Educational - Inspiring - Empowering

RE: Youth Workshops for Schoolsand Conferences

Tatanka Workshops provides a choice of various topics.

We encourage youth to achieve their individual potential. Topics include the following.

Drug/Alcohol Abuse Prevention (Fentanyl, Crystal Meth, Marijuana, Crack Cocaine and others)

Bullying Awareness Leadership Development Life & Career Goals

Suicide PreventionGrieving & Loss & ResilienceHIV/AIDS and STIs

Tatanka Workshops tour to First Nation, Metis, and Inuit to communities across Canada. Weprovide motivating and educational prevention workshops to students of all ages and for community events.

Our purpose is to influence positive change and decision-making as youth are inspired to achieve their individual potential while discovering new insights and possibilities.

The use of storytelling, video projection, music, and humour are used to address making healthy choices with regards to high-risk behaviour and life-style choices. The workshops bring hope, healing and empowerment to individuals and communities.

Our main presenter is award winning First Nation author and motivational speaker, Victor Lethbridge. Victor has a proven track record with nearly 20 years of presentation experience.

Victor’s multimedia approach and interactive skits act as a catalyst to engage his audience and addresses a variety of topics which pertain to today’s youth. Workshops are age appropriate and customized to each community’s needs. Up to a selection of three topics can be used within any given workshop.

Tatanka Workshops believes in ‘Community Based Initiatives’ by working in conjunction with the community members in specific programs including film making, book writing, jerky making, and other cultural programs.

Victor is a member of Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation. He focuses his time and energy working with Aboriginal youth presenting his dynamic and motivation workshops.

Let me know if you desire a specific price quote for your community. What a great way to encourage and challenge your youth for a stronger future.

Sincerely, Dorothy Lethbridge, Schedule Coordinator 403-964-2000

“Victor was ideal for what we needed for our NAAW event. His blend of humour and strong teachable

moments hit the mark with our youth and community members.” -ES SK.


RE: Books with Aboriginal Content and Word Translations

In 2017 Victor had the pleasure of consulting for emerging author Becky Wigemyr and aboriginal illustrator Dane Larocque in the development of the children’s book, Cowboy Cody.

About the Book:

Cody desperately wants to be a cowboy but there is just one problem. Cody lives in the city! Ride along with Cody as he discovers that with grit and determination our wildest and woolliest dreams can come true.

Victor says:

“This is absolutely a fabulous book and a fabulous message. I’m looking forward to using this book in some of my workshops and to see it rewarded with many awards.”