
WorkSafe Health Surveillance


4,4’-methylene bis (2 chloroaniline)

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984; Regulation 5.24

Please complete all sections neatly. Incomplete forms will be returned.

A copy of laboratory report must be attached 

Return to :Occupational Physician, WorkSafe, Locked Bag 14, CLOISTERS SQUARE, PERTH WA 6850
Fax: 6251 2827 Tel: 1300 307 877 Email: /


Company/Organisation name:
Site address:
Site Tel: / Site Fax: / Contact Name:

2. LABOUR HIRE (if worker is employed through Agency)

Company/Organisation name:
Tel: / Fax: / Contact Name:

3.EMPLOYEE / WORKER() all relevant boxes

Last name: / Given names:
Date of birth / Male / Female
Job Title: / Tel (h): / Mob:

4. WORKING WITH MOCA () all relevant boxes

New to MOCA work Worked with MOCA since (mm/yyyy)
Not new to MOCA work With current employer since (mm/yyyy)
Immediate previous employer (MOCA work) for years
MOCA industry () all relevant boxes
Polyurethane production
Other (specify) :

5.WORK ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT () all relevant boxes

Wear gloves Yes No / Overalls/ Work Clothing Yes No
Respirator use Yes No / Laundering by employer Yes No
Process enclosed Yes No / Wash basins & showers Yes No
(hot & cold water)
Worker isolated from process Yes No / Smoking or Eating in workshop Yes No
Local exhaust ventilation Yes No / Dry sweeping Yes No
Shower & change into clean clothes at end of shift Yes No
Personal Hygiene
Smoker Ex- Smoker Non-Smoker Clean shaven Yes No

6.RISK ASSESSMENT (to be completed by the AMP) () all relevant boxes

Satisfactory Controls Yes No Not known
Satisfactory Personal Hygiene Yes No


Include previous two previous test results and attach copy of pathology laboratory results
Date / Urinary levels (µmol MOCA/ mol creatinine)
1. / // / Insert baseline or last known result in (1) and date
2. / // / Office use only:WISE ID:
3. / //
4. / //

8. ACTIONS(by Appointed Medical Practitioner) () all relevant boxes

Counselled Employee
Informed Employer to review and implement controls in workplace.

9. RECOMMENDATIONS(by Appointed Medical Practitioner) () all relevant boxes

Suitable for MOCA work
Repeat urineMOCA test and questionnaire in weeks / months
Removal from exposure MOCA work
Medical examination by Medical Practitioner on //
Fit to resume work with MOCA from//
Referral for further tests (Specify)
Referral to Medical Specialist (specify)

Appointed Medical Practitioner(responsible for supervising health surveillance)

Name: / Signature: Date: //
Tel: / Fax: / Contact Person:
Medical Practice

For information or assistance, contact:
Occupational Physician or Occupational Health Nurse, WorkSafe : 93278777

MOCA Health Surveillance – WorkSafe WA - Notification form A1647713 08/05/2014Page 1 of2