Surname: / Date of Birth:Title: / Mr / Ms / Mrs / Miss / Other / Full Forenames:
Home Address:
Post Code:
Telephone No: / Mobile Tel No:
Email address:
Surname: / Date of Birth:Title: / Mr / Ms / Mrs / Miss / Other / Full Forenames:
Home Address:
Post Code:
Telephone No: / Mobile Tel No:
Email address:
Badge Numbers of Applicants
(if licensed)
Has any applicant had an application to any Local Authority for the grant
or renewal of a Private Hire Operator/Driver or Hackney Carriage Driver licence
refused, or had a licence revoked or suspended? Yes No
(If YES, please give details)
Name of Local Authority / Date / Type of Licence / Decision & Reason for Decision
The following questions may not be applicable to ALL applicants but the first part of each question MUST be answered.
If you answer NO to Part 1 of this question please proceed to Part 2.
If you answer NO to Part 2 of this question please proceed to Page 4
PART 1Is the application being made in respect of a registered company? Yes No
If Yes please proceed to answer the following;
Has any director or secretary previously applied for any operator licence? Yes No
If Yes, please give details
Has there been any revocation or suspension of any operator licence previously held? Yes No
If Yes, please give details
Please provide details of any convictions recorded against the Director or Secretary of the company;
Name of Company / Trade of Business / Date / Court / Offence / Sentence
State below trade or business activities any such director or secretary has carried out in the past and now
Name / Description of trade/business activities / Period Carried on
From To / Position held
Are you or have you ever been a Director or Secretary of a Company? Yes No
If Yes please proceed to answer the following;
Has such company/companies previously applied for any operator licence? Yes No
If Yes, please give details
Has there been any revocation or suspension of any operator licence previously held
by such company/companies? Yes No
If Yes, please give details
Please provide details of any convictions recorded against the Company or Companies;
Name of Company / Trade of Business / Date / Court / Offence / Sentence
The Operator shall not cause or permit the business premises to be used by any other person(s) for any purpose other than that connected with the conduct or operation of the Private Hire business.
Name of Firm:(State exact wording to be used, this must appear on any vehicle stickers used)
Business Address:
Post Code: / Telephone No. (s)
(Land line only)
Fax No: / e-mail address:
The Council does not authorise the use of mobile phones for operator bookings. Bookings must be recorded at the premises on the land line
Planning Permission or a letter stating Planning Permission is not required for a particular business premises is to be submitted as part of the application. If planning permission is required then this must be obtained before a licence can be issued. If planning permission is not required a letter stating this must be provided from the planning department.
Please tick the applicable box;1. The business premises I wish to be licensed has Planning Permission in force
2. The business premises I wish to be licensed does not require Planning Permission
3. I have made an application to Planning and will submit the relevant details once received
Identification Signs – details must be provided of the wording and colours to be used on identification signs. If you do not require any identification signs please write ‘NONE REQUIRED’ in the space provided for wording. Each vehicle operating through your company must apply for individual sign approval for their vehicle.
FRONT OR REAR SCREEN identification signs - please give details of wording /colours below:Wording:
Colour of Lettering: / Colour of Background:
REAR PASSENGER DOORS OR MULTI SEATER VEHICLE REAR SIDE PANEL - please give details of wording / colours below:
Colour of Lettering: / Colour of Background:
All convictions which are ‘unspent’ under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 must be disclosed (this includes motoring offences). If you do not have any convictions please write ‘NONE’. (A copy of the Rehabilitation Period Table can be obtained from the Licensing Office (if required).
Name / D.O.B:Date / Offence / Court / Sentence
Are you aware of any ENQUIRIES OR INVESTIGATIONS of any kind or description (including motoring and/or Hackney Carriage/Private Hire) being made by the Police or any Local Authority?
Yes No
(If YES, please give full details) / ANY LOCAL AUTHORITY
Yes No
(If YES, please give full details)
Have you ever had any summons served on you for any offence(s) Yes No
which has NOT been heard at Court?
(If YES, please give details)
Date of Hearing / Alleged Offence
Name: / D.O.B:Date / Offence / Court / Sentence
Are you aware of any ENQUIRIES OR INVESTIGATIONS of any kind or description (including motoring and/or Hackney Carriage/Private Hire) being made by the Police or any Local Authority?
Yes No
(If YES, please give full details) / ANY LOCAL AUTHORITY
Yes No
(If YES, please give full details)
Have you ever had any summons served on you for any offence(s) Yes No
which has NOT been heard at Court?
(If YES, please give details)
Date of Hearing / Alleged Offence
Private Hire Operator Licence Fees
First Grant/Additional Premises5 Year / £1450
1 Year (special circumstance) / £317
Renewal/Additional Premises
5 Year / £1345
1 Year (special circumstance) / £296
Other Fees
Paper Licence (lost/stolen/replacement) / £5Administration fee (when licence refused/withdrawn) / £70
1. Application Process
2. Conditions (page 1)
3. Conditions (page 2)
4. Record of Bookings Example
5. Complaints / Fares Notice
6. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 Table
7. The Law
Application Process
An application for a Private Hire Operator Licence must be made to the Licensing Office. Applicants are advised that the following additional information must be provided with the application form;
1. A Basic Criminal Record Disclosure is required from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) every 3 years if the applicant is NOT a licensed Wakefield Council Private Hire or Hackney Carriage driver. The certificate can be no more than 1 month old at the date of application.
Contact Details ; Tel: 03000 200 190
Web: www.homeoffice.gov.uk/dbs
2. Right to Work in the UK
The Immigration Act 2016 came into force on 1st December 2016. The Council is required to check all applicants’ proof of right to work on first application for a private hire operator licence or on application to renew your current private hire operator licence after 1st December 2016. Please see attached guidance for more information and a list of acceptable documents.
3. List of Driver and Vehicles operating through the company – this information must include;
Driver name and badge number
Vehicle registration number and plate number
4. Planning Permission or letter stating Planning Permission not required. If planning permission is required then this must be obtained before a licence can be issued. If planning permission is not required a letter stating this must be provided from the planning department.
Contact Details
Planning, Wakefield One, PO Box 700, Burton Street
Telephone No. 0345 8 506 506 e-mail:
5. A Licensing Enforcement Officer will contact you to inspect the premises for which you have applied.
If you would like to contact a Licensing Enforcement Officer their contact telephone numbers are; (01924) 302933 / 302934 / 302909
(a) The Operator licence is not transferable and the person to whom it is issued must display it in a prominent position at the business premises recorded on the licence at all times during the currency of the licence, so as to be on view to members of the public, except on such occasions as the licence is presented to the Licensing Authority for amendment or if it is required to be produced for inspection by an Authorised Officer of the Council or a Police Officer.
(b) A separate licence will be issued in respect of each approved secondary booking office, if any.
(c) Application must be made in writing in relation to any intended change of business premises and approval obtained before being so used.
(d) The Operator shall prior to any change in partnership, directorship, ownership, management or control of the business, notify the Council in writing of such change within 7 days.
(e) Any applicant not currently licensed by the Council as an Operator or driver shall submit to the Council a Basic Criminal Records Disclosure as to unspent convictions. Such Disclosure to be no more than 1 month old at the time of submission.
(f) The Operator must notify the Council in writing within 7 days of any other material change affecting the licence during its validity.
(a) The Operator shall only conduct business from the Office at the address specified on the Licence. Any Operator wishing to conduct business from any additional address(es) (ie secondary booking offices) must make application in writing to the Council’s Licensing Office, and await approval from the Licensing Office before making use of any additional premises, in addition to any other consents required. The Council reserves the right for an Authorised Officer to inspect all such premises for suitability and compliance with the requirements of these Conditions.
(b) The Operator shall not cause or permit the business premises to be used by any other person(s) for any other purpose than that connected with the conduct or operation of the private hire business. (An application which involves the use of facilities on premises licensed for the sale or supply of alcohol will not be deemed acceptable).
(c) The Operator shall not conduct his business, nor employ or utilise any person to conduct his business in any premises, the use of which have not been approved by the Council, nor in the doorway to any premises or in any street, road or other place in the ‘open air’ or in any vehicle or mobile structure.
(d) Every applicant for an Operator licence shall obtain all necessary planning consents and any other permissions necessary in relation to the intended business premises and shall produce such on demand to the Council’s Licensing Office or any Authorised Officer of the Council.
(e) The Operator shall provide at the business premises an area to which the public have access for the purpose of making a booking for the services of a licensed Private Hire Vehicle, and for the purpose of awaiting the arrival of such vehicle subsequent to any booking.
(f) The business premises shall be kept clean, be adequately lit, heated and ventilated and shall conform to any other relevant legal requirements including the requirement that no smoking be allowed on the premises under the requirements of the Health Act 2006.
(a) The Operator shall keep a true and proper record of every booking of a Private Hire Vehicle invited or accepted by him/her. The loss of records by theft or otherwise shall be reported to the Council in writing within 24 hours, and also immediately to the police in the event of theft being suspected. Separate records must be kept at each premise from which the Operator conducts business.
The records must be kept at all times at the business premises and not removed.
All such records shall be in English, indelible, legible, and preserved for a period of not less than 12 months following the date of the last entry.
Records shall be kept in one of the following forms :-
i a bound book with consecutively numbered pages (loose leaf registers are not acceptable) .or,
ii on continuous stationery which has been generated in the form of instantaneous print out by a computerised recording system. Any computerised system which does not produce a hard copy print-out on continuous stationery immediately each booking has been recorded is not acceptable. The Operator must ensure that adequate supplies of continuous stationery and ink cartridges are maintained and that the printer is appropriately replenished to ensure that at all times full and legible booking details are printed. or
iii a computerised recording system which automatically generates a permanent entry onto a recordable CD or DVD at the same time the booking is entered onto the system. Satisfactory certification from the program supplier/installer shall be produced to the Council before using any such system for the recording of bookings required by law to be maintained. Such certification shall confirm that the system automatically records entries directly onto a removable CD or DVD in addition to any Hard Drive; that the system is secure in that data stored or recorded is tamper-proof; and, once inputted cannot be altered, amended, deleted or added to in any way. Any change to the recording system shall only be by way of prior written agreement from the Council.
iv The removable CD/DVD shall be changed on the first day of every month and kept in a secure place at the premises for production on demand by the Police or an Authorised Officer.
(b) In respect of whichever system is used the Operator shall, at the time the booking is taken, enter therein:-
i the date and time the booking was received, any subsequent cancellation, and the signature (or in the case of a computer system, the identity) of the person taking the booking;
ii the name and address of the hirer;
iii the time of the journey, together with the journey date if different from the booking date; the address or name of the premises from which it is to commence (ie the point of pick up of the passenger(s)) and the address or place of destination;