Minneapolis Winter Storm Tournament

26th Annual

January 25-27, 2012

Parade Ice Garden

Minneapolis, MN


1. All games will be played under USA Hockey Rules as modified by MN Hockeywith additions and exceptions listed below.

2. All teams participating must be registered with USA Hockey or another International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) affiliate such as the Canadian Hockey Association (Hockey Canada). Participation is subject to approval by the Tournament Director.

3. Only USA Hockey registered referees will be used.

4. Credentials - Each team must present the following credentials package to the tournament Credentials Committee prior to participating in the tournament. Any team that does not have a properly completed credentials package will not be allowed to participate in the tournament.

Minnesota District Teams

  • Player Roster completely filled out including the signatures of all participants (players and team officials). This roster must be signed by an individual that is authorized to approve rosters.
  • A copy or photo copy of the IMR for each rostered player. Players registered and rostered via the Cyber Sport Registration System do not need IMR copies.
  • A copy or photo copy of the IMR for each rostered team official. Team officials registered and rostered via the Cyber Sport Registration System do not need IMR copies. Individuals listed as “Managers” on the Official Roster are not allowed on the bench.
  • An approval letter from the Minnesota District Registrar for any player that is playing in a younger age group than is implicit based on the player’s birthdate.

Winter Storm – Tournament Rules

(Credentials – cont’d)

Non-Minnesota District Teams

  • Player Roster completely filled out including the signatures of all participants (players and team officials). This roster must be signed by an individual that is authorized to approve rosters.
  • A copy or photo copy of the IMR for each rostered player. Players registered and rostered via the Cyber Sport Registration System do not need IMR copies.
  • A birth certificate issued by a governmental body (not a hospital certificate or a baptismal certificate) or passport for each rostered player.
  • A copy or photo copy of the IMR for each rostered team official. Team officials registered and rostered via the Cyber Sport Registration System do not need IMR copies. Individuals listed as “Managers” on the Official Roster are not allowed on the bench.

5. All players must wear HECC or CSA approved helmets and facemasks.

6. All Players including Goalkeepers are required to wear internal, coloredmouthpiece, which covers all remaining teeth of one jaw, customarily theupper.

7. Medical Attention - A Certified Athletic Trainer, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), paramedic or medical or osteopathic physician shall be retained by the sanctioned tournament and in attendance at all games. The retained medical personnel has the final say on whether an injured player can return to the game.

8. A maximum of Twenty (20) players, including goaltenders may be rostered and dressed by each team for each game. Home teams will wear light jerseys. Notmore than four (4) adults (coaches only) will be allowed in the player's boxduring games.

9. All 10U and 12U Games will consist of 3 – 12 minute stop time periods.The ice will be resurfaced before every game.

10. The Tournament will use the standard black puck.

11. Each team receives one one-minute time out per game to be used in regulation time only. There are no time outs allowed in overtime.All teams must beprepared to take the ice fifteen (15) minutes prior to the posted start time.

12. Running time begins in the third period when a team gains a five (5) – goaladvantage. The clock will revert to stop time if the five (5) - goal advantage is notmaintained.

Winter Storm – Tournament Rules

13. Tie Breaker for Round-robin standings (10U):

a. At the end of Pool Play, the overall standings shall be determined on the basis of two (2) points for a winone (1) for a tie. There is no overtime in pool-play games.

b. At the end of all pool play games, if two or more teams have an equal number of points, their position in thestandings will be determined by:

1. The results of games played in thefollowing order:1.The points acquired in these games (Head to Head Play)2. The greatest of goal differential of all games played in pool play (total goals scored minus total goals allowed). 3. Fewest goals allowed in all games played in pool play. 4. The Most goals scored of all games in Pool Play. 5. The fewest total penalty minutes of all games played in pool play. 6. Winner of coin flip receives the higher standing.

14. Bracket games (12U) and all Award-game Tie Breaker (games on Sunday):

a. If there is a tie at the end of regulation time there will be a one (1) minute rest period followed by a five (5) minute running time, three (3) onthree (3) sudden death overtime. If after the five (5) minute overtime period the game still remains tied there will be a shoot-out.

b. Shoot-out Rules: Players will begin from the red line. Only one shot allowed – no rebounds. If player loses control of the puck it will count as a shot on goal. The goalies will remain in the net as

they were at the end of the third period. The first group of five (5) players, determined by the coach at the end of overtime, will take alternate shots at the opponent’s goal, with the visitor being the first to shoot. If there is a goal difference after the first five (5) players from each team have taken a shot the team with the most goals will be the winner of the game. If there is still a tie after the first round of five players, then the shootout will revert to a “sudden victory” shoot out with the HOME team always shooting last. In “sudden victory” the visiting team wins by scoring a goal followed by the home team not scoring a goal. The home team wins by scoring a goal immediately following the visiting team not scoring a goal. A team must use all rostered players (except dressed backup goalie) once before any player can take a second shot. A player with time remaining on a penalty after the sudden death period is completed will not be allowed to participate in the shoot out.

15. Penalties:

a. Minor: 1.5 Minutes (90 seconds)

b. Major: 5 Minutes,

c. Misconduct: 10 Minutes

d. Game Misconduct: Game Plus 1 Additional game.

e. Fighting: Any player receiving a penalty for fighting will besuspended for the balance of the tournament.

f. Any player who receives more than 3 penalties will be out for thebalance of the game.

Winter Storm – Tournament Rules

(Penalties – Cont’d)

g. In the event of excessive penalties, (more than a combined total of15 penalties for both teams) the Tournament Director may at his solediscretion decide to change that game from stop time to running

time for the balance of the game.

16. Conduct

a. Any abusive language or conduct directed to the game or tournamentofficials by players, coaches, managers, parents or spectators, will not betolerated. There will be no protests: decisions by the tournament or gameofficials are final.

b. Racial or ethnic slurs and/or harassing conduct of any kind will not betolerated and will result in a Game Misconduct to offender.

c. Each team is responsible for the conduct of its spectators. Coachesshould advise their parents and other fans of the conduct rules.

d. If spectator conduct becomes so abusive, that in the referee(s) opinion, itis distracting the referee(s) may stop play and:

1. Ask the coach(es) to control their spectators.

2. Ask the coach(es) to request specified individuals to leave thearea.

3. Use of disruptive of artificial noise-makerswill be consideredabusive conduct.

4. Possession of a device that could be deemed detrimental to theplayers or to the conduct of the game, such as a laser pointer, willbe considered abusive conduct and reported to local Law


e. Failure of a coach to cooperate with a referee’s request within 2 minuteswill result in a match penalty for the coach and a warning from the referee thatafter an additional 2 minutes, without coach cooperation, the game maybe forfeited to the opposing team at the discretion of the Tournament Director..

f. Spectators standing by boards behind the goalkeeper are not allowed todeliberately distract the goalkeeper. The referee may request anyone inviolation of this rule to move or leave the arena. In an appropriate casethe Tournament Director may declare the game to be forfeited to the team of the

Goalkeeper being distracted.

17.Additional Consequences for abusive or inappropriate language orbehavior will be at the sole discretion of the Tournament Director and mayinclude player or coach ejection from the current game and or games forthe balance of the tournament or from the arena.