Science Learning Centres

09018 and 09039 SASP

Final Assessment Feedback Sheet

Candidate Number: C Tutor:

Title of Task: Final Summative Assessment

Comments Linked to Criteria

Understanding of key ideas:

Part B illustrates that the student has made a substantive leap forward and that they recognise that they are still on a journey. Part A in contrast was disappointing in that the student somewhat missed the point of the task and described the pupils journey rather than planning a sequence of lessons in detail.

Use of material:

Part A was more a narrative than an exposition of what was being taught and the rationale for teaching in that manner. Part B showed a better grasp of the pedagogic texts.

Range and comprehension of sources:

A limited range of sources but evidence of thorough examinationa and reflection of the underpinning ideas and how they relate to the student’s own learning and practice.


Some evidence of reading to support the scheme of lessons but at a low level. A greater level of thought given to the student’s own journey as a learner/practitioner.

Level of citation:

Adequate citation of academic texts is used but quotes from philosophers used within the text need more detail.

General Comments:

This student has clearly reflected on the progress they have made and laid out a route for the next phase of their journey. A transfer from self-reflection to a more detailed planning with this acquired confidence will be needed to transfer new knowledge and skills to their classroom practice.



Mark: 47%

Classification: Third

Word count: 3767 and 3636

Candidate C

Final Summative Assessment

Section A: Topic Case study

Progression of Organic Chemistry from KS3, KS4 up to post 16

Contents: Page

Introduction 3.

Progression through the Key Stages

KS3 3.

KS4 6.

Scheme of work –

Organic chemistry: Synthesis. 8.

Pupil Research 10.

Conclusion 10.

References 11.


The topic chosen for the basis of this case study and of the assessment, is that of Organic Chemistry. The reason for this as will be elaborated upon in the paper is that I myself being a relative newcomer to this (and indeed any chemistry area) found knowledge inroads in this topic in both the course and in the practice of chemistry teaching, having had to apply a steep learning curve.

Much of the chemistry teaching that I have undertaken has been in KS3 and Year 10, with only one chemistry topic taught at Year 11, this one being used as the basis for the Second Formative assessment. (The majority of my Year 11 delivery allocation having been Physics and Biology)

Therefore the topic motive for this particular assessment will be speculative but no less reflective or evaluative, as I plan to use the scheme with my year 11 group in the next school year. Observations in AS level organic chemistry lessons at my school have given me a basis toward which to aim the progression of the topic.

Progression through the Key Stages

Key Stage 3

As early as Year 7, there are aspects of chemistry which demonstrate the behaviour of compounds and elements based on pupils knowledge of the physical world. Reactions caused by temperature, combustion, acidity or alkalinity are investigated and evaluated giving an indication of how the physical world can operate or indeed be manipulated on a particulate level. What these particles are is alluded to but not expanded upon until the mechanisms are clear. Introduction groups in the first few weeks of term (before sets are established), are taken through a daily series of “whiz bang” demonstrations allowing them to surmise for themselves what is occurring. A typical example is the Hydrochloric Acid and Sugar reaction. Their perception on the whole will bring them to a limited number of conclusions throughout the classroom, but almost all of those conclusions will involve the macroscopic level. “The grains of sugar are being burned by the acid” is the most common assumption. (as is the assumption that acid will dissolve their flesh)

“Students think of acids as active agents that damage skin and other materials. The idea develops in young children, who learn to think of acids as “dangerous”. Cartoons showing scientists making holes in benches with acids also contribute to this image. Acids are not perceived as being particulate, but rather continuous matter with special properties.” (Kind V, 2004:47)

Until the abstract ideas of chemical mechanisms meet up with the concrete explanations, it is unlikely that progression will occur beyond this point.

“Students ascribe macroscopic properties to particles. For example particles may explode, burn, contract, expand and / or change shape. This primitive reasoning prohibits understanding of the nature of a chemical reaction.” (Kind V, 2004:13)

This is not to say that the judicious progression through concrete examples will not enable pupils to grasp abstract ideas. Abilities vary even in streamed groups and differentiation is necessary to cater to visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners particularly in the pre-concrete to concrete stages.

My particular favourite practical investigation for Year 7 is that of extracting iron from breakfast cereals. This is truly “pre-atomic” chemistry which reinforced by the regularly televised notion that cereals are fortified with iron. Pupils undergo the simplistic task of crushing up cereal and hey presto, macroscopic particles of iron can be seen on the follower. Little abstraction is necessary, yet a concrete idea has been established and stored for later use. I like to ask them to calculate from the nutritional information on the box, how many boxes of cereal would be needed to build a 75 ton tank.

“For learners of all ages, the ideal introduction to an abstract idea is often through concrete, specific examples from their own experience, with an abstract explanation to summarise. Good explainers use both abstract and concrete explanations. (Petty G, 1998:139)

It is through good practice (differentiation, objectives and outcomes) and the recognition of individual ability that the most is gained by what is taught.

It is at this point (in our case APP) that much is done in the way of demonstration and assessment through prediction, observation, conclusion and evaluation in order to reinforce the early concrete examples for later expansion into the abstract.

One of my own methods involves requiring pupils to first write a prediction for any demonstration that I perform, then afterwards an observation followed by and evaluation of their prediction. In this way their preconceptions are challenged by themselves and not simply by me. This is not exclusive to Year 7 nor indeed KS3, but makes for more reliable learning in all year groups.

Learners feel a strong need for concrete examples (and non-examples) of abstract ideas. This seems to be the way they like to form new concepts. Another way of putting it is that they like to move from the particular to the general.”

(Petty G, 1998:139)

These predictions and conclusions are self assessed throughout KS3 by an APP level ladder which allows either progression or at least an indication of required progress.

(see appendix 1.)

Beginning in year 8, pupils begin to see a “mechanical” breakdown of chemistry; the structure of the periodic table, reactivity series and simple word equations. Also more crucially the first inroads are made into understanding the structure of the periodic table, and its groups , such as the alkali metals and the noble gasses. Practical investigations into neutralisation and displacement reactions are carried out through APP. (see appendix 2) It is at his point the formation and use of the abstract and the concrete is more evident, although the concepts will remain largely particulate it is possible to convey some aspects of chemical reaction. Collision theory and compounds are introduced and pupils begin to understand the make-up of their surroundings.

Reactivity is further explored investigating the effects of temperature, concentration and surface area. Collision theory and reactions can be expanded beyond liquid-liquid, or liquid-solid reactions (which can be confused with solution or diffusion)

I have begun using the solid-solid reaction of Lead nitrate and Potassium iodide to produce Lead iodide which I learned on this course, to explain reaction rates and introduce them to their first word equation. (see appendix 3) It is a tangible, and immediately observable reaction between solid particles leaving nothing to surmise but the abstraction I wish to deliver depending on the ability of the group. Here the concrete examples developed in Year 7 can be expanded upon into more abstract ideas which in theory and with good practice will start the desired exponential progression in chemistry learning.

“Use particle terminology when talking about chemical reactions or changes of state, for example, referring to “sodium particles” and “chlorine particles” rather than using the element names which refer to bulk substances. For the moment, this will suffice – the differences between atoms and molecules can be introduced later.” (Kind V, 2004:14)

It is also at this point that large parts of lessons will be devoted to orientation and the correct use of apparatus. The knowledge of which will be as important as the scientific results obtained. For example a Burette is required to prove an abstract idea such as Titration or neutralisation. But first the concrete example of how to use it and why safety and accuracy in it's use is required must be in place before any chemistry occurs.

In a way this is a stretching task which allows pupils a set of platforms to secure themselves upon before progressing. Indeed an academically gifted pupil who follows your chemistry closely and astonishes you with their progress may play second fiddle to the less academic pupil who reads your set up instructions and assembles the apparatus before anyone else in the room. Many practicals are wasted when teacher orders a set of apparatus and chemicals and are frustrated by the mixed pace as pupils grapple first with the set up, and then with the concept and purpose of the investigation.

“Your students must see the task you set as both achievable and substantial. This is a difficult balance to strike, and varies from individual to individual.” (Petty G, 1998:40)

By the end of year 8 (in the case of our school pupils begin Year 9 work in the summer term) The compounded practical and theoretical skills are in place to progress the abstract to a higher level and begin approaching that of GCSE chemistry, aware of the difference between atoms and molecules, elements and compounds.

Year 9 will see the first identifiable aspects of Organic Chemistry when they are introduced in abstract to hydrocarbons, monomers and polymers. The focus areas will be materials, composites, synthesis and fuels, as well as resource economy, waste and pollution.

The concept of Mass Conservation in compounds marks the first steps toward understanding atomic bonding and mass. This example from a Year 9 text illustrates that pupils are still thinking in the particulate even while understanding the nature of bonding elements and the concept that mass remains the same after the reaction occurs.

Pearson Longman, 2009

They will also have observed the increase in mass when wire wool is combusted. The invisible oxygen from the air in the room adds mass to the iron during oxidation. The particulate is not visible solid balls of tangible matter, indeed it is possible that it is more than simply particles.

This is the point where the attainment of the abstract becomes critical to progression.

Further expansion of the reactivity series and word equations will take place graduating into the identification and use of chemical symbols in word equations, as well as energy release through chemical reactions. (Sankey Diagrams,) There is more elaboration on the groups and their properties at this point.

The Reactivity series is delivered as a league table or “top trumps” whilst encouraging pupils to explore why these elements react differently to each other. The high point of the syllabus for many of my Year 9s is not the Thermit Reaction, or the reactions of Alkali Metals with water. More often I am asked in the first term “when are we going to make blue diamonds?”, meaning the reaction of Sulphuric acid and Copper Oxide to make Copper Sulphate Crystals which their predecessors will have told them about. This investigation covers neutralisation reactions, compounds, giant structures and salts.

It also tests pupils familiarity with apparatus as a good result is dependent on good lab practice. This allows a thorough relation to abstract concept based on past experience and knowledge whilst moving into the realm of GCSE chemistry.

In the last months of year 9, our pupils begin the first of two units of GCSE science. One of these units will be chemistry, and in this case Edexcel 360 Science texts are used. Here pupils are first exposed to the structure of atoms. Elements in the periodic table including chemical symbols, subatomic particles, relative and atomic mass are investigated along with isotopes and simple mass calculations.

Pupils are also introduced to more finite properties in the groups as common reactions are investigated in more complex practical tasks. This is a crucial point which tests the abilities of both pupils and teachers. Delivery is more formally structured and practical assessment (under APP) is regular and rigorous, with two Internally Assessed Assignments (IAAs) per topic as well as structured papers.

Key Stage 4

Continuing into Year 10 the emphasis expands into the atomic level covering ionic and covalent bonding, charged particles and chemical structures. Here the carbon atom is introduced in its complexity and pupils should recognise giant covalent, ionic and metallic structures and lattices. Collision theory and reaction rates are brought together as joined up abstracts though practical investigations and assessments. Typically, The effect of temperature on reaction rate, or the disappearing cross, using sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. (see appendix 4) This is an Internally assessed activity (IAA) used in the Edexcel programme.

Here pupils are able to observe collision theory at work. Knowing that molecules in a liquid move faster at higher temperatures they can predict and then conclude that they will react and therefore precipitate faster or slower depending on temperature.