Church Calendar of Planned Events!

(dates/times/events subject to change without notice)

o  Feb 17-18: More Than a Marriage Conference at Camp Maranatha (registration now closed).

o  Feb 18: 9am-5pm, School of David in FLC.

o  Feb 23: 6:45pm, Ladies’ Ministry Meeting at Casa de Sotos. See Wendy Morgan for details.

o  Feb 24-26: Bridge of Hope Marriage Retreat in Myrtle Beach, SC (register by Feb 10). Details in foyer.

o  Feb 26: 10:30am, Youth lead in worship and Youth Pastor Travis Burney speaks.

o  Mar 1: Ash Wednesday.

o  Mar 1-Apr 9: 40 Days Prayer & Fasting “Seeking God for Our City” in NC COGOP.

o  Mar 9: We serve Community Meal at Ward St. UMC.

o  Mar 12: Daylight Saving Time begins. Clocks ahead.

o  Mar 17-19: Revival with Eric & Lori Washburn. Fri/Sat at 7pm; Sun 10:30am & 6pm. Visit

o  Mar 18: 9am-5pm, School of David in FLC.

o  Mar 26: 10:30am, Youth lead in worship and Youth Pastor Travis Burney speaks.

o  Mar 26: 5pm, District Rally at T’ville (Parkside) COGOP.

o  Apr 6: 6:45pm, Ladies’ Ministry Meeting in FLC.

o  Apr 9: Palm Sunday.; Holy Communion served.

o  Apr 16: Easter Sunday (Choir Musical, “Awakening”; Pastor’s Easter Sermon)

o  Apr 23: 10:30am, Youth lead in worship and Youth Pastor Travis Burney speaks.

o  Apr 23: Leaders’ Mtg (5pm); Conference (6pm).

o  Apr 29: 9am-5pm, School of David in FLC.

o  Apr 30: 10:30am, Adam & Becca Reynolds minister in Word and song.

Church Directory Update

Please note the correction below in your directory:

Laws, Custer, Geraldine & Charlotte

336-475-1516 (home)

Current Sermon Series

We will review our five core values over the next several Sundays: Harvest; Equipping Leaders; Love; Prayer; and Stewardship. These are our H.E.L.P.S.!

Today’s Bible Life Lesson

Title: Equipping those Around Us.

Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-7

Thread: Our Core Values are “H.E.L.P.S.”

Tale: Apostle Paul challenges his protégé Timothy to develop other leaders to work in the kingdom of God.

Thesis: A leader must have a strong relationship with God; share his knowledge with reliable believers; and focus on developing in them these three key qualities of leadership: endurance, honesty, and servanthood.

Thot 1: The Deepening Relationship with the Lord (1).

a. The Foundation of His Grace is Vital for Us

b. The Flourishing in His Grace is Visible in Us

Thot 2: The Depositing Regularly into the Laity (2).

a. The Repository of Truth from Apostolic Leaders

b. The Responsibility to Train Apprenticed Learners

Thot 3: The Depictions Reflecting Leadership (3-7).

a. The Combatant who Endures Hardships

b. The Competitor who Endeavors Honestly

c. The Cultivator who Endows Helpfully

Transformation: I will seek out a faithful believer that I can mentor as an emerging leader for Jesus; who will guide others in the future to do the same.

February is Stewardship Emphasis Month

But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work (2 Corinthians 6-8).

From the treasure that God has entrusted to us, let us commit to worship Him and bless His church with our tithes (i.e., 10% of our income) and also give generously in all offerings. Thank you so much!

Church of God of Prophecy

Sunday, February 5th, 2017

Church Contact Info

Church Office: (336) 883-7953
Family Life Center: (336) 883-7180
Lead Pastor: Bishop Ben Duncan
(Pastor’s Cell): (336) 870-0640
(Pastor’s E-Mail):
(Call/text Pastor Ben’s cell or email him to submit a Ministry Message, a Prayer Request, or to schedule a pastoral visit).
Youth Pastor: Lay Minister Travis Burney
(Cell): (336) 906-4180

Address: 211 North Ward Avenue, High Point, NC 27262

Church website:

  • Ward Avenue Church of God of Prophecy – High Point

(To post church info/photos: on FB see Rose Barnes; on website see Allen Duke).

Inclement Weather Information

Watch TV station Fox 8 News (WGHP) for closings or delays.

The listing will appear as: Ward Avenue Church of God of Prophecy.

Church Van Transportation

On Sundays/Wednesdays, call or text Travis Burney at

336-906-4180. Local areas only; call 1 Hour+ before pick up.

Phone Tree/Email Messaging System

We now use an Email Messaging System. See the pastor to receive email messages and/or prayer requests from “HPWA COGOP Treemail”. Those using a phone will be placed into a “phone tree” to be called by someone and to call someone.


We welcome everyone to our fellowship. “First time” guest? Please complete the Guest Card in the “Welcome” folder you received from the greeter/usher and place it in the offering.

Weekly Schedule


9:15am: Choir Practice (when announced)

9:45am: Christian Education (Children, Youth, Adults)

10:30am: Worship in Song & Bible Life Lesson

10:30am: Children’s Church & Nursery (on First Level)

10:30am: Youth Church (in FLC on second Sundays)

6:00pm: Family Life Groups (or other announced activity)


7:00pm: Prayer Meeting


7:00pm: Bible Studies (Children, Youth, Adults)

7:45pm: Choir Practice


9am – 5pm: NC COGOP School of David (usually 3rd Saturday)

Serving Us This Week:

Moderator: Deacon Braxton Burney.

Speaker: Bishop Ben Duncan.

Nursery: Geraldine & Charlotte Laws.

Children’s Church: None. Children sit with parents.

Greeter(s): Janice & Paul Roper.

Usher: Paul Terrell.

A/V: Travis Burney, Allen & Deena Duke, Austin Poole.

Music & Singing: Susan Poole & Praise Team.

Food Pantry & Hospital Snacks

Each month, please help replenish our church food pantry and snacks for families in need and for our local hospital waiting rooms each month. Place nonperishable foods and single wrapped snacks in the respective bins in the foyer. See Deena or Minerva for details or assistance. Thank you.


Thank you for your faithful tithing and cheerful giving to our church! Your tax deductible gifts enable us to operate our ministries and meet our financial obligations. We are grateful for your ongoing and generous support!

February Offerings Schedule

Sunday, Feb 5: Lead Pastor Ben Duncan.

Sunday, Feb 12: Missions.

Sunday, Feb 19: Operating Expense.

Sunday, Feb 26: Youth Pastor Travis.

Wednesdays: Operating Expenses.

Financial Support Sought for Our Local Ministries

Please prayerfully and thoughtfully consider selecting one or more of the below listed very active specialized church ministries via supporting them monthly with your love offerings:

o  Children’s Ministries

o  Youth Ministries

o  Women’s Ministries

o  Seniors’ Ministries

o  Summer Mission Team

o  Benevolence

o  Community Meal

o  Music Ministry

January Financial Activity Snapshot

Beginning / Income / Expenses / Ending
$59,209.90 / $34,025.48 / (14,546.64) / $78,688.74

January Attendance Report

Week / Sunday AM
Jan 1 / 48
Jan 8 / Snow Day
Jan 15 / 64
Jan 22 / 61
Jan 29 / 70
Average / 61