Data Governance Committee (DGC) Meeting Notes

date 07_7_2016

Phone Conference: 10:30am

*Highlighted = attended

*Susan Maxwell
Clark College / *Carmen McKenzie
Business Affairs Commission (BAC)
*Terence Hsiao
Cascadia Community College / Linda Schoonmaker
Big Bend Community College
Human Resources & Management Commission (HRMC)
Holly Gorski
Pierce College / Marshall Sampson
Green River Community College
Information Technology Commission (ITC)
*Brandon Ray
Lower Columbia College / Eva Smith
Edmonds Community College
Instruction Commission (IC)
*Tom Nielsen
Bellevue College / *Tod Treat
Public Information Commission (PIC)
*Katie Rose
SBCTC / *Janelle Runyon
Research and Planning Commission (RPC)
Joe Duggan
Edmonds Community College / Hal Royaltey
Student Services Commission (WSSSC)
*Dave Paul
Skagit Valley / Alison Stevens
Everett Community College

Next Meeting:

August 4, 2016 at 10:30am

This meeting will be via WebX. As you sign in it may help others if you put your commission in parentheses so everyone knows which commission we represent. Once you enter your name and email you can enter your phone number and then you receive a phone call (instead of you having to dial in). If you are not at a computer there is a number to call in.

Meeting Notes:


·  Status of the Intent Coding Vote

·  Summer DGC activities? Do we take the summer off?

·  ctcLink Steering Committee involvement/interaction

·  Welcome to our new member for HRMC, Holly Gorski


Status of the Intent Coding Vote – this has passed unanimously. Carmen will work with IT Bellevue to update titles and get a document out. Will send to group for feedback first.

Summer DGC activities? Do we take the summer off? We have nothing on our agenda currently. We have one volunteer from Pierce to participate but we have no leads for the data classification work.

·  Get on calendar

ctcLink Steering Committee involvement/interaction. Meets monthly, has reps from each commission, SBCTC, Moran, Ciber. Only commission reps and one SBCTC are voting members. They have taken on a more active role for Wave 1.

Sandy Main – Change Advisory Board. They review items and send then to the steering committee if necessary for a decision.

How to gather system consensus for items that impact the entire system? Should requests go through a process of review, consensus, then forward information on to steering committee? How would we be timely?

Todd – need a connection between policy people and commissions. Get commissions more involved in discussions.

No one is opposed to DGC becoming involved. We are the only cross functional group in the system.

Should we remove ctcLink references in the charter – just focus on the enterprise system? Our charter indicates state or federal reporting data. How can we standardize coding in PS, even if not an actual state/federal reporting? Do we need to expand charter?

Would like to go to WACTC-Tech and give an update on what we have done and where we see some of our needs evolving, especially as we have been involved in ctcLink. How do we fit into overall system communication? Recommendations could come thru commissions or through data governance committee.

We will continue to meet this summer. Send emails if you have concerns and thoughts.

Welcome to our new member for HRMC, Holly Gorski. She is from Human Resources & Management Commission (HRMC) and works at Pierce College.

Data Governors to do:

No current assignments. We are still looking for someone to take the lead on the data classification project.

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