2017Focus on Reading Training - Macquarie Park

Applications are now open for schools who wish to participate in professional learning for New Focus on Reading – Phase 1 andNew Focus on Reading – Phase 2in the following principal networks: Blue Mountains, Dural, Eastern Creek, Gosford, Hawkesbury, Holroyd, Hornsby, Kuring-Gai, Nirimba, North Sydney, Parramatta, Penrith, The Hills, Warringah and Wyong.

Principals will be required to nominate a minimum of two teachers to be trained as School Based Trainers. Oncequalified, School Based Trainersdeliver training to teachers in their school. It is critical that potential trainers have demonstrated strong literacy and leadership skills, and are able to act as a guide and mentor to participants.The role of a School Based Trainer is central to the quality delivery and implementation of the initiative in the school.

School-Based Trainers (Phase 1 and Phase 2) will be required to:

  • participate in 4 daysof professional learning delivered by a Lead Trainer
  • engage in between-session tasks
  • work with their Lead Trainer during school visits to ensure successful implementation of Focus on Reading in their school
  • negotiate the structure for delivery and support for Focus on Reading with their school leadership team (including consideration of professional learning sessions, preparation time, resources and data collection)
  • deliver professional learning to relevant staff at school level (teacher participants).

New Focus on Reading Macquarie Park Implementation group is committed to adhering to the guidelines to ensure all participating teachers are accredited.

Comprehensive information regarding Focus on Reading can be found in the Focus on Reading guidelines by following this link: Focus on Reading Guidelines

For schools who are new to Focus on Reading, a Trainer will be available to meet with Principals and Executives to discuss expectations, procedures and protocols. Please identify your need for this in an email to:

  • Lisa Lewis, Curriculum Advisor, 4348 9111,
  • BekZadow, Principal (Rydalmere PS), (02) 9638 1568,


Costs to accessSchool Based Trainer training include:

  • a per-school levy, which covers the cost of the salaries of Lead Trainersto deliver trainingand provide in-school supportto School Based Trainers. Note: This amount is determined by the number of partcipating schools. It is anticipated that this cost will be approximately $3000.00.
  • a per-School Based Trainer partcicipantcost, which covers resources and catering. This cost is set at $400.00 per participant.

Note: All casual relief to attend training is at the cost of the school.

Additional costs include:

  • participant’s folder for teachers being trained at school level ($130.00 each)
  • relief for School Based Trainers to work with Lead Trainers, network with other Trainers, prepare for professional learning and provide in-school colleagial visits (suggested 4 days). Note: This is in addition to the 4 days releif to attend professional learning with the Lead Trainer.


If Focus on Reading is what your school needs in 2016, please complete the short application form at .

Please note that this is an application, not an expression of interest. If successful, participating schools are required to pay all associated costs for the names of the applicants listed (names may be changed or added, as a result of staffing changes).

Applications close Friday, 4 November 2016. Late applications will not be considered.

Program outline

New Focus on Reading 3–6 is a professional learning program for classroom teachers that focuses on the explicit teaching of reading. The program is aimed at supporting teachers to equip students with the strategies needed to meet the changing literacy demands as they move through the primary years of schooling.

The program focuses on the development of:

  • comprehension (Phase 1 Training)
  • vocabulary knowledge (Phase 2 Training)
  • fluent text reading (Phase 2 Training).

It is anticipated that implementation of Phase 1 training would require 12–18 months. Phase 2 training would involve a similar timeframe. Phase 1 training is a pre-requisite for Phase 2 training.


  • Lisa Lewis, Curriculum Advisor, 4348 9111,
  • Bek Zadow, Principal (Rydalmere PS), (02) 9638 1568,