PEG Reading Writing Workshop

Mrs. Suzie F. Mandell

AMS Room 307

For questions: G&T Office 732-596-4206 (T-F)

IMS 732-602-8450 (M)



Peg 4

A note about Writer’s Notebooks: I grade Writer’s Notebooks once at the end of the marking period. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have every entry completed. You are responsible to complete 3 sides of paper in order to get an A. This notebook is worth two test grades. Do not worry about this writing being completed ideas or essays; your thoughts should be pouring out of your heads and onto the paper. These are not completed pieces. Most of all have fun with it! Try to keep your hand moving for the entire 15 minutes…

Friday, March 10, 2017

MP3 #18

Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

Most people are born with five senses-sight, hearing, touch, taste, and

smell. If you had to give up one sense for the rest of your life, which would you pick, and why?

Activity One:

Read Where the Red Fern Grows7-12

Activity Two:

RACE Pick 10 questions to answer!

Chapters 7-8

1. Why does Billy’s grandfather need a brace and a bit to catch the raccoon?

  1. According to Papa, why is Billy unable to catch the raccoons?
  2. Why does Billy desperately need a coonskin for his pups?
  3. Demonstrate how Billy finally trains his hounds.
  4. How did Billy prepare for his first hunt and why must he go at night?
  5. Why does Billy groan and close his eyes when he sees where the coon has been treed?
  6. Why is Billy so determined to cut down the tree?

Chapters 9-10

1.Why was Billy crying?

2. What plan of action does Grandpa suggest?

3. Why does Grandpa pick up Old Dan and place him in the buggy?

4. What does Grandpa think about young boys chopping down such large trees?

5. What fad or popular trend started back in the New England states?

6. Describe what happens when Billy is wrapping his hands to make a final attack on the tree.

7. At the conclusion of the chapter, what is it that Billy is firmly convinced of?

8. What were the New England States called or referred to and why?

9. What did Billy’s mother do with the first coon hide?

10. Which dog does Billy think is smarter and what has convinced him of this?

11. What happened to the price of coonskins?

12. Describe what happened to Old Dan and how Billy managed to rescue him.

13. Describe and discuss a pet that you have owned. What makes pets so special to people? If you do not or have not had a pet imagine having one? What types of animals make good pets and why?


  1. Why did Billy think that the hunting would be good at night?
  2. Why was Billy unable to see his dogs?
  3. What has happened to the dogs?
  4. Describe the scene in which Billy rescues his dogs.
  5. At the end of chapter 11, why does Billy keep checking the handle on his lantern?
  6. Conduct some quick research on hypothermia. Write down some facts about it.
  7. What is meant by the expression “shell corn?”
  8. Describe the Pritchard family in detail.

Monday, March 13, 2017


Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

Maya Angelou was the first woman to read at a presidential inauguration. At the inauguration of President Bill Clinton in 1993, she read from her poem “On the Pulse of Morning.” Below is an excerpt from the poem:

“history, despite its wrenching

Pain, Cannot be unlived, and if faced

With courage,

Need not be lived again.

Lift up your eyes upon

The day breaking for you.

Give birth again

To the dream.

Women, children, men…

Lift up your hearts.

Each new hour holds new chances”

What do you think this excerpt means? Do you consider the poem a suitable choice for an inauguration? Why or why not?

Activity One:

Reading Strategy-Questioning

Activity Two:

DD(1)EdenDD (2) C(1)SaniyaC(2) LL(1)SanjayLL(2)Avantika

S+TT+IL(1) S+TT+IL(2)ChrisINV(1)AryaINV(2)DiyaWW(1)


Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

Slang changed wildly from generation to generation, dating slang included. Kids of yore used to “get pinned-a guy would literally give a pin to a girl he was dating in order to show that they were an item. What bizarre euphemisms have you heard adults use to describe dating? List a few and then write about how you respond when you hear adults use them.

Activity One:

Finish Friday and Monday’s work!

Poetry Fun

Write a poetry style of choice on a favorite day of the week.

In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, a muse was a goddess who inspired poets. Some poems therefore begin with an “invocation to the muse,” in which the poet asks the muse for her help and inspiration. In this poem by Anne Killigrew, the poet describes her request to the muse:

O queen of verse, said I, if thou’lt inspire,

And warm my soul with thy poetic fire

No love of gold shall share with thee my heart,

Or yet ambition in my breast have part,

More rich, more noble I will ever hold

The Muse’s laurel, than a crown of gold.

The invocation to the muse can also be more specific, asking the muse for her help in telling a specific story. Write the beginning of a poem in which you ask a muse for inspiration or for help writing a poem about a certain subject.

Activity Two

Respond to your Blog posting!

Activity Three

Complete your Newsela article- identifying the who, what, where, when, why, and how?

Activity Three


Grammatical Guessing

Please fix the following sentences. Don’t worry about rewriting them,just fix the few words that need fixing.

1. After thinking it over carefully Verna decided she did’nt want either raspberry sauce or choclate sirup on her macaroni and cheese.

2. Because the sun was in my eyes I didn’t see the pothole in the road so I hit it with my front tire and flipped over my handle bars and then landed with my face firmly planted on the asphalt and I felt really stupid besides that my face hurt.


Mrs. Suzie. F. Mandell

AMS Room 307

For questions: G&T Office 732-596-4206 (W-F)

IMS 732-602-8450 (M-Tues.)





A note about Writer’s Notebooks: I grade Writer’s Notebooks once at the end of the marking period. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have every entry completed. You are responsible to complete 4 sides of paper in order to get an A. This notebook is worth two test grades. Do not worry about this writing being completed ideas or essays; your thoughts should be pouring out of your heads and onto the paper. These are not completed pieces. Most of all have fun with it!

Friday, March 10, 2017


Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in the world haven’t had the advantages you’ve had.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald

It’s easy-and often really fun-to criticize people we don’t know. Do you feel you’re fair to other people, especially those you don’t know very well or do you criticize too much? Write about your tendency to be critical or fair.

Activity One:

Create a GLOG devoted to Swallowing Stones!

Identify the main characters, the plot summary, an alternative ending, videos, images, and details about the book. What did you learn by reading this book? Rate it and recommend it. Would you do anything differently in the book if you were the author? Provide an advice column.

Monday, March 13, 2017


Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

Choose a famous historical figure you admire. This person could be a president, actor, athlete, scientist, author, activist, humanitarian, or anyone else you find interesting. Write a letter to this person, explaining why you admire his or her accomplishments and how he or she has affected your life.

Activity One:

Continue Friday’s work!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

MP3 #20

Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

When you’re a little kid, the professional world seems pretty appealing: firefighter, doctor, nurse, and astronaut are among the high-profile gigs you’re aware of. As you get older, you realize that the mere desire to be an NBA star or a famous painter doesn’t guarantee success. What was your ideal job when you were little? What do you imagine yourself doing now?

Writing Fun

Suppose your school has just adopted a dress code that is much stricter than the current dress code. Write a persuasive essay either supporting or opposing the new dress code. Support your assertions with facts, and take a calm, reasonable tone.

Activity One:

Complete your BLOG posting!

Activity Two:


Activity Three:


Grammatical Guessing

Please fix the following sentences. Don’t worry about rewriting the entire sentence, just fix the few words that need fixing.

1. After thinking it over carefully Verna decided she did’nt want either raspberry sauce or choclate sirup on her macaroni and cheese.

2. Because the sun was in my eyes I didn’t see the pothole in the road so I hit it with my front tire and flipped over my handle bars and then landed with my face firmly planted on the asphalt and I felt really stupid besides that my face hurt.