St. Veronica Parish Worship Commission
Meeting: January 4, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:34pmby Chairperson Mary Sue O’Donnell with a reading of the Gospel followed by discussion.
The roll of ministries
(P-Present, A-Absent)
Priest / Father Del Staigers / PDeacon / Dan Murphy / P
Chairman / Mary Sue O’Donnell / P
Vice Chairman / Nathan Bailey / P
Arts and Environment / A
Baptismal Preparation / Dannemillers / A
Bereavement / Dottie Buerger / P
Lectors / Holly Lynd / P
Music / Paul Bresciani / A
Servers / B. Razzano, F. McConnell, A. & D. Baumgartner / P
Ushers / A
At Large / Peggy White / P
At Large / Kathleen Susie Birr / P
The Mystery of Faith, Chapters 26-27werediscussed. Chapter 28 will be discussed at the next meeting.
Minutes from the previous meetingwere distributed for review. A motion was made to accept the minutes as issued, and seconded. Approved.
Parish Business was taken up and disposed of as follows:
The following ministry committees reported:
- Arts and Environment
- No report
- Baptismal Preparation
- No report
- Bereavement
- Went to a workshop for bereavement ministers and brought back pamphlets to discuss with Father to determine if we want to have these available.
- Our form is to be updated to include address so that it is available for follow-up notes.
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Seven to be commissioned shortly.
- Prayer “chain” will be coming out shortly. If you want to receive requests, there is one form, and if you want to submit a request, there will be a different form.
- Outreach Commission is going to kickoff after Lent.
- Weddings
- Two convalidations this month, and no others until later in the year.
- Lectors
- Additional Lector Workbooks are somewhere within the Parish property, and we are looking for them to provide to those without a book.
- 2 new lectors?
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word received no negative feedback. Our teenaged lectors worked with Mr. Frantz to proclaim the Word and one of our adult choir members led the Psalm response.
- Music
- No report (Mr. Bresciani was attending a music workshop this evening. He filed his report by e-mail on 1/5/2016. That report is as follows.)
We had a full brass quartet play at all the Christmas masses and they will join us
for the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday liturgies.
41 children sang in our Christmas Children’s Choir for the 3 p.m. Christmas Eve
Mass doing a remarkable job.
Our Handbell Choir has grown to 10 members, and they played Christmas morning,
Mary’s Solemnity, New Year’s Day and will play again this weekend. They’re doing
great and obviously very committed.
36 adult choir members sang throughout our 4 Christmas liturgies, most coming to
multiple masses.
Adding it up, 94 (counting me!) musicians sang and played at our Christmas liturgies
this year.
- Servers
- Gone well this year. A lot of new faces have been serving. Positive feedback from parents and kids
- Additional server training was scheduled for February. Did not have anyone sign up, but we had more than 30 people sign up and trained earlier this year, so we may have already gotten everyone available.
- Special training session for those who have only been to one training session and haven’t been able to attend second.
- Sending out appreciation letter to the servers to let them know that we are appreciative and will have a reception for them, likely in the Spring.
- In answer to a question, when there is one server, the cross is processed in.When there are two servers, the cross and the “book person” process. If there are three servers, the cross and two candles are processed.
- Ushers
- No report
- At Large – Nathan Bailey
- No report
- At Large – Peggy White
- No report
- At Large – Kathleen Susie Birr
- Christmas music was amazing, all good reviews from everyone.
- At one of the masses there was a family that stopped at the manger and a2 year old was excited to see Jesus in the manger scene.
- At Large – Mary Sue O’Donnell
- No report
- Pastor – Fr. Del
- No report
Advent/Christmas season – Environment was wonderful. Children’s mass was great because the children seemed excited. Kudos to our parents because no parent seemed to have to require their child to participate. Wednesday evening reconciliation opportunitieswere all full for the entire hour, and members of other parishes attended as well. Immaculate Conception was well attended. Christmas Eve/Day Lessons and Carols preceding masses was well attended, the majority of the people were in the church for the entirety of Lessons before mass. Banners changed, people noticed. White poinsettias maybe could have been moved away from the crucifix. The Paschal Candle could have remained out and it would be good to find another place for the Baptismal Font other than the Reservation Chapel.
Servers have not been trained on incense. Ushers were not available for some masses. Weekend mass ushers handed out wrong bulletin. Greeters did not have nametags and people did not know who they were, this is needed so that everyone knows who is a greeter and an usher.
The Baptism of the Lord will have the baptismal font in the center for mass.
Lent will have evening reconciliation every Wednesday but the Soup Supper Day, 2/24/2016 at 7:00 p.m. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word will be continued for Lent . There will be lector’s chosen for Palm Sunday and Holy Week masses. There will be an evening service on Good Fridayinaddition to the afternoon service. Ash Wednesday Masseswith Imposition of Ashes are scheduled for 7:30 and 9:00 in the morning and 7:00 in the evening. Liturgy of the Word with Imposition of Ashes is scheduled for 6:30 a.m and Noon. Stations of the Cross are on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Good Friday before both services.
A lot of talk about Ushers and needing to get it better.
May add a Wednesday evening reconciliation throughout the year. TBD.
Next meeting is February 1, 2016.
Closing Prayer was said.
Meeting adjournedat 8:04pm.
Attested by ______Nathan Bailey, Vice Chairman1/4/2016
St. Veronica Parish Worship Commission meeting minutesPage 1 of 4