BLM: Interdisciplinary Learning Experience Planner

  1. Use BLM: Interdisciplinary Unit Overview to plot the units that you teach so that you can see connectionsamong the subject areas.
  2. Determine the concept for your interdisciplinary learning experience and write it in the centre section of the BLM.
3.Consider the outcomes that your students will achieve by engaging in your interdisciplinary learning experience.
4.Plan the assessment strategies that you will use to determine your students’ achievement of the outcomes.
5.Decide ona culminating task that your students will completewhileparticipating in your interdisciplinarylearning experience.
6.Consider what ICT skills your studentswill need to complete the culminating task successfully.
  1. List thelearning resources your students will require to engage in yourinterdisciplinarylearning experience. (e.g.: internet links, BLM, texts, CD ROM …)
  1. Determine how you will makeyour interdisciplinary learning experienceavailable toyour students and how you will give them access to the learning resources. (e.g.: a web page (Filamentality), a learning centre, handout, PPT presentation …)
  1. Think about the Activating strategies, Acquiring strategies, Applying strategies and Assessment strategies that you will use for your interdisciplinary learning experience. Use BLM: Learning Experience Template to write your plans.

BLM: Interdisciplinary Unit Overview

Learning Experience Title


Write a brief description of the learning experience.

English Language Arts
  • The outcomes cannot be posted online due to copyright restrictions however there are many online documents available as resources. Go to to see overviews of the grade 5-8 level.
  • Go to Manitoba Education and Youth’s Curriculum web site for an overview of the math strands
  • Check Manitoba Education and Youth’s online Science Database for a list of all the science outcomes.
Social Studies
  • The current curriculum overviews are available at
  • The new curriculum framework is available online at
Information Technology Literacy Skills and Competencies
  • Technology as a Foundation Skill document can be accessed online. Go to to see the continuum of skills and competencies.


-word processor, concept mapping software, graphics software, html editor, email (Style- Bullet2)


-List internet sites including the URL


-List suggested videos


-List approved text books used in this lesson


-List other print materials.



Teacher BLM



-List other materials needed for the learning experience. E.g.: sponge, can, …

Pre-lesson Set Up
  • Describe steps or tips the teacher needs to prepare or set up the learning experience.
Activating Strategies
  • Describe strategies used to activate students’ prior knowledge and interest in the topic.
  • Success For All Learners lists some ideas for Activating strategies (p 6.17)
Acquiring Strategies
  • Describe strategies students use to acquire new knowledge or skills.
  • Success For All Learners lists some ideas for Acquiring strategies (p 6.37)
Applying Strategies
  • Describe situations where students will apply the new knowledge.
  • Success For All Learners lists some ideas for Applying strategies (p 6.65)
  • Process - Assessment of students using observation over time. (Process Assessment focuses on the variety of strategies, thinking skills and processes that a student uses to complete a task. E.g.: inquiry process, data analysis process, and group work process.)
  • Product - Assessment of a final product. (Product Assessment focuses on the end product of a learning process. E.g.: web page, graph, database, and poster.)
  • PerformanceTask- Assessment of students while they are performing authentic and/or real world tasks. (Performance Assessment focuses on a task where students perform an authentic task and are assessed on their competency and efficiency in performing the task. E.g.: creating a web page, graphing data, and designing a database.)
  • Restricted and Open-Ended Responses - Allows for just one best answer or a limited set of acceptable answers. (Restricted and Open-Ended Response assessment focuses on classroom tests or quizzes. E.g.: multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, matching, short answer, essay, and problem solving.)
  • Describe the connection of the learning experience, or the product created in the learning experience, to the culminating task and final celebration.
  • Describe the overview of the learning centre connected to this lesson and direct the teacher to the learning centre BLM. (sample follows)
  • Use BLM-*: ______as a guide for students.

Learning Centre #__


Overview: Write a summarizing statement about the learning centre.

Resources to use:

  • List the resources needed to complete this learning centre


  • List the task instructions.

Collaborative Group Tips:

  • Suggest methods students might use to co-operate in a group setting.

What to do with the results of your group’s work:

  • Direct students as to what they should do with results of the group task. I.e.: put a BLM in their binder or publish a piece on the class web site.

Assessment Strategies:

  • Provide students with a rubric, checklist or comment about how they will be assessed for this learning center. You might observe cooperative group behaviours or assess a product.