Proposal for Publication in Transportation Research Procedia

Transportation Research Procedia welcomes proposals for publishing conference proceedings in the field of Transportation as defined in the aims and scope available at (site not available yet). In order to properly evaluate your proposal we would like to ask you for some further information.

Your proposal will be evaluated based on suitability of scope and quality criteria, including the assurance that all papers are original, will be subject to peer review before acceptance and have not been/will not be published elsewhere. Once a decision is made, we’ll inform you as soon as possible.

Conference details

Name: ______

Short name: ______

Date: ______

Venue: ______

Conference website (URL): ______

If the website is not available now, an announcement on the conference is appreciated, in addition to further details such as discussion topics, a list of the invited speakers, and the conference program.

Conference Organiser/ Association: ______

Conference Chair: ______

Conference Committee members: ______

Expected number of participants: ______
% from Domestic: ______
% from Overseas: ______

Has the conference been run previously and if so how many times? Can you provide details/URL of the previous conference(s)?


Procedia details

Guest editor(s) name/affiliation/email:




Number of papers: ______

Number of pages per paper: ______

Number of expected total pages: ______

Desired publication date of the proceedings: ______

Additional Information

Have you been a guest editor for conference proceedings before? If yes please specify which proceedings ______

Have you been a reviewer for journal articles? If yes please specify which journals______

Are you familiar with Elsevier Policies relevant to peer review? (Link to the policies


Any other comment: ______

Review process

Please outline briefly the review process that the scientific committee/conference reviewers will conduct on conference submissions (i.e. grading system)




Please provide the names and email addresses of at least 3 other people aside from the aforementioned guest editor who can be contacted by Elsevier to verify the review process




You will be required to ensure that the Procedia are of a high professional level and consistent with the standards set by the Publisher. On behalf of the Publisher, the Advisory Editor of Transportation Research Procedia shall carry out a quality check of accepted papers to decide if content meets the standard of publication.

Contact person details:

Name: ______

Affiliation/Address: ______

Telephone: ______

E-mail: ______

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