MARCH 2015


MARCH5, 2015




1.1Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Nadcap Management Council (NMC)Ad-hocMeeting was called to order at 11:15a.m., 05-Mar-2015. This meeting was requested during Tuesday’s NMC Standardization Committee and NMC Metrics Committee meetings in Berlin, Germany.

It was verified that only Subscriber NMC Voting Members were in attendance during this closed meeting of the NMC.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Nicolas / Barthelemy / Airbus Helicopters
* / Pascal / Blondet / Airbus
* / Richard / Blyth / Rolls-Royce / Vice Chairperson
* / Katie / Bradley / Lockheed Martin Corp.
* / David / Cianfrini / BAE Systems, Electronic Systems
* / Scott / Iby / Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS)
* / Jason / Jolly / Cessna Aircraft Company
* / Kevin / Knox / Rockwell Collins
* / Bob / Koukol / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Ralph / Kropp / MTU Aero Engines
* / Jeff / Lott / The Boeing Company / Chairperson
* / Scott / Maitland / Goodrich (UTAS)
* / Frank / Mariot / Triumph Group
* / Jean-Philippe / Mathevet / SAFRAN Group
* / Steve / McGinn / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Frank / McManus / Lockheed Martin Corp.
* / Marc / Montreuil / Héroux-Devtek
* / Alberto / Portal Macias / Airbus Defence & Space
* / Fabrizio / Quadrini / AgustaWestland
* / Mark / Rechtsteiner / GE Aviation
* / Brad / Richwine / Raytheon Co.
* / Victor / Schonberger / Israel Aerospace Industries

PRI Staff Present

Mark / Aubele
Scott / Klavon
Jim / Lewis
Kellie / O’Connor
Joe / Pinto

2.0Issues to consider

2.1During the Committee and NMC Steering Meetings held earlier in the week, the following issues were raised:

  • Continuing support of the Auditor Consistency process (NOP-012)
  • Problems with the Risk Mitigation process (NOP-011)
  • Audit Adequacy (NMC Action Item #26)
  • Spec requirement flow down
  • Gaming
  • Meltdown

It was suggested that perhaps a new Committee or Sub-Team under the NMC was required to work on the concerns.

2.2Brainstorming Activity

The goal of the brainstorming activity was to understand the scope of the new group in order to determine where it belongs in the NMC structure.

Following discussion, it was determined that the new group would have the following scope/charter: From initial auditor contact to audit submittal (auditor submitting the audit report into eAuditNet), including auditor training and consistency, as well as gaps in the audit checklists that are affecting auditor consistency.

2.3NMC Structure

It was determined that the new group did not have the permanence of a new NMC Committee, however it seemed to fit well into the scope of the existing Oversight Committee. Therefore, the NMC members recommended that this new Audit Effectiveness Sub-Team fall under the Oversight Committee in the NMC Organizational Chart. Mark Rechtsteiner volunteered as Chairperson, and Richard Blyth volunteered to be the Vice Chairperson.

2.4Risk Mitigation

During the Planning & Operations meeting, it was noted that the Task Groups are struggling with resources, participation and cycle time within the Risk Mitigation process. As Risk Mitigation was not covered in the scope of the new Audit Effectiveness Sub-Team, the NMC recommended that the Risk Mitigation Sub-Team, under the Standardization Committee, be re-engaged. Previously, there were only two members on the team, so it was also recommended that additional NMC participants volunteer for the team.

The following people volunteered to participate:

  • Scott Maitland (Chairperson)
  • Marc Montreuil (Vice Chairperson)
  • Victor Schonberger
  • Richard Blyth
  • Ralph Kropp
  • Scott Iby
  • Frank McManus
  • Bob Koukol

ACTION ITEM: Kellie O’Connor to send an email to the full NMC requesting volunteers for participation on the reformed Risk Mitigation Sub-Team. (Completed)

2.5Revised NMC Structure

The NMC Structure was revised to include the two new sub-teams. For more details, please see the attached slide.

ADJOURNMENT – 05-Mar-2015 – Meeting was adjourned at 1:00p.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Kellie O’Connor,