When writing a paper for the conference monograph, please, respect the following principles regarding the final appearance of the article. Just the papers observing the below described formal principles will be sent to reviewers to be evaluated. On the basis of the reviews, the organizers of the conference reserve the right not to publish an article in the monograph.
Please, send your contribution by 31st October in electronic form as an attachment to an e-mail to the following addresses: and . If you use special symbols, please, send the article not only as Word Document, but also in PDF format.

Before sending your contribution, please, mark the file with your surname.

We only accept the articles that have not been published yet.
Recommended length is 8 - 15 A4 pages including bibliography.
Save your contribution into the Word file with the font Times New Roman.

Please write your contribution according to the Word Template labeled EN_Template.
Please proceed as follows:
1. Open the Word document by clicking on the file EN_Template
2. This way, you will open a new document containing the desired formatting.
3. Write your contribution into the open file.
4. Once your contribution is completed, you can save it as a common Word file.

Structure of the Contribution:

See the File EN_Template.

after opening this document, you will see the desired structure of the contribution.

The Title of the Contribution

Times New Roman, size 14, bold, centered heading

Name and surname of the author

Font size 11, bold, centered heading, capitals

Max. ten lines, italics, font size 10, line spacing: Multiple 1.1, left alignment
in English

Text of the contribution
Line spacing: : Multiple 1.1
Font size: 11
Left and right alignment
Abbreviations: Use abbreviations as little as possible and only commonly known abbreviations.
Please, do not use page numbers.
Shorter quotations (max. 3 lines)
- Normal font (not italics), font size: 11
- In the text: highlight by quotation marks: “ … ”. Please, do not use other types of quotation marks.
- Please, mark quotes in quotations with single quotation marks: ´ … ´

Longer quotations (more than 3 lines):
- italics
- Font size 10, line spacing Multiple 1.1, indention 0.6 to the left and 0.4 to the right

- WITHOUT quotation marks;
- Separated from the rest of the text by space above and below 12 pt.
- Please, mark additions or changes in quotations with square brackets [...]
- In this case, mark quotes in quotations with common quotation marks: “ … “.
Direct quotations: Mark shorter quotations in the text as follows:
For example: Koberg notes that "xxxxxxxxx" (KOBERG 1994: 401). The year of publication and page number are given in the brackets after the author's name.
Indirect quotations: Shorter quotations in the text (cf. KOBERG 1994: 80-94)
If you quote several publications by the same author, please, mark them with the year of publication (e.g, cf. KOBERG 1994, KOBERG 2000, KOBERG 2006). If you quote several publications printed by the same author in the same year, please, order them alphabetically and mark them with the letters a, b, c, etc. behind the figure indicating the year of publication. (E.g. KOBERG 1994a: 40, KOBERG 1994b: 55)
Notes and translations of foreign quotations:
- Please, indicate them in the form of footnotes, NOT at the end of the text.
- Superscript, font size 9, Times New Roman
The other designations used in the text:
- Write titles of books, journals, periodicals, articles, etc. in italics.
- Please, use different fonts (bold, etc.) like highlighting means only in limited extent. Please, do not use italics for highlighting.
- Please, do not use automatic or manual hyphenation.
Times New Roman, size: 12, bold, left alignment (higher level)

Example: 1 Mühlberger´s Work

Times New Roman, size: 11, bold, left alignment (lower level)

Example: 1.1 Before 1945

Do not use other heading levels than listed above.

Using headings is not necessary.

Below your own text, please, insert alphabetically ordered list of quoted and used literature (or chronological list, in the case of several publications by the same author) in this form:
Font: Times New Roman, size 11, line spacing Multiple 1.1
If there are given several publications by the same author from the same year, mark them with letters (a, b, c, etc.) behind the year of publication. Order them alphabetically.
MAYER, Mathias (2011a): Der Philosoph Bertolt Brecht. München: Dtv-Verlag.
MAYER, Mathias (2011b): Musikgedichte. München: Dtv-Verlag.

SURNAME, Name: (year of publication): Title. Place of publication: Name of publisher

MOI, Toril (2009): Simone de Beauvoire. The Making of an Intellectual Woman. New York / Oxford: Oxford University Press.

JOHNSTON, Andrew James / HONEGGER, Thomas (eds.) (2007): Clerks, Wives and Historians. Essays on Medieval English Language and Literature. Bern: Peter Lang.

Articles in a magazine:
SURNAME, Name: (year of publication) Article title. In: Name of magazine Vol. XX, No. XX, pp. XX-XX.

TICHÝ, Pavel (1986): Indiscernibility of Identicals. In: Studia Logica vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 257-273.

Articles in an anthology or a collective monograph:
SURNAME, Name: (year of publication) Article title. In: Name of anthology. Edited by Name Surname. Place of publication: Publisher, pp. XX-XX.

KAPLAN, Dan (1973): Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice. In: Approaches to Natural Language: Proceedings of the 1970 Stanford Workshop on Grammar and Semantics. Edited by J. Hintikka, J. Moravcsik and P. Suppes. Boston / Dordrecht: Reidel, pp. 490-518.

Internet sources:

Using sources with a known author:

CHRIST, Ingeborg (1999): Zur Weiterentwicklung des bilingualen Lehrens und Lernens in deutscher Schule. In: Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht vol. 4, no. 2. [http:/] 21.08.2008

Using anonymous sources: [22.02.2007]

Personal data:
Please, enter the following information at the end of your manuscript (font size 10):

- Name and full title of the author (bold)
- Workplace
- E-mail
- Contact address