Advanced Marketing/Tiger Mart Syllabus

Instructor: Grant Jenkins Room: H204

Office Hours: 10:06-11:32A days 1:32-3:00 B days

Phone: 582-5901 ext. 3183


Course Description:

This course applies marketing principles in a “hands-on” opportunity to work in the Tiger Mart school store. Students will serve and interact with customers, receive and manage currency, keep virtual and physical product inventory, purchase products, and promote and advertise store products. Students are expected to perform all activities associated with day to day operations a business. As with any job, good attendance is important and is expected.


1/2 credit is earned for the successful completion of 1 semesters of Adv. Marketing.

Course Outline:

Student will have an opportunity to run a business inside the school setting. Students will be responsible for all facets of the business including:

-Helping to select the products to be sold

-Purchasing products

-Pricing products

-Keeping records of financial information

-balance sheet

-account balances

-preparing deposits

-Maintaining store/cleaning



-keeping inventory stocked

Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Fevold will be acting as the store owner. All ideas or actions must be approved by Mr. Jenkins or Mr. Fevold. The goal, as with most retail organizations is increase profit.


Participation in DECA is required in all marketing courses. DECA provides opportunities outside of the classroom to experience and compete in all the broad facets of marketing. There is a $10 class fee to pay for student DECA dues. This is a requirement for all Marketing students. If you have questions or concerns regarding DECA dues, please talk to me before or after class. You can learn more about DECA at


Labs: Members of the class perform several lab activities including the operation of the Tiger Mart student enterprise. Students are expected to stay on task and engaged in the Tiger Mart, following directions and conducting necessary steps to complete the daily activities. Students will be graded on their attendance, accuracy, completion of daily tasks and the quality of customer service given to their patrons. Students will earn daily on-task/participation points for work performed in the Tiger Mart. Any infraction of the rules will disqualify you from participation in the Tiger Mart for a time to be determined by the teacher.

Daily points break down:

ü  Re-stock Drinks (2 points)

ü  Re-stock Food (2 points)

ü  Customer Service (2 points)

ü  Employees only in the Tiger Mart (2 points)

ü  Lock windows (2 points)

Total 10 points per day

Students will rotate as Tiger Mart Manager for a 2 week period of time. Student managers will be responsible to delegate and make sure daily jobs are completed by the end of each day. Managers will also be in charge of filling out the deposit forms and tickets and delivering them to Janet Simpkins in the business office each day.

Quarterly Exam: Periodic Peer Evaluations (25 points)

Final Exam: Peer Evaluations. (50 points)

Grading Scale:

A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69%

Expectations and Classroom Policies:

*** STEALING: Stealing is considered taking or consuming items prior to the items being paid for and/or taking and keeping money from customers or the cash register. Stealing in the Tiger Mart will not be tolerated and on the first offense the student will be removed from the course and can have the possibility of receiving discipline from administration.

1.  RESPECT: Be respectful to all teachers and students. You also deserve respect. Respect school property and other students’ property. Do not write on desks. Use tools in the classroom or laboratory in the proper manner or lab privileges will be lost.

2.  ORGANIZATION: Bring your planner, binder, pencil, colored pencils, and paper to class every day. Go to the restroom before class starts. The class must be clean before you leave. You must have your planner filled out and signed to leave class for any reason.

3.  LANGUAGE: Use appropriate language for the classroom.

4.  ASSIGNMENTS: All work is expected to be turned in on the due date.

Students who have excused absences from class may make-up any missed assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about any missed work before or after school or during advisory. Absentee work must be turned in the next class period for credit. If a student fails to do so, they will receive a zero for the assignment. If a student has a planned absence such as any school-related event or vacation, they must get work before the absence and turn it in upon their return for credit.

5.  FOOD: NO food, candy, gum, soda, etc. will be allowed. Water is the only thing that may be consumed in the room. Students may not consume anything-including water during lab.

6.  TARDINESS: Every student must be in their seat ready to work when the bell rings. Anyone not in their seat will be counted tardy. On the fourth tardy, the student will serve 30 minutes detention before or after school with the teacher. The fifth tardy will result in assignment to the in-school detention area after school and constitutes a loss of the finals opt-out privilege.

7.  CHEATING/PLAGERISM: When there is sufficient evidence that cheating has occurred; the first offense will result in loss of credit on that assignment or test. The second offense will result in loss of credit for this course and removal from class.

8.  CELL PHONES: The use of cellular phones FOR ANY REASON during class time is not permitted. Phones are to be kept in bags or backpacks AT ALL TIMES. If a phone is heard or seen during class time, it will be collected by the teacher for the 1st offense. The phone will be retained until the end of the school day, at which time it can be picked up by the student. The student will be assigned 30 minutes detention by the teacher for the 2nd offense, and further offenses will be dealt with by the principals.

9.  OTHER: Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by all school rules as stated in handbook.

10.  This marketing class will be operated much like a business. Students are expected to demonstrate behaviors that would be expected of them “on the job”. Good employees are rarely late for work and come to work prepared; this is what is expected from students. Marketing requires many group activities and teamwork, therefore attendance is important because classmates will be counting on one another. The ability to work as a team player is crucial in the business world. Students are to conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful manner at all times—this includes behavior toward the teacher and fellow classmates.

I am looking forward to a great year in Marketing. Let me know how I can help you achieve your personal best in this course.

Advanced Marketing Syllabus Agreement

Sign and return this page. We have read and understand the course syllabus for Mr. Jenkins Marketing class.

Student Signature Class Period Date

Parent/Guardian Signature Date