Service Learning Reflection Paper

Marisa Gittins

EDU 1400-

9 August 2013

I had the opportunity to complete my service learning hours at the West Jordan Care Center. I assisted with a variety of different opportunities such as assisting with outings in the community, working on appropriate social skills and basic money management.

On one of the occasions I assisted with taking a few residents to Walmart and to the Dollar store. While there I assisted them with making choices for their purchases. I assisted them to stay in budget and appropriate interactions with the cashier. Two of the ladies were in wheelchairs and two of the ladies were ambulatory. All of them had intellectual disabilities.

I assisted in taking a group over to Jordan Landing on a Friday night. On Friday nights in Jordan Landing there are usually bands playing during the summer. It seems to be a summer tradition to hang out in Jordan Landing for the bands playing. This time we all went to Yogurt Land before to assist with choice making and money skills. I enjoyed being with the residents, interacting with them one on one while listening to the band.

On my last night completing my service learning I had the opportunity to be with a lady who has down syndrome. She needed some one on one guidance to get her self on a schedule to manage her leisure time easier. While together we focused on following a schedule that her staff member had arranged. This schedule was to assist this lady to keep herself busy, having productive leisure time. It has been noted in the past that when she feels bored she will get herself into trouble.

I really enjoyed my service learning opportunities. I know that every person deserves love and respect. People with disabilities do not usually think of themselves as being different. They have the same dreams and desires and should be encouraged to do the best that they can in life. I especially enjoyed my experiences with individuals with disabilities on community outings.