(TEL) 626-330-7188 (FAX) 626-333-1180


U.S. Customs has determined that ISF Filings are not considered to be “Customs Business”. As a result, Standard Powers of Attorney are not acceptable for ISF Filings; therefore you must complete the following.

Importer’s Security Filing Authorization Form and Terms

______(Name of Importer)

______(Name and Address)

I herewith authorize Theresa Lee CHB dba TRKto file ISF (10+2) data on our behalf, and to delegate this authority to sub-agents to perform such filings on our behalf.

Such sub-agents may not further delegate this authority.

We will instruct our vendors not to release our shipment(s) until we have received an accurate ISF covering the shipment(s).

I understand that if our foreign suppliers release our shipment(s) from their premises , and the cargo departs without an ISF having been filed, or is filed late or inaccurately , that we, the importer , will be solely liable for any ensuing penalties .

I understand that it is our responsibility to verify that the ISF we receive is accurate. If any errors or omissions are found, we will advise the preparer so they may be corrected

I agree to holdTheresa Lee CHB dba TRK and their designated sub-agents harmless and agree not to make deductions from invoices, or withhold payments, in the event that Customs levies fines against our company for ISF violations, regardless to the degree of their involvement.

U.S. Customs & BP requires us that we notify you of the following:

If you are the importer of record, payment to the broker will not relieve you of liability for customs charges (duties, taxes, or other debts owed customs) in the event the charges are not paid by the broker. Therefore, if you pay by check, Customs charges may be paid with a separate check payable to the "U.S. Customs Service" which shall be delivered to Customs by the broker.

What this means is that You, The Importer, is liable to U.S. Customs for duties and fees regardless if you paid the Freight Forwarder or Customs Broker. Should a Freight Forwarder or Broker collect duty from you and not submit it to Customs (i.e. – they declare bankruptcy, or commit fraud) you will have to pay it again!

I have read and understand the above notice.


Printed Name (Importer) Signature (Importer) Title Date

(Complete below if applies)


Printed Name (NVOCC) Signature (NVOCC) Title Date