Environmental Commission Minutes March 12, 2009

Call to Order: Rayna Laiosa, Robert Maggio, Patricia Hutzelman, Stacey Fiorina, Carmen Ruta, Rosanne Zagatta, Stacey Fiorina

Guest: Mary Mahon, George Cortesi, Meaghan Tuohey-Kay

I.  Attendance and Acceptance of Minutes –February 2009

Motion by Robert Maggio, Second by Patricia Hutzelman

II.  Water Report Update – January 2009 - Reviewed and discussed. All water results are fine, below NJDEP water quality standards.

III.  Update on Green Idea Subcommittee Meeting February 16, 2009

a.  Farmer’s Market Update – Meaghan Tuohey-Kay is leading the initiative of the Hawthorne’s Farmer’s Market on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce. The committee meets every Monday to discuss the implementation of the Farmer’s Market. Meaghan has contacted the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Passaic County Agriculture, and Hackensack’s Farmer Market to gather information on the development and implementation of a Farmer’s Market. At the weekly meetings held in Meaghan’s office the following items are being discussed: the number of vendors such as pickle, fruits, vegetables, bakery, cheese, and dairy, the location of the market (behind the Hawthorne Library, the street would need to be closed for the market pending town approval), timeline of the market (Late June to Late September), and the day of the week for the market (more than likely a weekday instead of weekend day due to the vendors are booked with other towns).

i.  Meaghan requested to participate at Cel-Earth-Bration to have a table announcing the Farmer’s Market and logo contest. The Environmental Commission fully supports the Farmer’s Market and would love to have the Chamber of Commerce participate at Cel-Earth-Bration.

b.  Sustainability Certification – Website Live February 26, 2009

c.  Wal-Mart Grants Deadline – May 7, 2009 – The program will award ten (10) $10,000 grants and four (4) $25,000 grants. Rayna will participate at the ANJEC webcast on March 18, 2009 to discuss the Sustainable New Jersey Certification program.

d.  Next Green Idea Meeting Monday March 16, 2009 at 7:30 pm City Creamery

IV.  ANJEC Workshops

a.  Green by Design – Laying the groundwork for sustainable development Monday March 30, 2009 7 pm to 9:30 pm – Commissioners are welcome to attend the workshop.

V.  17th Annual Cel-Earth-Bration – April 4, 2009 “Think Clean Get Green” - Status Update

  1. Teachers Representing the 5 schools - Confirmed
  2. Publicity - Press Releases, Billboards, Posters for Advertisement - Confirmed
  3. Prizes – Recycling Contest and Games – In progress
  4. Vendors -
  5. Tattoos, sponges - Confirmed
  6. Face Painting - Confirmed
  7. Games and Recycling Craft Workshop (Sharon Fisher and Debbie Torres) - Confirmed
  8. Raffles – Lincoln Middle School Ecology Club, Hawthorne Recycling Coordinator - Confirmed
  9. Signs/Arrows for directing people to classrooms - Confirmed
  10. Poster Display - Schedule of Workshop/Activities - Confirmed
  11. Refreshments – Hawthorne HS Ecology Club (dirt cake & toxic punch) Confirmed
  12. Pizza – Puzo - Confirmed
  13. T-Shirts - Confirmed

VI.  Report from Planning Board - No updated at this time.

VII.  Updates on Issues and Commissioners Concerns, Next Steps – None

VIII.  Next Meeting Thursday April 2, 2009