

18,000 people standing ovation in Amsterdam’s Zigga Dome.

Working on an all-Chinese production.

Mark Fletcher’s great-grandfather was an African adventurer, eaten by a lion in Uganda. Mark, instead, was a child puppeteer, clocking up over a thousand live performances across the UK. Many animation films in super8 and 16mm were followed by working in TV commercials in school holidays. He studied Joint Hons. Zoology and Psychology at Bristol University. His chief interest still is animal cognition and behaviour.

Mark has been a wildlife film editor and writer for over 25 years, working with most of the leading wildlife filmmakers, as well as making his own films. Films he has produced, edited or written have won well over 20 Emmys, and many other awards. Early project with Hugo van Lawick, Howard Hall, and Alan Root, contrast with reality shows and performance pieces. Recent projects range from leading editor and writer for ITV 1 series, leading editor on a 5 part series for Terra Mater, and writer/editor for WNET/Nature.

Mark Fletcher is known for his BBC NHU output for television, for BBC 1 and 2 including writing for David Attenborough. Credited as producer, writer and editor he has made: Andes, the Dragon’s Back (2006), Penguins of Antarctic (2007), The Turtle’s Guide to the Pacific (2008) Bears of Top of the World (2008), Clever Monkeys (2009), Secret Leopard (2009), Bringing up Baby (2010), Himalayas (2010), Animal House (2011), The Mating Game (2013).

Himalayas is 13th on the iMDb top wildlife films ever ranking.


The Mating Game (AKA Love in the Animal Kingdom) was the 10th highest rated PBS show 2013/14, and the highest wildlife film

He writes and edits directly for the US market. Clever Monkeys (2009) was recognised in Jackson and Wildescreen for script and editing.

Mark has edited IMAX and 3D, and is known for theatrical releases and commercial ‘specials’: the BBC Africa Series 90 min movie version, One Life Imax versions, and Frozen Planet Concert, in 2012, including Hollywood Bowl with LA Philarmonic, as part of a worldwide concert series.

Recent editing includes Frozen Planet Christmas Special (2011) and Snow Babies - BBC 1 Christmas Special (2012). He reversion Planet Earth in Concert, and Blue Planet in Concert.

2013 Editor and writer Aussie Animal Island Series for ITV, and Brazil Series for NGTV.

2014 Brazil Series for Terra Mater. Edited.

2014 Beavers for WNET Written and edited

2014 Spawn of Jaws 2 for Discovery. Edited

2014 Snub-nosed Monkeys for Nature. Chinese production. Written and edited.

Mark is at heart an editor. He has given editing and writing master classes at Jackson Hole and Wildscreen, and a post-grad master class at the University of Exeter. He was a cinematography judge at Jackson Hole 2011, and editing judge for 2013. He has a cutting room in Wiltshire, but works anywhere.