EMF (electro-magnetic fields) - Research shows these:

·  Reduce pain

·  Diminish inflammatory ailments

·  Accelerate wound and injury healing

·  Grow bone and neurons

·  Improve gene and protein expression

·  Restore cellular electrical systems

·  Re-establish cell function and cellular metabolism

·  Increase and restore the abnormally low TMP in cancer cells

Bone from animal treated with combined EMFs (middle) shows less loss than one from untreated rat (right). Sections of bone from healthy female rat (left) (John H. Kinney, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


·  Provides plasma electromagnetic fields, (PEMF)

·  Clears aura, chakras and meridians of ones biofield

·  Programs zap pathogen energies

·  Just aim and it does the work for you

·  Homeopathic remedies programmed with ZEB

·  Bioresonance plasma frequencies programmed

·  Achieves Zero Energy Balancing

·  Frequency range 0Hz - 1350KHz

·  Comes with All 3 Module Programs

Our PEMF device applies an electro-magnetic field to the body, which induces the production of weak electrical currents in the tissues. These weak biocurrents can influence the flow of blood and oxygen to the tissues and the flow of ions and of nutrients into the cells. This enhancement of circulation and nutrient exchange can be beneficial in improving cellular bioenergetics.


The first inkling of potential benefits from EMFs emerged during the 1950s, McLeod notes. That's when a series of experiments showed that bone is piezoelectric, meaning that bending or deforming its crystal structure creates local electric currents. Physiologists quickly linked these currents to bone growth in studies that seemed to explain why exercise strengthens bones and immobilization weakens them. This link suggested that electric currents could be applied as therapy.

Thomas J. Goodwin, PH.D with NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center has found positive results stimulation neuronal cell growth with EMF fields. Extremely low-level fields (10-200mGauss) were used.

In England, EM therapy devices introduce negatively charged electrons into patients' skin and tissues to accelerate wound healing, treat inflammatory ailments, and relieve neuralgic pain. In Bulgaria, the Odess Health Farm successfully treats chronic fatigue-like symptoms concomitant with viral hepatitis A infection by applying nonthermal EM radiation to the pyloro-duodenal area every other day for 10 treatments.

EMF forces have clinical efficacy which can be traced to cellular and subcellular benefits.

Dr. Reuven Sandyk has documented numerous long-term beneficial effects of treatment with picoTesla range EMFs in patients with Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological disorders. Dr. Photios A. Anninos has documented beneficial effects of these fields in the treatment of Epilepsy. Dr. Jerry I. Jacobson’s studies have provided further evidence of the safety and efficacy of exposure to picoTesla magnetic fields. Data from 800 patients treated for the pain of Arthritis in Canada where average starting pain was 4.09 and average ending pain (following treatment) was 1.609, using a visual analog scale to rate pain from 0 (no pain) to 10 (extreme pain) revealed a 61% average pain reduction following BioResonance therapy.

Modification of the electrical potential of cell membranes by plasma can be used to increase the abnormally low transmembrane potential (TMP) of cancer cells and injured tissues. Effects that are seen when membrane potential is increased include: enhanced cellular energy (ATP) production, increased oxygen uptake, changes in entry of calcium, movement of sodium out of the cell, movement of potassium into the cell, changes in enzyme and biochemical activity, and changes in cellular pH.

Plasma Power Conversion of Cells (thermionic)


TMP of Cellular Metabolism Re-Established

Every cell in the body is like a little cellular battery. This is the transmembrane potential (TMP) of a cell. To successfully bring nourishment in, and take poisons out, it has to be fully charged. In acancerous cell, the charge (calledcell voltage) drops from 70 millivolts to less than 40 millivolts. When the cell voltage gets to the very bottom, only 5 substances can pass in or out of the cell. They are water, sugar, potassium, cesium and rubidium. Oxygen cannot enter into a cancer cell.

A Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgi, proposed that cell membranes also rectify alternating currents since structured proteins behave like solid-state diodes. (A diode passes electricity in only one direction.) It is reasonable therefore to conclude, based on these biophysical principles, that an EMF potential of sufficient strength will theoretically stimulate the TMP, normal cell metabolism, the sodium pump, ATP production and healing. This far-reaching generalization has already been found in the literature: ìTMP is proportional to the activity of this pump and thus to the rate of healing.î(10) Furthermore, ìincreases in the membrane potential have also been found to increase the uptake of amino acids. Electromedicine therefore, appears to connect to and recharge the storage battery of the TMP, just as sunlight baths connect to and recharge the storage battery of biophotons in cellular DNA. Szent-Gyorgi, A., Introduction to Submolecular Biology, Academic Press, NY, 1960. Also, Bioelectronics, Academic Press, NY 1968, and Electronic Biology, Marcel Dekker, NY 1976 (See Appendix, p. 46)

Edema and inflammation is reduced inside cells when there is a conversion of sodium, Na into potassium, K. These findings make the PEMF devices characteristically known to be associated with one of the best anti-inflammatory and edema reduction methods.


11Na23 + 8O16 = 19K39 + E =

Potassium + Magnetic Nuclear Oscillations = K+Plasma-O

It is the basis for the continuous function of the heart, and the key for the metabolism of all cells. It is clearly understood why the excess of Potassium in the blood stream prohibits the SPT nuclear reaction, leading to lack of energy, heart arrest and death.

This is known from the Nobel prize laureate Irving Langmuir and Lewi Tongs in 1926-1928. plasma oscillations of eigen-frequencies of oxygen are produced.

In 1964, G. Oshava and M. Torii1 (OT) proved in an experiment that cold fusion of Na to K is possible. OT took 2.3 mg of Na, put it in a vacuum tube, 20 cm long and 2 cm in diameter, and sealed it. They ran electrical discharges of 60 watts through it for 30 minutes. After stopping the discharges, they inserted Oxygen in the sealed tube with the electrically treated Na. A second later Na transmuted to K, according to the exothermal* equation:


A basic RC circuit superimposed on an image of a membrane bilayer shows the relationship between the two. ion channels sodium (blue) and potassium (green).

Physiologic Magnetic Fields Are Therapeutic

The human body radiates magnetic energy fields. When we expose disordered areas of the body to precisely the same fields we help to restore order. Pain indicates the existence of disorder. Pain is reduced when afflicted areas are exposed to these fields.

Lakhovsky theorized that an instrument that provided a multitude of electro-magnetic frequencies would allow every cell to find and vibrate in resonance with its own frequency. In 1931 he invented an instrument called the Multiple Wave Oscillator. Until his death in 1942 he treated and cured a number of cancer patients (Lakhovsky, 1939). Other individuals who have used his MWO have also reported similar results.

Individuals such as Royal Rife in the 1930’s and Antoine Priore in the 1960’s also invented electronic equipment that was reported to benefit patients with cancer (Bearden, 1988).

Those healthy biological organisms have coherent biofields and unhealthy organisms have field disruptions and unintegrated signals. For example, when broken bone received treatment with PEMF, the surrounding soft tissues receive the same dose as the fracture site, but physiologically important response occurs only in the injured bone tissue, while changes in the soft tissue have not been observed.


Ho MW. The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms, 2nd ed. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 1998.

Bearden TE. AIDS Biological Warfare. Greenville, TX: Tesla Book Company, 1988.

Lakhovsky G. The Secret of Life: Electricity, Radiation and Your Body. Translated by M. Clement, London: Heinemann, 1939.

Frohlich H., ed. Biological Coherence and Response to External Stimuli. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1988.

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Garnett M. First Pulse: A Personal Journey in Cancer Research. New York, NY: First Pulse Projects, 1998.

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