July 7, 2016

Present: Mayor, Rebecca Beld; Council members, Jayne Schneider, Beryl Ward, Chris McCoy, Ron Peron; City Clerk, Mary Lynn Neat; Attorney, Steve Emery; Lt. Cabrera; Tree Board Members, Susan Melcher, Lynn Smuskiewicz and Julio Campo. One resident attending was John Corso.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Beld, at 7:03 PM.


Chris made a motion to accept the June, 2016 minutes with corrections. Beryl seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved by the Council.


Lt. Cabrera reported that there were no incidences of crime in June. There were several garage break-ins on Hawthorne Ave., but an arrest has been made. He addressed a complaint of a speeding white Ford vehicle in the area. One arrest was made on Tyler Lane for a domestic situation. Beryl shared that a resident called this evening regarding a car break-in on Tyler Lane. Lt. Cabrera reported more parking issues than usual this month.

He is working on securing the police helicopter, the mounted police and the child id. equipment for the city picnic.


In Tom’s absence, Becky presented the Treasurer’s report as follows:

- Udar Services $124.00 Bookkeeping Services

- Udar Services $12.70 Bookkeeping Services

- Wayne’s Lawn Service $273.78 Grass Cutting

- NSAP $980.00 Police Service

- Howell & Emery $2,400.00 Annual Retainer Legal Services

- Foree Tree Service $100.00 Removal damaged limbs from Park

- Mark Queenan $300.00 Refund of Construction Bond

- Jeff. Co. PVA $1,948.73 PVA Assessment for Tax Rolls

- Tom Schlindwein $94.00 Postage for Tax Distribution

- Ron Peron $198.39 Newsletter

- Jayne Schneider $200.00 Moon Portable Restrooms Pymt.

Account Balances:

Bank Account Balances
Bank / Account / Date 7/7/2016
First Capital Bank of Ky. / General Checking / ###9566 / $34,657.58
First Capital Bank of Ky. / MRA Checking / ###0593 / $6,805.84
First Capital Bank of Ky. / Money Market Sav. / ###3277 / $162,899.24
First Capital Bank of Ky. / Bond Escrow Ckg. / ##0483 / $2,500.00
First Capital Bank of Ky. / CD- 29 mo / ##815 (Mat. 8/15/18) / $25,055.96
First Capital Bank of Ky. / CD-29 mo / ###858 (Mat. 10/9/18) / $61,348.66
Total Bank Account Balances / $293,267.28

Becky reviewed the disbursements and deposits with the Council.

A motion was made by Chris and seconded by Ron to pay the regular and special bills. The Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved by the Council.

A motion was made by Beryl and seconded by Chris to reimburse Jayne in the amount of $200.00 for the payment to Moon Portable Restrooms for the picnic. The motion was unanimously approved by the Council. Jayne did not vote.

A motion was made by Beryl and seconded by Jayne to reimburse Ron in the amount of $198.39 for the newsletter publication. The motion was unanimously approved by the Council. Ron did not vote.


Steve reviewed correspondence dated 6/22/2016 received by Tom from the CNA Insurance Company requesting a refund of taxes paid in 2015. Steve advised that research should be done to establish the validity of the request before making a refund. Becky agreed to check into the situation and gather information before next month’s meeting.

Steve reviewed Ordinance 4, Series 2016 and everything was in order.

A Tree Removal Permit was presented from Elaine Zoeller, 2668 Kings Highway, for the removal of a Crimson King Maple.

A Construction Permit Application was received from Robin Pawley, 2618 Taylorsville Road, for a replacement driveway. The pre and post sidewalk inspections were done prior to the city’s monthly meeting. The application fee and bond check was received. Steve reviewed the Construction Permit Application and found it to be in order.

A Construction Permit Application was received (verbally) from Paul Stratman, 2392 Sydney Avenue, for the remodeling of the basement. The paperwork for this project will be provided at the August meeting. Jayne pre-inspected the sidewalk and Beryl took photos of the same. The bond was paid by check and the application fee was paid by cash.

Joseph Wood, 2356 Winston Avenue, installed an asphalt driveway without submitting a Construction Permit Application. Becky reported that correspondence was sent to Mr. Wood regarding a newly damaged sidewalk square due to this construction and Mr. Wood agreed to pay the city $150 to replace the damaged concrete square.

The Council discussed three situations of vacant residences in disrepair. Steve explained the process for dealing with such problems. Beryl suggested sending correspondence to each owner and Steve instructed about the process including setting time limits, abatement plans and enforcement. The Council agreed to send correspondence to two of the owners and the third will receive more specified attention.

Becky received a complaint from a Strathmoor resident regarding the backyard decor (rusty windmill) of a Kingsley neighbor. Steve suggested this was a private neighbor situation. Tom Owen’s office responded that there was no violation of Louisville Metro ordinances.

The Council had a discussion regarding the Louisville Metro vacant house regulations and solicitation regulations. Steve elaborated about the same.


The Tree Board submitted one Tree Removal Permit Application from Elaine Zoeller for the removal of a Crimson King Maple. No replacement tree will be required.

Susan gave an update on trees in the park that possibly need to be replaced.

Susan conferred with Ron on the Tyler Lane tree canopy project. She provided Ron with a suggested tree list to present to residents.

The city will need to obtain the gator bags for the new tree plantings this fall. Susan will contact Josh White regarding the grant trees that will be coming.


A Construction Permit Application was received from Robin Pawley, 2618 Taylorsville Road, for the construction of a new driveway and sidewalk. The bond check and permit fee was received and the pre and post sidewalk inspections were done prior to the July city meeting.

Jayne reported on the Construction Permit Application received by her from Paul Stratman, 2396 Sydney Avenue, for the remodeling of his basement. The bond was paid by check and the permit fee was paid by cash. As noted above, the sidewalk inspection and photos have been done. The paperwork will be provided at the August meeting.

Becky reported that Joseph Wood, 2356 Winston Avenue, installed an asphalt driveway without submitting a Construction Permit Application. As explained above, the resident has agreed to pay the city $150.00 to replace one damaged sidewalk square.

A motion was made by Chris and seconded by Ron to approve the Construction Permit Applications of Paul Stratman, 2396 Sydney Avenue and Robin Pawley, 2618 Taylorsville Road. The motion was unanimously approved by the Council.

Becky advised the Council that she is waiting on a Construction Permit from the Huckleberrys, 2657 Kings Highway. The construction project has been done and no damage was done to the sidewalk, but they are sending the application with the permit fee.

Ron asked if he needed to secure a permit for MSD to repair the apron of his driveway. Steve explained that the liability for damage would be on the contractor in this situation.

Ron will check on the timing of the Louisville Water Co. repair work of the water main through Tyler Lane.

Ron presented the estimate by Rob Candler from Citizen Engineering for the proposed roundabout at the five-way intersection at Kings Highway and Gladstone Avenue. Ron explained the three parts of the estimate – the survey, $1180.00 (no boundaries or utilities included); the site construction drawings, $4,200.00 (incl. demolishing, site construction plan, grading plan, construction detail); and the project administration, $740.00. The total would be approximately $6,000 to produce stamped plans.

Ron explained the details of the process and answered questions from the Commissioners. Beryl suggested the Council get additional estimates. Steve explained the process of getting additional estimates. Becky asked if the Council wanted to get references from this company and/or get estimates from other companies. There was a brief discussion. Beryl reiterated that the goal of the project should be to slow the traffic flow. Ron will get references of other projects this company has done. Chris suggested getting another estimate. Ron will notify BTM to obtain another estimate.

Ron reported that he contacted Maria Koetter of Louisville Metro regarding possible funding available for city projects for beautifications, bike safety, etc.


Chris presented the second reading of Ordinance 4, Series 2016 that allows Becky to sign the Uniform Franchise Agreement that enables Google Fiber Optic Kentucky to enter into a 20-year provider agreement with Louisville Metro that would include all smaller class cities. This agreement could also include other providers in the future.

A motion was made by Chris and seconded by Jayne to approve Ordinance 4, Series 2016. The Ordinance was unanimously approved by the Council.

A motion was made by Chris and seconded by Jayne to contract with Brian Cobb, CPA for the odd year audit in 2017 at the same charge as the previous audit. The motion was unanimously approved by the Council.

Becky reported that MSD is installing drainage culverts on Gladstone Avenue to remedy flooding issues. The Council discussed other flooding issues in the area.

Ron will contact Kenny and Maureen Minogue regarding opening a case file with MSD for flooding on Gladstone Avenue and Kings Highway.

Ron updated the Council on the street paving project planned for the fall. He is waiting on a copy of the Flynn Contract with Louisville Metro. He explained the estimate details from Flynn Brothers with the total being approximately $91,096.00. Ron asked if the Council wanted to execute this contract or advertise a RFP. There was a discussion regarding the status of this contract. Becky will attempt to contact Mr. Flynn for a copy of the contract. There was also a brief discussion about residents having their driveway aprons redone at their expense when the city street paving is done.

Ron attempted to reach Mr. Bisig to obtain his schedule for the concrete work for the city. Becky explained that three squares will be done in addition to those in the budget, one for CJC Properties, Mr. Grim and Mr. Woods.

There was a brief discussion regarding the paving of Gladstone Avenue and the area of that street that is within Louisville Metro boundaries and the payment of the paving for that area.

Chris will send correspondence to residents asking them to remove any foliage in front of city signs in their area.

Becky asked if the commissioners wanted to restructure the solicitor ordinance. Chris explained that he had constructed an ordinance but that he had reservations about it.

Ron consulted Rob Candler regarding the height of speed humps and Mr. Candler said there were no regulations specifying height. Ron explained the proper signage requirements.

Becky suggested revising the welcome letter for new residents. Chris noted that Nan Schlindwein offered to be a part of a welcoming committee for the City. Chris will get back with Nan regarding this work.

Jayne brought to the Council’s attention the condition of the stop sign at the Speedway.


Beryl – Suggested getting a garbage can from Waste Management for the island by the Speedway. Chris will contact Tim McNally regarding this suggestion.

Jayne – Presented informational material from Paul Stratman explaining recycling guidelines and suggested using it at the city picnic. She gave an update of the picnic plans.

A motion was made by Chris and seconded by Ron to secure Moon Portables and Ballou’s Rental for picnic services. The motion was unanimously approved.

Jayne is working on securing the band and popcorn will be provided by Park Community Credit Union. She will need another person to do face painting. The Council discussed the menu items and drinks.

The Commissioners discussed the best way to advertise the picnic to Kingsley residents.

Chris – He needs two books of stamps for permit correspondence and other city business.

A motion was made by Ron and seconded by Jayne to approve up to $30.00 for postage for Chris. The motion was unanimously approved. Chris did not vote.

Ron – No Concerns.

Becky – She suggested a new mailing metering system the post office offers.

Mr. Corso had a question about whether a permit was necessary for the repair of his backyard fence.

There was a brief discussion about the Commissioner re-election process.


Jayne made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Chris seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved by the Council at 9:33 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lynn Neat

City Clerk

City of Kingsley