

Goal: Your goal is to find information on the three regions of Georgia. You will find out what animals/plants live in those regions, what their habitats are like and what would happen if their habitats changed.

Role: Your role is to become an environmentalist so you can present your information on the importance of maintaining the habitats to protect the animals/plants and the environment.

Audience:Your audience will be the citizens and leaders of Georgia. They will gather at a state meeting to hear your information so they will be understand why each citizen should do all they can to protect the habitats and animals/plants of Georgia.

Situation:Your information will help save these regions for the wildlife in these areas and prevent unneeded construction and destruction of these regions.

Product Performance and Purpose:You will have a choice of performance products. You can create a diorama of the environment along with a written presentation, create a PowerPoint presentation with pictures and written explanations, illustrate the environment along with a written presentation, create a pamphlet on the environment with pictures and written explanations, or video tape yourself as a reporter showing pictures of the environment and explaining the importance of each.

Standards and Criteria for Success: The rubric and standards will be your guide to the information needed for this assignment.

Name: ______Date:______

Graphic Organizer



Animal / Habitat / Adaptations


Plant / Habitat / Adaptations

Dangers to the environment (What types of changes could harm the environment and hurt the plants and animals of that region?)




Website address / Author / Date


Writer’s Checklist

Directions: Put a check mark next to each item after you have reviewed your paper for each item.

1. ____ Sentences start with a capital letter and have the correct ending mark.

2. ____ Paragraphs have a main idea sentence and at least three detail sentences.

3. ____ Adjectives are added to give detailed descriptions.

4. ____ Words are spelled correctly.

5. ____ Paragraphs are indented.

6. ____ Proper nouns are capitalized.

7. ____ Sentences flow when I read them and they go together.


Student Project Reflection

  1. What did you like about the project you created?
  1. What would you do differently next time?
  1. Which resources helped you the most?

4. Which resource was the least helpful?




Information Literacy Standard 3 The student who is information literate uses information accurately and creatively.

The student who is information literate manages information skillfully and effectively in a variety of contexts. That student organizes and integrates information from a range of sources and formats in

order to apply it to decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, and creative expression. The student communicates information and ideas for a variety of purposes, both scholarly and creative;

to a range of audiences, both in school and beyond; and in print, nonprint, and electronic formats. This Standard promotes the design and execution of authentic products that involve critical and creative thinking and that reflect real world situations. The indicators under this Standard therefore deviate from the traditional definition of use. Rather than suggesting that students simply insert researched information into a perfunctory product, the indicators emphasize the thinking processes involved when students use information to draw conclusions and develop new understandings.


Indicator 1. Organizes information for practical application

Indicator 2. Integrates new information into one’s own knowledge

Indicator 3. Applies information in critical thinking and problem solving

Indicator 4. Produces and communicates information and ideas in appropriate formats


GPS Science Standard S3L1. Students will investigate the habitats of different organisms and the dependence of organisms on their habitat.

a. Differentiate between habitats of Georgia (mountains, marsh/swamp, coast, Piedmont,

Atlantic Ocean) and the organisms that live there.

b. Identify features of green plants that allow them to live and thrive in different regions of


c. Identify features of animals that allow them to live and thrive in different regions of


d. Explain what will happen to an organism if the habitat is changed.

Georgia Habitat Rubric

1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Score
Region / Identifies one landform in the region. / Identifies two landforms in the region. / Identifies three or more landforms in the region.
Animals / Identifies one animal that lives in the region. / Identifies two animals that live in the region. / Identifies three or more animals that live in the region.
Plants / Identifies one plant that lives in the region. / Identifies two plants that live in the region. / Identifies three or more plants that live in the region.
Habitats / Identifies the habitat of one plant and animal of the region. / Identifies the habitat of two plants and animals of the region. / Identifies the habitat of three or more plants and animals of the region.
Adaptations / Explains adaptations of one plant and animal that allows them to survive in this region. / Explains adaptations of two plants and animals that allows them to survive in this region. / Explains adaptations of three or more plants and animals that allows them to survive in this region.
Environmental Changes / Explains the effects of one change on the environment. / Explains the effect of two changes on the environment. / Explains the effect of three or changes on the environment.
Presentation / The student can name parts of the region but is unable to explain the important details of the region. May or may not be able to convince the panel to save the environment / The student is able to explain some information about the region, but appears somewhat unsure, and can convince the panel to save the environment. / The student is able to explain the region thoroughly and with authority, and is able to convince the panel to save the environment.
Attractiveness / The project is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. / The project is attractive though it may be a bit messy. / The project is attractive in design, layout and neatness.
Resources / Cites one resource. / Cites two resources. / Cites three or more resources.
Total Score