HELD ON 21stMar 2013

Present:Bruce Robinson (BR) Barry Finlay (BF) Colin Johnson (CJ) Brian Mackley (BM)Clare Philbrick (CP) Yvonne Henry (YH), Niall Graham (NG),Jason Riby (JR), James Henry (JH)

Apologies:Ian Martin (IM),Dave Rowe (DR), Karl Milford (KM),Gavin Sharp (GS),

The meeting was opened at 19.40

19/13 Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st Feb2013

Accepted as correct record (proposed BF, seconded BM)

20/13 Correspondence

New correspondence

a)Received advertisement for “Foghorn Requiem” on 22nd June - musical performance involving an armada of vessels positioned offshore, the Souter Lighthouse Foghorn and onshore musicians.

b)Offcom – validation notice to check license details, also council taxbill received

Brian to pass to JamesJH

c)Bruce received communication from Alan McGovan, setting us up Flagship Club in northeast – RYA prepared to help run training courses.

d)Several emails received enquiring about what the club can offer:

-David Mole - looking to join with their 6 yr old, not sailed before, want to get involved (found on internet), want to know if take on beginners, and if open to youngsters. Ian to reply. IM

Committee agreed be good to target these types of beginners, perhaps put more effort into running courses to attract new members.

-Someone with a fairly fisherman,sails and engine, about 8 metres long, wanted to moor it in South Shields – replied explaining we did not provide moorings/dinghy club so couldn’t help. CP

Committee agreed no

-Rob - searching for a space to store 12ft inflatable SIBwith access to the slipway, cant tow/store at home, want to store close to water,willing to use any space available, transom wheels fitted and can be moved around easilyby 1 person.prefer paying a yearly fee if possible. Replied saying not likely as sailing club. Committee agreed no CP

Niall received communication from Kielder sailing club – they no longer run courses for their instructors, enquiry about 1st aid courses, passed onto James.

Matters arising


a)Email (18/2/13) received from Alison Lomax, Community Engagement Officer, ORCA Your Seas. would like to offer us a free whale and dolphin talk this spring.

Talk confirmed for Wed 27th March, 7pm in bar.(Talk planned for 45 min - 1 hr, followed by time for questions, general chat and a chance to see the specimens from the museum.Needs SS projector, but they will bring laptop)Advertised to members via email, poster and website, CP

c)Email (26/1/13) received from Stephen Scullion requesting day skipper course. Replied explaining club does not offer this course.

Looking on RYA website has us down for more than we offer – can we update?

Clare to request update.DONECP

93/12 (a) Barry received letter from Keith Palmer, researcher of David Milliband, MP, saying he would write to minister querying on our behalf and let us know when had response.

Response back from David Milliband – our concerns have already been voiced by RYA, they are working with them. Still gives harbourmaster the authority.

84/12 b)Sport England grant - no further update on this – agreed to hold money until a response received. Barry received reply suggesting we can purchase harnesses.

Agreed to purchase 2 x harnesses, size large so can fit all (flexible)NG

Barry to reply to Sport England confirming spend on harnesses. BF


New membership Business

2 new members, Michael and Victoria Flemming.

Matters Arising

12/13 Further reminder membership due. Still membership fees coming in.

85/12 Three outstanding payments from last year Warren Shelton Jones (49er), Mark Campbell (Enterprise) and Stuart McLachlan (GP14). They were all written to when membership renewal notices were sent out. No response from any of them.

Agreed to write to members stating that if we do not hear back within 1 mth, then club will dispose of boats and sell to cover costs owed. Yvonne to send copy to these members. YH

Confirm time period after which should sell boats, committee propose go ahead with sale

Rule 13 of yearbook - if in arrears after 1st June, club may sell boat to offset expenses, then hold balance for 1 yr. Done BR



New Sailing Business

Sailing instructions to be updated – see A.O.B.

Matters Arising


a)Pre-season meeting (24th March) - Request to all flag officers to forward reports to Barry (standing in as secretary)to help writing of minutes, and keep meeting short!

(Agreed 5.4.1 start on Sundays.)

4/13 (b) ROTA

Another option was to give members opportunity for e.g. 2 week window to commit to chosen dates. Gavin offered Adobe Professional to use as web form.

Dave Rowe keen to work own option or DutyMan. IM

Proposal to send out contacts (email, phone numbers) to whole club, Yvonne to send out communication to confirm if any members object. Done YH

4/13 (c ) Bruce confirmed that a Race Officers course run by the RYA is confirmed for Wed night 7pm on 10th April, 17th April, at the club (before Wed night sailing season starts). Course open to university as well. Yvonne to advertise nearer time. Details 7-9.30pm, Steve Gibbons. Already on website and facebook (Ian).

69/10(b)Ramp Users Group.Did not meet in December. The next scheduled

meeting is February 2013.No meeting til further notice.

95/12 Key Dates

  • 9th MarRYA Regional conference and training day
  • 24thMarch.Pre-season meeting/ Final day of Spring Splash
  • 31st MarchStart of Season
  • 20/21st AprRYA(NE) sponsored Laser coaching
  • Same weekend as SI course (requires all RIBs functioning).
  • 27-28 April Monohull open – Europe travellers circuit will join
  • 18th MayNEYT series event
  • 18/19th MayRYA “Push the Boat out” weekend
  • 8-9 June Cat/Assym open

86/12 e)The RYA is proposing to hold an Ovington boat day, this has been

provisionally organised to be held at Sunderland Yacht Club. Dates TBC. No further response received. BR

95/12 (a) Proposed dates for South Shields open events.

  • 27-28 April Monohull open – Europe travellers circuit will join
  • 8-9 June Cat/Assym open

Committee questioned if there were sufficient boats to run fast handicap.

Propose to leave until nearer time depending on size of fast fleet.

Runswick Cats down coast are a possibility – Sophie has contact – she will pass on contact. Ian to forward flyer. IM

c) Ian /Jason met with Tynemouth committee representatives.

Present proposal to club at PreSeason meeting in March. IM

Ian to propose method to combine results fair for morning only/afternoon only and share in Feb committee meeting. (e.g. first 15 races).Done IM

Proposal – Pursuits as one series, Sprints as one series, on Tynemouth shared days, count 3 morning races as part of morning series (part 1, part 2), afternoon (one series for year).

Committee agreed.

Ian to share at pre-season meeting, together with particular trophies e.g. Youth, U14, U18.Also proposed to recognise with trophy anyone’s first win. IM

Propose to send reminder to members on Friday night of plan for racing. Ian to setup with list from Yvonne. Suggestion could add quick report, and even photos. Also to remind of duties. IM

100/12BR is working with Alan to run RYA day training session at SS.BR

Organised for 20-21st April laser coaching.NO FURTHER UPDATE.


Financial Position

Balances reported by the Treasurer :

  • Building Society £24,299
  • Current Account £16,165
  • Catering Account £2,386
  • Development Account £261
  • Cash at Bank £43,111

Treasurer’s summary

  • No issues
  • Drop in funds due to boiler payment

Committee propose to close Development Account and replace kitchen urn.

Colin seen modern version by same company - £300.Colin to follow up with more details, and get input from Margaret. CJ

b)Club sailing dinghies in recent years been insured by Scouts. Starting to use wayfairers for adult training, would be approx. Committee agreed to go ahead and arrange. BR

Matters arising

  • 96/12 Water bill has increased from £45 to £120 per month. Neil has discussed with Northumbria Water and confirmed the reduction for zone 1 is still in place. They have confirmed the amount we have been charged is correct (verbally) and in line with the agreement. Neil to investigate further.

Conclusion is rates going to £50, as well as rebate. Also Niall /James to confirm if fit “community user” category to drop to level 1 rates, and apply. DONE NG

24/13 Development and Training

New Development and Training

Matters Arising

43/12(a) New OD handbook has been produced that includes responsibilities for mark

laying and rescue boat requirements before, during and following racing. Requirements for radios have also been included plus the advice provided by AQHM during his talk on safe water operations.A check list has been provided listing the requirements for safety crews before and after sailing. The OD instruction book now needs to be updated and included in OOD Box. This is ongoing. To be ready for start of season IM/JR

88/12 (a)PB courses TBA. Dates to be agreed. Dave Rowe proposed 20th April.

SI coaching/laser on same day– needs all RIBs – need to find another date.


No further update. Update? CP to contact before next committee meeting.

(b)VHF user course be arranged. John Marshall to advise when. Propose Wed evening before Wed racing starts.

Propose to contact John and request course to be held Wed 20th March. Can’t do this date JR

Barry to ask Jamie if able to offer course. Jamie offered to run course – would be a weekend. 11-12th may, 18-19th may – Bruce to see if dates possible. BR

(c) Firstaidcourse – there was a request for a further course, in particular from university members. James is looking at possibility to run another later in the year. JH

97/12Committee agreed that communication to inform members that there is already the option to bring friends on a few occasions without charge. The plans for this year have already addressed several of these issues.

Yvonne to send note out with rota to inform members of option of bringing friends. To send with next communication to members. DONE YH

Emails to be sent out to younger members with surveymonkey to get feedback No update. . JR

Suggestion to hand out paper copy to children. Niall to contact Jason to get questions. Bruce/Niall to arrange. Bruce/Jason.

(b) JR/NG discussed that on Sat afternoons 12-5pm in Mar/Apr, JR/GS to do race coaching for developing sailors, and NG/BR to do RYA1,2 courses for ~6 people. Plan to run at same time to share rescue. Open to members, no charge but pay for logbook (£5). Now full. JR

Jason said needed more volunteers for coaching.

Colin offered every other Saturday – to arrange with Jason.JR

Suggest contact Kieran Alcock.

Training going well.

25/13 Social

No new social business.

Matters arising

98/12 Dinner Dance.

Suggestions for next year to increase formality – silver service, choice on menu. Balance of cost vs presentation. Possibility to look at other hotel options - Roker (?) Hotel, Marriot Hotel, Stadium of Light. Another suggestion was to have catering at the club.

Also looking for volunteers to organise.

Add to AOB for Pre Season Meeting, as well as very well deserved thanking Kami/Helen.

Barry investigating local hotel. Both Roker and Marriot Hotel offer packages to charities. Summarised what 5 local hotels offer.

Committee agreed to go for Marriott Hotel. Propose Sat 8th Feb 2014. Hope to arrange together with Kami. BF


New House Business

a)Leak from tractor – oil from back. JR/BR

Matters arising


Water boiler in kitchen is in a poor state. Suggest need to replacement despite tight budget. Propose bring options / quote to next committee meeting and discuss finances then. ALL

63/12(a) Kitchen extraction fan still not working. Needs good weather to fix. BR/CJ

81/12(a)Boilers installed.


(a)Jason commented safety boats 4,5,6 do not get used as they look tired/deflated. These need to be back in operation for April. Need to investigate option to get slow punctures fixed – would need to do this in January. BR/CJ to investigate Tues coming.

Aim to get repaired professionally, try Diving Centre next.BR/CJ

C1 gone to be repaired. C3,4,5,6,7 to go one at a time to get fixed. Lynch boats in Morpeth.

Advice to be added to OD and rescue instructions on level of pumping up. IM


Any Other Business


Anyone selling a Hobie 16? Propose to contact Simon Martin.

Matters Arising

18/13 a) University communicated that steering in grey rib did not work. Fixed. BR


c)Clare proposed various Yearbook updates

Talk to Dave about updating website if cancelled.IM

Committee agreed to move forward time to cancel races as follows: Sun: 14.30>13.00, Wed: 19.00>18.30. Need to communicate/coordinate with Tynemouth.

Update sailing instructions to 5.4.1 start sequence.

Clare/Ian to propose changes to sailing instructions to reflect what we do and share in upcoming committee meeting. DONE –draft to be reviewed with committee and sent back to Dave for updating on website. . CP

d)Committee members to sign January minutes in Feb committee meeting, to reaffirm trustee positions. Missing Jason, Karl, Dave CP

e)Request for all committee members to be photographed for website.CP

Done. Missing Yvonne, Dave Rowe


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.50pm

Date of next meeting Thursday18th Apr 2013, 7.30pm.

Clare Philbrick

Secretary, 21stMar2013