Alzheimer’s Association of Southeastern Virginia

Library VHS Video Holdings – Norfolk Office

May 2010

Category: Activities

Glass Half Full

Category: Activities

Common Sense Productions, Baltimore, MD

Pub Date: 1991, 20 Mins

Format(s): VHS; DVD

Topics: Activities, Therapeutic

Review: A full kit including videos & cards; 2 videos. Illustrated video and training package with therapeutic techniques and easy to follow activities for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Laminated activity cards provide activity ideas for professional and family caregivers.

Video Respite: Ladies Let's Chat

Category: Activities

Terra Nova

Pub Date: 1994, 43 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Activities, Respite

Review: These tapes are designed to stimulate persons with dementia and hold their attention to allow respite time for caregivers. This video is oriented toward women; discusses "school days", weddings, children, etc.

Video Respite: Demonstration Video

Category: Activities

Terra Nova Films, Inc

Pub Date: 1996, 20 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Activities, Respite

Review: An opportunity to view a few sequences from the Video Respite collection developed by Innovative Care giving Resources, Inc. These tapes are designed to stimulate persons with dementia and hold their attention to allow respite time for caregivers.

Video Respite: Lunch break with Tony

Category: Activities

Terra Nova Films, Inc

Pub Date: 1995, 33 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Activities, Respite

Review: These tapes are designed to stimulate persons with dementia and hold their attention to allow respite time for caregivers. This video is oriented toward men, as Tony discusses workdays, work companions, first cares and first loves, family, and the tools in his toolbox.

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Alzheimer’s Association of Southeastern Virginia

Library VHS Video Holdings – Norfolk Office

May 2010

Category: Activities

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Alzheimer’s Association of Southeastern Virginia

Library VHS Video Holdings – Norfolk Office

May 2010

Category: Caregiving

Aging with Grace (See also Caregiving with Grace)

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 1999, 22 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Aging

Review: An uplifting and spirited conversation among articulate seniors on the impact of aging and their sense of who they are. The bottom line: you need never stop growing and learning as you age, despite the limitations and losses that accompany the process. An eye-opening video for older people and caregivers alike, sure to erase any doubt that you CAN grow old gracefully.

Alone But Not Forgotten (with manual) Two stories on one tape.

Category: Caregiving

Education Media Services, Duke Univ Med Schoo, Alzheimer's Assoc

Pub Date: 2000, 48 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Aging, African-American

Review: The video focuses on the issue of providing care to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease who live alone. One story portrays an African-American woman who gets help from her sister who lives nearby and community agencies. The other story shows a Caucasian woman who has no family but receives care from community programs. The video raises safety, health, transport, and relationship issues.

Alzheimer’s Disease Do’s & Don’ts (Missing Presumed Lost)

Category: Caregiving

Peter Rabins, MD, Johns Hopkins Dept of Psychiatry

Pub Date: 2000, 25 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Support Groups

Review: Interviews with members of a support group facilitated by Peter Rabins, this video discusses do’s and don’t for family caregivers. Part of a 2-part video series entitled Interacting with Alzheimer Patients: Tips for Families and Friends (other part is titled Recognizing & Preventing Caregiver Burnout).

Alzheimer’s Disease: Natural Feeding Techniques

Category: Caregiving

Produced by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Pub Date: 1993, 14 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Feeding

Review: Uses three case studies to show techniques for encouraging feeding and avoiding use of feeding tubes for individuals with dementia. The program suggests making breakfast and lunch the biggest meals of the day, serving a variety of food, using more staff to help out at mealtimes, and offering cues for chewing and swallowing.

Alzheimer’s Special: Driving & Dementia Don’t Mix

Category: Caregiving

Alzheimer's Association, St. Louis Chapter with Mo DMV

Pub Date: 1995, 30 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Driving

Review: A physician, an occupational therapist, and a representative from the Missouri Department of Motor Vehicles discuss driving and dementia. Three people talk about problems they’ve experienced when people with dementia continue to drive. Segments of the video pertain specifically to the state of Missouri.

Best Friends

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 1993, 14 Mins

Format(s): VHS; DVD

Topics: Caregiving, Respite, Volunteers

Review: This video demonstrates that individual care can significantly improve the quality of life for persons with Alzheimer’s and can prevent difficult-to-manage behaviors. It profiles a model volunteer program that provides care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease in a day care center. Working one-on-one, the volunteers provide both respite for the caregiver and safe, creative companionship for the person with dementia.

Caregiver Issues: Planning the Care of Aging Loved Ones

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 1998, 20 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Family

Review: Doug Manning discusses family conflict and care for the caregiver on this video. He discusses the need for a family meeting to plan care, caregiver bill of rights, dealing with family conflict and uneven distribution of responsibility, caregiver burnout, and the need for caregivers to accept support and respite.

Caregiver Series (The): All Six Segments.

Category: Caregiving

The Alzheimer's Association

Pub Date: 1990, 110 Mins

Format(s): VHS; DVD

Topics: Caregiving, Overview

Review: The intro, is an orientation to Alzheimer's disease and how it affects the brain. The following 5 segments address specific issues: Daily Challenges, Communicating, Safety, Difficult Behaviors and Caring for the Caregiver.

Caregiver Series (The): Part 1 of 5 Meeting Daily Challenges

Category: Caregiving

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Assoc, Inc.

Pub Date: 1990, 15 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, ADLs

Review: Family caregivers discuss techniques for assisting with activities of daily living such as eating, bathing, dressing.

Caregiver Series (The): Part 2 of 5 Communicating

Category: Caregiving

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Assoc, Inc ED248ZB

Pub Date: 1990, 20 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Communication

Review: Overview of suggestions for effective communication with an individual with dementia. Provides practical examples of family caregivers as they interact with their loved one. Discusses the importance of maintaining the person’s dignity and the importance of using alternative forms of communication such as touching, music, etc. as the person’s verbal skills diminish.

Caregiver Series (The): Part 3 of 5 Safety First

Category: Caregiving

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Assoc, Inc.

Pub Date: 1990, 14 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Safety

Review: This video makes safety a top priority for Alzheimer’s caregiving. It presents ways in which family members and other caregivers can prepare for an emergency involving the person with dementia. It also suggests ideas for making the home accident proof and preventing emergencies.

Caregiver Series (The): Part 4 of 5 Managing Difficult Behavior

Category: Caregiving

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Assoc, Inc

Pub Date: 1990, 22 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Behaviors

Review: This video presents some of the common feelings Alzheimer’s patients experience, and the behavioral problems that often result from such feelings. There are suggestions for caregivers relating to the patient’s feelings and to adapting the environment in order to manage these symptoms.

Caregiver Series (The): Part 5 of 5 Caring for the Caregiver

Category: Caregiving

Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Assoc, Inc

Pub Date: 1990, 20 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Family

Review: Caregivers discuss learning how to take care of themselves, understanding how relationships will change, and coping with the stress and sadness of the disease’s progression. This video presents an overview of how caregivers can best take care of themselves while providing individuals with dementia the best possible care.

Challenges in Caregiving:

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 1993, 35 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Stages

Review: Insights of the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and the impact on caregivers.

Combative Residents: Mirror Their Reality Coastal Health Training (Tape Blank)

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 1997, 23 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Behaviors

Review: Tape is blank.

Coping with the Incurable

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 1984, 14 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Stages

Review: First a lady whose husband develops AD, losing things, gets lost. After many MDs, a diagnosis of AD -- almost a relief to have a name for it. Then Jim 44, quiet, nobody noticed until he lost his job. More as AD progresses. Discussion of AD by an MD. Avoid guilt, get into a Support Group, when things get bad you need the group and probably a home at some point. We have a long way to go in understanding AD and helping caregivers.

Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Common Sense Approach to Communication

Category: Caregiving

Terra Nova Films

Pub Date: 1990, 21 Mins

Format(s): VHS; DVD

Topics: Caregiving, Communication

Review: Designed to help caregivers understand and deal with the most common behavioral changes and language deficits affecting persons with Alzheimer’s disease. (Ramsey Foundation)

Dealing with Alzheimer’s: Facing Difficult Decisions

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 1992, 23 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Late Stage, Placement Decisions

Review: Three families discuss the difficult decision in determining home care versus nursing home placement, including treatments, hospitalization, CPR, feeding issues and comfort measures.

Dementia and Driving: Issues and Answers

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 1999, 12 Mins

Format(s): VHS; DVD

Topics: Caregiving, Driving

Review: Dr. Jean Root, Medical Director, Senior Health Center, Police Officer David Gervira and Judy Van Hoef, Exec Dir Alzheimer's Assoc, Oklahoma. Taking away the auto is very touchy. Safety is the key issue. With erosion of judgment and trouble with visual and spatial coordination the patient must stop driving. Several methods are discussed.

Elder Abuse: The Real Definition Part 1 of 3 Neglect

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 2000, 18 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Abuse, Healthcare Professional, Training

Review: This program considers situations in which neglecting an older person is abusive. The situations include not responding to a call bell, not providing assistance when needed, allowing a resident to remain soiled, not observing and reporting significant change in an older person's physical or mental status, and not reporting signs of pain.

Elder Abuse: The real Definition Part 2 of 3 Abusive Verbal Confrontations

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 2000, 22 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Abuse, Healthcare Professional, Training

Review: This program's discussion includes lack of verbal interaction while providing care, lack of responsive feedback to conversation, negative comments concerning condition or abilities, and directing ridicule, anger, and threats at an older person.

Elder Abuse: The Real Definition Part 3 of 3 Abusive Physical Interactions

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 2000, 22 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Abuse, Healthcare Professional, Training

Review: Care providers discuss unacceptable physical interactions; use of force when an older person cannot or will not cooperate; grabbing, hitting or pushing a resident; and rough manner.

Elder Abuse: The Real Definition.

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 2000, 60 Mins

Format(s): VHS; DVD

Topics: Caregiving, Abuse, Healthcare Professional, Training

Review: This 3-part series provides examples of situations that lead the viewer to a fuller understanding of what fits within the definition of elder abuse.

Facing Alzheimer’s: Conversations with Caregivers

Category: Caregiving

Terra Nova Films, Inc

Pub Date: 2002, 55 Mins

Format(s): VHS; DVD

Topics: Caregiving, Behaviors, Overview

Review: Provides an in-depth look at the impact caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s can have on a caregiver, the other family members, and their lifestyles. From diagnosis to the final days of caregiving, this video uncovers a vast range of emotions, uncertainties, and difficult decisions caregivers experience but rarely talk about openly. Session one includes discussion on initial reactions to diagnosis, coping with changes in a loved one, changes in marital relationships, and children as caregivers for parents. Session two includes discussion of placement decisions, the need for caregiver respite, lessons caregivers learned in taking care of their loved one, and letting go and saying good-bye.

Family Guide to Alzheimer's Disease VOL 2 Behavior Issues (VT)

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 2004, 67 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Behaviors

Review: Produced by Lifeview. Will help you understand how the disease affects our loved ones behavior, what to expect strategies for altering behavior and improving quality of life. Behaviors: perception of reality, agitation, hallucinations, sleeplessness, sundowning, wandering, incontinence, redirection and "fiblets."

Family Guide to Alzheimer's Disease VOL 3 Daily Life (VT)

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 2004, 42 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, ADLs, Communication

Review: Produced by Lifeview. Will teach you how to help your loved one live at home as successfully as possible for as long as possible. Making home safe, communicating, structuring a manageable daily routine.

Family Guide to Alzheimer's Disease VOL 4 Family Caregiving (VT)

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 2004, 62 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, ADLs

Review: Produced by Lifeview. Shows how to handle daily responsibilities of caring for a loved one and how to get help that is critical for your own health. How and why to get outside help, involving other family members. Handling ADLs like eating, dressing and bathing..

Family Guide to Alzheimer's Disease VOL 5 Transitions (VT)

Category: Caregiving

Pub Date: 2004, 44 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, End Stages, Placement Decisions

Review: Produced by Lifeview. The end is the hardest when we can no longer care for our loved one at home. Adopting social activities for your loved one, spiritual issues, evaluating care facilities, grieving.

Guilt Issues:

Planning the Care of Aging Loved Ones Series

Category: Caregiving

In-Sight Books, Inc. PO Box 42467, Oklahoma City,

Pub Date: 1998, 30 Mins

Format(s): VHS;

Topics: Caregiving, Guilt, Aging, Family

Review: Doug Manning discusses caregiver Guilt issues, sharing insights from his experiences in 20 years as a minister and counselor.

He’s Doing This to Spite Me: Emotional Conflicts in Dementia Care (with manual).

Category: Caregiving