Lancashire CRN Membership Form


Lancashire CRN is an unincorporated, not-for-profit members’ organisation with membership open to those involved in community waste reduction, re‐use and recycling activities.

Membership is open to charitable organisations and social enterprises who may be established, start-ups or existing community organisations that wish to diversify into reuse, recycling, composting and waste management activities. Associate membership is open to the public sector and private companies also seeking to advance their organisations' objectives and individuals interested in the sector.

Please refer to page 6 for more information on the types of membership and fees. Fees are payable by bank transfer or by cheques made payable to ‘Lancashire CRN’ and sent to the address at the end of the page.

Organisation Details

Please provide the contact details for your organisation. The email address provided will be added to the Lancashire CRN members’ mailing list.

1. Name of organisation, or group
Main contact
Address (including Postcode) / Address of main contact (if different)
Email / Telephone / Website
Social Media (i.e Twitter address)
2. Description of your activities for your publicity tile on Lancashire CRN’s website (listed on‘Our Members’ tab – visit for ideas)

Organisation Status

Please tick any of the organisation types below which apply to your organisation and supply all requested information.

3. Organisation Type / Please tick / Please supply the following:
Industrial Provident Society (IPS) / Signed copy of Rules stating objectives
Company Limited by Guarantee / Signed copy of Memorandum of Association
Registered Charity / Trusts (please supply a copy of the Trust Deed)
Unincorporated Association (with Constitution) / Signed copy of the Constitution
Local Authority / Please provide in the box the website page link to information on your reduce, reuse and recycling activities
Other statutory organisation / Not applicable
Private limited company / Not applicable
Registered Company Number
Charity Number
IPS Registration Number

Organisation Partnership & Policy Information

4. Are you working in partnership on sustainable waste management with another organisation?
Yes / No
5. Please state partnership details here:
6. Description of aims and activities:
Please give a brief description of the aims and activities of your organisation: (the description may be included in the Lancashire CRN promotional material and/or Lancashire CRN website).
7. Area of operation: Please indicate the level at which your organisation operates, ticking as many as apply)
Local / Regional / National / International
8. Please briefly describe the areas that your organisation covers, using the names of the places (including the districts within Lancashire):

The following 3 sections (Organisation business activities, Materials recycled / collected / refurbished etc and staff list) are only for completion by full and associate Lancashire CRN members running community-based reduce, re-use and recycling projects. If these do not apply to your organisation please go to the remaining questions on page 5.

Organisation Business Activities

9. Please tick as many activities that apply to your organisation
Household kerbside scheme / Wood Recycling
Commercial / office collection / Scrapstore
Recycling banks / bring sites / Waste Auditing / Analysis /Consultancy
Civic Amenity Site Operation / Events recycling
Furniture / white goods refurbishment & re-use / Waste awareness / minimisation / education (including real nappies / home composting)
IT equipment / refurbishment & re-use / Support organisation (for reduce, reuse, recycle)
Composting / Waste exchange
Re>Paint Scheme / Other, please state

10. Materials Recycled / Collected / Refurbished etc

Material / Material
Batteries household / Play scrap
Batteries mobile phone / Polystyrene
Batteries vehicle / Spectacles
Compostable garden waste / Toys
Compostable kitchen waste / OIL
Compostable cardboard / Vegetable oil
Construction / demolition waste / PAINT
Furniture household / PAPER / CARD
Furniture office / commercial / Cardboard
Household appliances large / Paper commercial best white
Household appliances small / Paper domestic mixed
Household consumer equipment (TV’s, video players etc) / Newspapers / pamphlets
GLASS / Paper office white
Glass single colours / Paper office mixed
Glass mixed colours / Paper yellow pages / directories
Computers / Plastic milk bottles
Printers / Plastic drink bottles (water, pop etc)
Material / Material
Printer cartridges / Plastic household bottles (shampoo, cleaning products etc)
Telephone cards / Plastic dairy containers (margarine tubs, yoghurt pots etc)
Mobile phones / Plastic bottle tops
Mobile phone batteries / Plastic carrier bags
Mobile phone chargers / Other, please state
Fluorescent tubes / Clothes
Aluminium cans / Bedding
Steel cans / Other, please state
Aluminium foil / TOOLS
Aerosols / Tools electrical
Scrap metal ferrous / Tools hand
Scrap metal non ferrous / VEHICLES / BICYCLES
Books / Car fluids
Bric-a-brac / Car parts
Carpets / Tyres
Nappies / WOOD
Nursery equipment / Wood general
Plants / Wood pallets

11. Staff List

Type of employee / No. of full time / No. of part time
Paid staff
Volunteers registered unemployed
Other volunteers
Special needs
Accredited Trainees
Other placements
Trustees / Directors

Organisation Needs

12. What would you like from your network? (please tick all that apply)
Networking Opportunities / Brokerage support/outlets for materials
Peer support / Training Opportunities
Waste awareness/sector information / Project development support
Funding information / Tender / contract information
Interim management support / Support evidencing outcomes
Publicity/representation / Other, please specify
13. What would you like support for?
14. What training events would you like to attend?
15. What skills are you happy to share with other members?
Data Protection Statement:
The information given will be used by Lancashire CRN for the administration of the membership scheme and related services such as Lancashire CRN events and the Community Waste Solutions grant scheme. In addition to core membership communications, you will be added to our mailing list to receive selected mail-outs relevant to the sector.
Contact information and a description of your operation will be added to the website to publicise your activities. If you do not wish your details to be publicised please tick here:

Please keep a copy of this application for your records.

Membership fees

Please refer to Lancashire CRN’s membership flyer for 2013-14 for more information about membership benefits.

Please go to the relevant section below and TICK ONE box as applicable to your organisation. An invoice can be generated on request.

Existing members will be invoiced from 1st April 2013 to renew their membership.

Full Membership: Full membership is only available to community based not for profit & co-op groups actively involved in reduce, re-use, recycling and composting projects. These organisations are one of the following: Industrial and Provident Society, Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered Charity, Community Interest Company or Unincorporated Association (with a constitution).

Full Membership / Membership Fee
Voluntary staff only / No charge
At least 1 paid staff member / £30

Associate Membership: Associate membership is available to organisations/companies providing tangible benefits to full Lancashire CRN members. This includes central or regional statutory organisations, local governments and commercial organisations AND community based reduce, re-use and recycling projects run by statutory or local government departments.

Associate Membership / Membership Fee
Associate member / £50

Individual Membership: Individual membership is available to people who are not engaged directly with an eligible organisation, group or company but have a personal interest in the work of the Lancashire CRN.

Individual Membership / Membership Fee
Individual Member / £10

Payment: Fees are payable by bank transfer: sort code 08-92-99, account number 65144859. Alternatively cheques can be made payable to ‘Lancashire CRN’ and sent to the address below.

c/o Global Renewables Lancashire Operations Ltd, Environmental Education Centre,

Lancashire Waste Technology Park, Sustainability Way, Leyland PR26 6TB

01772 642885 | |


Twitter: @LancashireCRN | Facebook: