Supplemental files

Supplemental Table 1: Characteristics of mothers and children in the Ifakara cohort

Group / Status / n / %
Early maternal deaths
Maternal death within 42 days
n=57 / Index children
n= 64 / Deceased / 32 / 50.00
Survived / 12 / 18.75
Out-migrated / 20 / 31.25
Non-index children
n= 24 / Deceased / 3 / 12.50
Survived / 10 / 41.67
Out-migrated / 11 / 45.83
Non-maternal deaths
n= 411 / Children
n= 546 / Deceased / 178 / 32.60
Survived / 159 / 29.12
Out-migrated / 209 / 28.28
Surviving women
n= 27,074 / Children
n= 42,316 / Deceased / 3440 / 8.13
Survived / 26463 / 62.54
Out-migrated / 12413 / 29.33
Late maternal deaths
Maternal death within 365 days
n=114 / Index children
n= 124 / Deceased / 56 / 45.16
Survived / 31 / 25.00
Out-migrated / 37 / 29.84
Non-index children
n= 56 / Deceased / 14 / 25.00
Survived / 21 / 37.50
Out-migrated / 21 / 37.50
Non-maternal deaths
n= 377 / Children
n= 486 / Deceased / 154 / 31.69
Survived / 140 / 28.81
Out-migrated / 192 / 39.51
Surviving women
n= 27,103 / Children
n= 42,313 / Deceased / 3440 / 8.13
Survived / 26461 / 62.54
Out-migrated / 12412 / 29.33

Supplemental Table 2: Characteristics of mothers and children in the Rufiji cohort

Group / Status / n / %
Early maternal deaths
Maternal death within 42 days
n=54 / Index children
n= 57 / Deceased / 24 / 42.11
Survived / 12 / 21.05
Out-migrated / 21 / 36.84
Non-index children
n= 47 / Deceased / 7 / 30.43
Survived / 1 / 47.83
Out-migrated / 5 / 21.00
Non-maternal deaths
n= 432 / Children
n= 627 / Deceased / 186 / 29.67
Survived / 221 / 35.25
Out-migrated / 220 / 35.09
Surviving women
n= 18,549 / Children
n= 34,049 / Deceased / 2574 / 7.56
Survived / 20289 / 59.59
Out-migrated / 11186 / 32.85
Late maternal deaths
Maternal death within 365 days
n=115 / Index children
n= 124 / Deceased / 45 / 36.29
Survived / 30 / 24.19
Out-migrated / 49 / 39.52
Non-index children
n= 65 / Deceased / 14 / 21.54
Survived / 32 / 49.23
Out-migrated / 19 / 29.23
Non-maternal deaths
n= 398 / Children
n= 560 / Deceased / 165 / 29.46
Survived / 203 / 36.25
Out-migrated / 193 / 34.29
Surviving women
n= 18,568 / Children
n= 34,049 / Deceased / 2574 / 7.56
Survived / 20289 / 59.59
Out-migrated / 11186 / 32.85

Supplemental Table 3: Tests of difference within mortality prevalence, between sites

Ifakara / Rufiji / p-value*
Group / Status / % / %
Early maternal deaths
Maternal death, 42 days, Index children / Deceased / 50.00 / 42.11 / 0.3889
Survived / 18.75 / 21.05 / 0.7536
Out-migrated / 31.25 / 36.84 / 0.5205
Maternal death, 42 days, Non-Index children / Deceased / 12.50 / 30.43 / 0.1390
Survived / 41.67 / 47.83 / 0.6792
Out-migrated / 45.83 / 21.00 / 0.0847
Non-maternal death, Children / Deceased / 32.60 / 29.67 / 0.1613
Survived / 29.12 / 35.25 / 0.0254
Out-migrated / 28.28 / 35.09 / 0.4180
Surviving women, Children / Deceased / 8.13 / 7.56 / 0.0037
Survived / 62.54 / 59.59 / 0.0000
Out-migrated / 29.33 / 32.85 / 0.0000
Late maternal deaths
Maternal death, 365 days, Index children / Deceased / 45.16 / 36.29 / 0.1564
Survived / 25.00 / 24.19 / 0.8834
Out-migrated / 29.84 / 39.52 / 0.1102
Maternal death, 365 days, Non-Index children / Deceased / 25.00 / 21.54 / 0.6558
Survived / 37.50 / 49.23 / 0.1978
Out-migrated / 37.50 / 29.23 / 0.3391
Non-maternal death, Children / Deceased / 31.69 / 29.46 / 0.5029
Survived / 28.81 / 36.25 / 0.0247
Out-migrated / 39.51 / 34.29 / 0.1308
Surviving women, Children / Deceased / 8.13 / 7.56 / 0.0036
Survived / 62.54 / 59.59 / 0.0000
Out-migrated / 29.33 / 32.85 / 0.0000

*p-vale on the Wald test hypothesis: fraction Ifakara=fraction Rufiji, e.g. the fraction of index children who subsequently died following a maternal death (42 day definition) is the same in Rufiji and Ifakara (p=0.3889), thus fail to reject the null, and conclude that the fraction of children dead to the mothers who died a maternal death (42 day definition) is statistically equal in the two communities.

Supplemental Table 4: Characteristics of mothers and children, Ifakaracohort

Early maternal deaths (42 days) / Late maternal deaths (365 days)
Maternal death / Mother survived / Maternal death / Mother survived
Mothers - n / 57 / 27074 / 114 / 27103
Mother’s age at most recent childbirth (years)
<20 / 9 (15.8%) / 4247 (15.7%) / 17 (14.9%) / 4241 (15.6%)
20-24 / 13 (22.8%) / 6550 (24.1%) / 23 (20.2%) / 6544 (24.1%)
25-29 / 11 (19.3%) / 6108 (22.5%) / 20 (17.5%) / 6103 (22.5%)
30-34 / 14 (24.6%) / 4512 (16.6%) / 33 (28.9%) / 4505 (16.6%)
35-39 / 6 (10.5%) / 3060 (11.3%) / 13 (11.4%) / 3059 (11.3%)
40+ / 4 (7.0%) / 2654 (9.8%) / 8 (7.0%) / 2651 (9.8%)
Household asset group (at baseline)
Poorest / 10 (17.5%) / 3806 (14.1%) / 17 (14.9%) / 3810 (14.1%)
Poor / 13 (22.8%) / 3585 (13.2%) / 19 (16.7%) / 3589 (13.2%)
Middle / 6 (10.5%) / 4332 (16.0%) / 16 (14.0%) / 4337 (16.0%)
Richer / 7 (12.3%) / 3861 (14.3%) / 16 (14.0%) / 3866 (14.3%)
Richest / 3 (5.3%) / 4041 (14.9%) / 7 (6.1%) / 4045 (14.9%)
Missing / 18 (31.6%) / 7449 (27.5%) / 39 (34.2%) / 7456 (27.5%)
Mother’s educational attainment (at baseline)
No schooling / 5 (8.8%) / 2255 (8.3%) / 9 (7.9%) / 2257 (8.3%)
1-4 years / 5 (8.8%) / 2021 (7.5%) / 13 (11.4%) / 2023 (7.5%)
5-8 years / 28 (49.1%) / 9156 (33.8%) / 50 (43.9%) / 9173 (33.8%)
9+ years / 0 / 532 (2.0%) / 1 (0.9%) / 532 (2.0%)
Missing / 19 (33.3%) / 13110 (48.4%) / 41 (36.0%) / 13118 (48.4%)
Children - n / 64 / 42322 / 124 / 42353
Sex of child
Boy / 33 (51.6%) / 21317 (50.4%) / 64 (51.6%) / 21332 (50.4%)
Girl / 31 (48.4%) / 21005 (49.6%) / 60 (48.4%) / 21021 (49.6%)

Supplemental Table 5: Characteristics of mothers and children, Rufijicohort

Early maternal deaths (42 days) / Late maternal deaths (365 days)
Maternal death / Cross site p-value* / Mother survived / Maternal death / Mother survived / Cross site p-value
Mothers - n / 54 / 18549 / 115 / 18568
Mother’s age at most recent childbirth (years)
<20 / 17 (31.5%) / 0.0353 / 2548 (13.7%) / 20 (17.4%) / 2552 (13.7%) / 0.6122
20-24 / 8 (14.8%) / 0.2962 / 4054 (21.9%) / 24 (20.9%) / 4059 (21.9%) / 0.8971
25-29 / 6 (11.1%) / 0.2077 / 3902 (21.0%) / 26 (22.6%) / 3909 (21.0%) / 0.3410
30-34 / 12 (22.2%) / 0.8033 / 3000 (16.2%) / 24 (20.9%) / 3001 (16.2%) / 0.1589
35-39 / 6 (11.1%) / 0.8342 / 2287 (12.3%) / 10 (8.7%) / 2289 (12.3%) / 0.4976
40+ / 5 (9.3%) / 0.8498 / 2758 (14.9%) / 11 (9.6%) / 2758 (14.9%) / 0.4868
Household asset group (at baseline)
Poorest / 5 (9.3%) / 0.1420 / 2419 (13.0%) / 14 (12.2%) / 2420 (13.0%) / 0.5468
Poor / 5 (9.3%) / 0.0761 / 2498 (13.5%) / 14 (12.2%) / 2502 (13.5%) / 0.3352
Middle / 12 (22.2%) / 0.0726 / 3049 (16.4%) / 18 (15.7%) / 3051 (16.4%) / 0.7321
Richer / 7 (13.0%) / 0.9712 / 3175 (17.1%) / 13 (11.3%) / 3178 (17.1%) / 0.5365
Richest / 8 (14.8%) / 0.0418 / 2637 (14.2%) / 22 (19.1%) / 2638 (14.2%) / 0.0030
Missing / 17 (31.5%) / 0.8860 / 4771 (25.7%) / 34 (29.6%) / 4779 (25.7%) / 0.4529
Mother’s educational attainment (at baseline)
No schooling / 15 (27.8%) / 0.0075 / 5108 (27.5%) / 29 (25.2%) / 5114 (27.5%) / 0.0004
1-4 years / 3 (5.6%) / 0.5769 / 1237 (6.7%) / 6 (5.2%) / 1239 (6.7%) / 0.0905
5-8 years / 17 (31.5%) / 0.0874 / 6049 (32.6%) / 44 (38.3%) / 6055 (32.6%) / 0.3914
9+ years / 1 (1.9%) / 0.2912 / 738 (4.0%) / 4 (3.5%) / 739 (4.0%) / 0.1796
Missing / 18 (33.3%) / 0.7662 / 5417 (29.2%) / 32 (27.8%) / 5421 (29.2%) / 0.1879
Children - n / 57 / 34059 / 124 / 34078
Sex of child
Boy / 37 (64.9%) / 0.1400 / 16977 (49.8%) / 73 (58.9%) / 16988 (49.9%) / 0.3937
Girl / 20 (35.1%) / 0.1400 / 17082 (50.2%) / 51 (41.1%) / 17090 (50.1%) / 0.3937

*p-value for the Wald test hypothesis: fraction Ifakara=fraction Rufiji. Eg fraction of maternal deaths to women under the age of 20 is equal in Ifakara and Rufiji.