December 9, 2011

Vallecito Room, Student Union

Fort Lewis College

Vol. 11-79

Call to Order

Chair Richard Ballantine convened the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College at 9:00 a.m.

Trustees Present:

Richard Ballantine, Chair; Heidi Baskfield; Peter Decker; Matt Wassam; Leonel Silva; John Wells,; Karen Wilde; Chuck Riggs, Faculty Representative; and Natalie Janes, Student Representative

Staff Present:

Dene Thomas, President; Barbara Morris, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs; Steve Schwartz, Deputy Treasurer & Vice President for Finance and Administration; Glenna Witt Sexton, Vice President for Student Affairs; Fred Kuhlwilm, Legal Counsel; Peggy Sharp, Deputy Secretary; and Mike Larson, Audio Consultant.


Coach Ogie Kennedy and several members of the soccer team were recognized for winning their third national championship in NCAA Division II soccer, as well as the RMAC Conference Championship and the Conference Shoot-Out Tournament.

David Hagen, Director of Operations for the Cycling Club, and three members of the Mountain Biking Team were recognized for wining their sixth Mountain Biking National title in a row.

Dr. Ryan Haaland, Associate Professor of Physics, was acknowledged for the prestigious grant received from the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program to build and equip a state-of-the-art astronomical observatory at a site yet to be determined. The Falcon Telescope Network Project will conduct observations of space debris. Dr. Haaland explained the purpose of this project and its importance.

John Wells, Vice Chair of the Board, expressed the Board’s appreciation to Richard Ballantine for his years of service on the Board and his terms as chair. He presented Chair Ballantine with the following resolution:




December, 2011

WHEREAS, Mr. Ballantine was appointed by Governor Bill Owens to serve on the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College in June, 2003 and served with distinction until December 31, 2011; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Ballantine served with dedication as Chair of the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College from February 13, 2009 through December 31, 2011; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Ballantine has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to ensuring that Fort Lewis College will continue to be an institution of high academic quality and even higher purpose; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Ballantine has a long-standing record of service to the local community in his role as a member of the Board of Directors for the First National Bank, a member of the Fort Lewis College Foundation, a member of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center and as a member of the Florida Water Conservancy District; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Ballantine has demonstrated a distinguished record of service to the State of Colorado as a member of the Colorado Forum and the Colorado Chapter of the Nature Conservancy;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College commends Mr. Richard G. Ballantine for his leadership and commitment and extends its gratitude for his outstanding contribution to Fort Lewis College and the State of Colorado.

John Wells, Vice Chair Dr. Dene Kay Thomas, President

Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College Fort Lewis College


Mr. Robert Abshire, a Fort Lewis College student, spoke on behalf of the Buffalo Council regarding the Hesperus Trust and issues and concerns related to that Trust and use of the Hesperus property, known as the Old Fort Lewis campus. He read highlights from a letter addressed to the College administration, the Board of Trustees, the State Land Board.

Ms. Ammoretta Pringle, a student at Fort Lewis College, also expressed her concerns regarding the points brought out by Mr. Abshire.


Leonel Silva moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with a second by Heidi Baskfield. Motion passed and the following Consent Agenda items were approved:

Approval of Minutes of September 29, 2011 Meeting of the Academic &

Student Affairs Committee

Approval of Minutes of September 29, 2011 Meeting of the Business

Affairs Committee

Approval of Minutes of September 29, 2011 Meeting of the Old Fort


Approval of Minutes of September 30, 2011 Regular Meeting of the

Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College

Approval of Minutes of November 8, 2011 Teleconference Meeting

of the Nominating Committee

Approval of Recommendation for Sabbatical Leaves 2012-13

Approval of Degree Candidates for Fall Trimester, 2011


Chair Ballantine called attention to the Board’s planning calendar and to the February 3, 2012 meeting in Denver. Deputy Secretary Sharp announced that the meeting will take place at the Department of Higher Education offices. The possibility of hosting a legislative reception was discussed. Trustee Baskfield has requested that we be allowed to use the Governor’s Carriage House for the reception. She will be the contact person and will notify the staff when permission to use this facility has been received.

Committee Reports

Academic & Student Affairs Committee

Richard Ballantine, committee chair, reported that the committee heard a summary from Provost Morris of the proposals from faculty requesting sabbaticals for 2012-13. The reports from faculty who had completed sabbaticals this year are contained the Board’s agenda. Dr. Carol Smith, Associate Vice President for Enrollment, gave a report on the enrollment projections for Winter, 2012 as well as a summary of the efforts being undertaken for recruitment for next fall.

Business Affairs Committee

Chair Leonel Silva called on Steve Schwartz to summarize the committee meeting. Mr. Schwartz stated that a presentation was made by Wayne Kjonaas, Physical Plant Director, on Performance Contracting Project. Representatives from Animas High School, a local charter school, met with the committee to express their desire to locate their facility on Fort Lewis College property. President Thomas and Mr. Schwartz will meet with them again to inform of the committee’s discussion. In addition, the committee voted to endorse the request to approve an agreement with Public Radio International for the benefit of the campus radio station, KDUR. The Board will take final action on this item under the Non-Consent Action Agenda.

Old Fort Sub-Committee

Heidi Baskfield, Chair, provided an update from the campus Old Fort Steering Committee. She reported that a web site is being created where minutes and notices pertaining to the Hesperus property will be posted.

Foundation Liaison

John Wells stated that the Foundation’s Centennial Scholarship Campaign has raised $800,000 toward their goal of $1 million. A major gifts staff person has been hired and this will give the Foundation an additional person to support their fund-raising efforts.

Heidi Baskfield proposed that the Trustees meet with the Foundation Board at a future date to have the opportunity to become better acquainted.

Nominating Committee

Peter Decker indicated that this ad-hoc committee met by teleconference in November and the following slate of officers for 2012 is being put forth:

Heidi Baskfield, Chair

John Wells, Vice Chair

Karen Wilde, Secretary/Treasurer

ACTION ITEM – NON-CONSENT: Election of 2012 Board Officers

Leonel Silva moved that the above slate of officers be approved for 2012. Matt Wassam seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

It was also suggested by this committee that the Board consider increasing the number of voting members from seven to nine, which would bring this Board to the size of the other governing boards in the state. Trustee Decker provided some of the reasoning for increasing the size and suggested that perhaps an out-of-state person be appointed. Discussion ensued relative to the risk of asking the legislature to change the statute in these challenging times. Trustee Wilde recommended that the Board continue to include one Native American trustee.

Fred Kuhlwilm will investigate the legality of having an out-of-state member of the Board and Steve Schwartz will prepare a fiscal note. This issue will be discussed again at the February meeting.

Standing Reports

Faculty Representative Report

Dr. Chuck Riggs reported that Professor Amy Wendland of the Art Department has been elected as his replacement on the Board at the end of his term. He also stated that he will replace Professor Jim Cross as president of the Faculty Senate next Fall.

Student Representative Report

Natalie Janes reported that this year’s Homecoming events were very successful and plans are already in motion for next year. She indicated that 2012 Homecoming will coincide with a Board meeting and she hopes Trustees can participate in the events. The process for approving student fees is underway and will be presented to the Board for approval at the February meeting. Elections for ASFLC were held and four new senators

were elected and two were re-elected. Heidi Baskfield suggested that ASFLC look into having a “day at the Legislature” – perhaps to coincide with the February Board meeting.

Fort Lewis College Foundation/Office of Development Report

Chair Ballantine referenced the written report contained in the agenda.


Action: Approval of the Public Radio International Network Affiliation Agreement for the Use and Benefit of the Campus Radio Station, KDUR

Steve Schwartz stated that all members of the Board were present at the Business Affairs Committee when a full discussion of this item had occurred and the Committee subsequently endorsed approving it for Board approval.

John Wells moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College find and determine that the Public Radio International Network Affiliation Agreement as presented serves the public purposes of the Fort Lewis College campus radio station, KDUR, to provide quality news and entertainment programming to the campus and surrounding communities and that the risks to the College associated with the indemnification and hold harmless provision of the Agreement are sufficiently limited and are outweighed by the benefits of the Agreement; that the Board, therefore, approve the Agreement; and that the President be authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Board. Peter Decker seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Action: Authorization to Proceed with the Performance Contract Project

Steve Schwartz stated that Wayne Kjonaas had made a presentation to the Business Affairs Committee giving the background and benefits of this process of implementing energy savings projects, such as replacing the obsolete, inefficient boilers in many buildings and residence halls. He further explained the financing of this project and that the College is asking for approval at this time to proceed with the project, and will come back to the Board in February for approval of the financing details.

Heidi Baskfield moved that the Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College authorize the College to proceed with the proposed Performance Contract project. John Wells seconded. Motion passed unanimously.



Report: Sabbatical Leaves Completed in Academic Year 2010-11

Summary reports from the nine faculty who completed their sabbaticals in 2010-11 are contained in the agenda. Full reports are required upon completion of their sabbaticals.

Report: Office of Sponsored Research and Federal Relations

Angie Rochat, Director of the Office of Sponsored Research and Federal Relations, summarized some of the highlights of her written report. $5.7 million in grant awards represent an increase of 36% from the prior year.

Ms. Rochat reported that the College resumed its tuition waiver legislative activities in the 112th Congress with the reintroduction of SB 484 and HR 3040. Efforts are proceeding to seek co-sponsors for both bills and we are requesting committee hearings.

President Thomas further elaborated on the progress being made in Washington, D.C. during her report.


·  Update on Native American Legislation

President Thomas reported that there is broad support from legislators for obtaining Federal support for the Native American tuition waiver. In order to avoid having the legislation termed an “earmark,” wording has been changed to omit the specific reference to Fort Lewis College and now makes reference to “non-tribal institutions” instead. She reviewed the visits made to legislators during her trip to Washington, D.C. and expressed her appreciation to Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who has been integrally involved and supportive of the College’s efforts.

·  CCHE December 2, 2011 Master Planning Meeting

President Thomas reported on the discussions held at the CCHE’s Master Planning session that she and Chair Ballantine attended. She distributed copies to the Trustees of the four preliminary State goals and summarized highlights of the discussion. The goals are:

  1. Increasing Degree Attainment
  2. Close attainment gaps
  3. Improve remedial outcomes
  4. Increase public funding

Chair Ballantine stated he found the discussions informative and hoped such meetings would continue to be held.

·  Draft of Strategic Plan Goals for Fort Lewis College, 2012-2016

President Thomas summarized the process the campus has been engaged in during the Fall, culminating in the day and half strategic planning session held in November with 51 stakeholders – faculty, students, administrators and community. As a result of the input gathered during the numerous listening sessions held with various constituencies on campus and the final planning session in November, the following six goals were set for 2012-2016:

  1. Increase student success
  2. Develop selected programs in areas of strength—ones with significant market demand and which will operate at a surplus within a reasonable time.
  3. Implement pedagogically appropriate technologies for the curriculum and the population that the courses are currently serving.
  4. Enhance the comprehensive undergraduate enrollment management plan.
  5. Continuously evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of all programs and services at Fort Lewis College
  6. Capitalize on Fort Lewis College’s location.

President Thomas indicated that the administration has begun to develop action items to connect to these goals. She requested that the Board endorse the six goals at this meeting. Peter Decker inquired as to how facilities fits into these goals – specifically with regard to better residence halls to allow more students to live on campus. Discussion ensued regarding the housing issues on campus and whether building additional housing (apartments) or remodeling the existing residence halls would indeed attract more students to live on campus. Affordability of campus housing is a critical issue. After further discussion, it was determined that the action items developed relative to the goals will be the key to quantifying where we are and where we want to go.

Leonel Silva moved that the Board endorse the six strategic goals set forth by the College. Heidi Baskfield seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.