Health Portfolio Project

This personal portfolio project must include the following items to receive all 150 points. Also your items will be graded on effort, which includes; neatness, creativity, quality and following directions. I have in included a minimum amount of work for each section, but you are encouraged to exceed the minimum amount of effort. Hopefully this will be something that you can keep for many years to come for your own personal reference. I will be asking that students complete this portfolio using a power point format. This project is meant to help you learn the ways of PowerPoint for further reference in college and future job requirements projects. I will accept this format in paper bound 3 ring binder NEATLY constructed format, ONLY if absolutely necessary, but some points may be deducted.

1)  Introduction Page: This page is all about you and your interests. Please include pictures of yourself family and friends. Feel free to decorate this page in a way that represents who you are. Use another slide to explain this page and how intellectual health, emotional health, family and social come together make you who you are.

2)  MOTTOS TO LIVE By: I want you to look up a minimum of 5 quotes or motivational sayings that you find motivating and try to live your life by. You can place these quotes on 1 or 2 slides of your project. You can decorate the slides adding clipart, pictures, music or even videos that contain the quotes to fully express to you what value they have to your life. All quotes, videos and clipart must be appropriate for school content and discussion. I would like a brief paragraph explaining these quotes apply to you. How you use them to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle or avoid unhealthy behaviors.

Example: When the going gets tough the tough get going. Helps me remember to stay tough and keep self control in tough times in my life like ______.

3)  PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT: This mission statement is a personal set of goals or credo that states what your life is about. I would like the goals to apply to the 8 dimensions of wellness social, physical, emotional, career, financial, intellectual, environmental and spiritual. Use this mission statement to develop and describe things that are important to you, or goals you try to achieve in each dimension. Even the Green Local Schools has a mission statement of what we are trying to achieve as a district. This slide can be decorated using different fonts colors and clipart as well. One example is as follows:

I will have confidence in myself and everyone else around me

Be kind, courteous and respectful to all people

Set achievable goals

Never lose sight of these goals

Appreciate other people’s differences

Ask for help when I need it

Speak with daily actions that will represent my knowledge of personal health and wellness rather than just words

* I want this to be neat but also creative and make it original using your own thoughts and goals that applies to YOU.

4)  I SEE THE LIGHT: (2 Essays): (A) I want you to type one essay and apply it to a slide explaining about one person that has positively influenced your life. Tell me what positive qualities this person showed you, how they have affected your life decisions, what their relationship is to you. I also want you to give some background and supporting facts about how this person has positively affected your life or life decisions. One example would be a teacher “EEEEGHHHHEMM Cough Cough, MR E.”

(B) The second essay should speak about an event or time in your life when you were deeply inspired. This could also be a moment where the (light bulb) came on and you realized something that was very inspirational or positive to your life or lifestyle. Explain how this made you a healthier person or it improved your personal wellness level.

*Each essay should be the minimum of two well developed paragraphs.

* Remember there are two letters. Use one slide in your portfolio to explain why you chose this family member for assistance and what characteristics they present that aid in your life.

Example: I chose my dad because he ______.

5)  LETTERS OF AFFIRMATION: I want you to find 2 people to write a letter that answers the question ______is a special person because……. Have at least one family member complete this letter. This could be an aunt, uncle, sibling etc. I want the second letter to be from someone outside of your immediate family. This letter is personal to YOU and does not have a minimum requirement, but I want the letter to show your important qualities.


Health Standard: Determine the value of applying a thoughtful decision-making process in health-related situations.

Health Standard: Analyze the role of individual responsibility in enhancing health.

I want you to select 5 short term (month to a year) and 3 long term (year or years) goals that you have for yourself. You need to apply serious thought to evaluate where your life is and what your goals will be. Describe proper decisions you will make to reach this goal and an appropriate time frame to reach this goal.

Example: Goal- I will raise my grade in health class from a B to an A in Health class.

Time: I will achieve this goal by the end of the nine weeks for my next report card

How: I plan on getting together with friends to finish homework and study for all tests and quizzes.

7)  LIFE REPRESENTS ART: I want you to choose a song that has appropriate lyrics only that represents you as a person or holds specific meaning to your mental and emotional wellness. This can be a song that motivates you, keeps your focused etc. All lyrics must be posted to the song, as well as song artist and Production Company for the song. You must then explain how this song relates to you and your mental or emotional wellness level. Why it evokes emotion? Why you chose this song etc. This piece must be a minimum of one slide but no maximum slides are required if you choose to use pictures it will help. Use this section to use music as the a cultural norm that helps you create intellectual thought or evoke emotions that affect your health.

8)  EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT: For this part of the project you will write a made up news or magazine article about yourself and something you will achieve or have achieved. Use details to describe the situation and how you achieved this specific goal or task. Use pretend quotes from friends or others describing the goal and what you achieved. Also use quotes for yourself. The more real the article looks the more points you will achieve. Relate this article to something you will or did achieve related to your personal health and wellness. Include a picture of yourself in the article. Make sure this is a reasonable goal to attain NOT how you won the lottery and are now the riches person and have many cars. Make it meaningful to your health and wellness.

PowerPoint Portfolio Rubric

Introduction page / 20

Quotes /20

Mission Statement /20

Inspirational Essays (2) / 20 (2paragraphs Each)

Letters of AFFIRMATION (2) / 10

Goals /20

Song / 20

Article /20

Total Points______/150_____

Point Break Down
Little completion = 10 or below points
Partial Completion = 12
Completion (minimum effort) = 15
Completion (Little Extra Effort) = 16
Completion (Average Effort) = 17
Completion (Good Effort) = 18
Completion (Excellent Effort) = 19 or 20