CNIB Standing Committee onCommunity Based Support (CBS)

Terms of Reference (Draft 19 May 2014)


CNIB’s Strategic Plan 2014-2018 has two strategic initiatives:

Goal 1: Integrate vision loss rehabilitation services into the continuum of care.

CNIB will strive to integrate vision loss rehabilitation into the continuum of care so that high-quality, timely and essential services are available to and covered for every Canadian with significant vision loss.

Goal 2: Redefine our charitable role.

We will create a new vision for CNIB that is relevant and meaningful to all Canadians, in anticipation of the organizations second century.

  1. Purpose and Mandate of the Committee

The Standing Committee on Community-Based Support is intended to focus on CNIB services and support that are defined as our charitable role, and in the meantime provide input regarding which services are appropriate for the charitable role. Until such time as rehabilitation services are administered as a separate entity, this committee will also include rehabilitationservices.

1.1 Community- Based Support (“CBS” or “the Committee”)

assists the National Board and President/CEO in defining

and evaluating directions and outcomes related to

Community-based support. The Committee provides

advice and guidance relative to service options and in

other areas as may be identified by the Board from time to


1.2 The Committee provides oversight by assessing the implementationof measurable outcomes. On an annual basis the measurableoutcomes for community basedsupport services are defined in the CNIB annual operating plan and results are provided to the Committee on a quarterly basis

1.3 In collaboration with the Research Advisory Committee,

review best practices and practise guidelines for service


1.4 Make recommendations for the establishment,

development and delivery of community based support


  1. Reporting

The Committee reports to the Board through the Committee Chair. The Committee will provide reports to the National Board (the “Board”) on a regular basis

  1. Membership
  • The maximum number of voting members shall be ten (10)
  • The minimum number of voting members shall be six (6)
  • The Chair of the Board and CNIB’s President and CEO shall be ex-officio, non-voting members of the Committee
  • Members of the Committee shall be appointed for a three-year term, renewable once.
  • The Committee Chair, who shall be a member of the National Board, shall be appointed annually for a one-year term, renewable.

4.Skills and Experience

Committee membership will be skill based. An attempt to include the

following skills and experience will be:

  • Experience in the vision sciences and rehabilitation services as a practitioner
  • Experience as a CNIB client and/or recipient of vision rehabilitation and support services
  • Experience as an advocate in the health, rehabilitation, library or assistive technology fields,
  • Understanding of governance roles and functions,
  • Ability to speak on behalf of CNIB and the mandate of the Committee
  • Awareness of CNIB vision, mission and policies
  • Every effort shall be made to ensure diversity of membership in relation to skills, client participation, gender, ethnic background and geographic regions of the country.

5. Conflict of Interest

As outlined in CNIB’s Conflict of Interest policy, members of the Committee will not use their position on the Committee to benefit materially from the process or the outcomes, nor will they be eligible on an individual basis for paid work being recommended by the Committee to the Board for commission. Members are to serve on the Committee as individuals, not as representatives of specific companies or organizations. Where discussions are taking place to commission work to organizations whose current employees or Board members are members of the Committee, those persons must excuse themselves from any selection or decision-making process.

6.Duration of the Committee

The Committee is a standing committee of the Board and exists atthe

pleasure of the Board.


  • The Committee shall meet with sufficient frequency to accomplish the work of the Committee, but in any case, no fewer than4 times annually
  • It is expected that Committee members will attend meetings regularly, be familiar with materials provided and participate in discussions and in the conduct of the Committee’s business
  • Meeting materials shall be available on a timely basis in the format of each member’s choice. Business shall be conducted only on that basis.


Quorum for Committee meetings shall be a simple majority of voting Members.

9.Duties of the Committee Chair

The Committee Chair shall:

  • Work with the Board Chair in consultation with CNIB’s President and CEO to select committee members and present their names to the Board for appointment
  • Oversee and coordinate the activities of the Committee
  • Prepare and submit Committee reports to the Board
  • Serve as liaison between the Committee and the Board
  • Conduct Committee meetings in accordance with generallyaccepted rules of order


The Committee does not have a line budgetary responsibility. A standing line item will exist in the CNIB budget to cover the operations of the Committee. The budgeting of such special projects as may be approved by the Board will follow the financial procedures of CNIB.

11.Committee Support

The staff support person(s) shall be provided by the CNIB

National Office.

12.Terms of Reference

These Terms of Reference shall be reviewed every three years by

the Governance Committee in consultation with theCommittee Chair

and updated as necessary.

Reviewed by the PSC Committee:

Reviewed by the Governance Committee:

Approved by the National Board of Directors: