Southern & Eastern Asia Web Quest: Environment

1.  What is a monsoon?

2.  What is a typhoon?

3.  What is a tsunami?

4.  What is the cause of major flooding in India? What season does India experience the most flooding?

5.  What areas did Super Typhoon Haiyan hit? What makes Super Typhoon Haiyan unique?

6.  What is Asia’s Brown Cloud?

7.  What has the “brown cloud” done to the temperature and precipitation in Asia?

8.  What environmental concern did the international community have about China hosting the 2008 summer Olympics?

9.  What contributes to China’s air pollution problems?

10.  In 2006, what animal became extinct from the Yangtze/Chang Jiang River?

11.  What is another name for the Himalayan Mountain Range?

12.  What is acid rain and why is it dangerous to the environment?

13.  Describe the Taklimakan Desert? How are the sand dunes created?

14.  What natural disaster occurred in Japan in 2011?

15.  What type of accident occurred in Fukushima in 2011 that forced people to evacuate?

16.  What is Japan ranked compared to the rest of the world’s fishing industry? Why do you think they are so successful? (to the left of the page, click economy, click fishing and forestry)

17.  On the Korean Peninsula, North Korea contains a great bulk of all known what? (to the left of page, click economy, click resources and power)

18.  Korea uses hydroelectric power. Describe in detail what that means.

19.  How has India’s need to develop industry ended up creating problems along the Ganges River?

  1. Chemicals and fertilizer and industry wash into the river, human and animal waste, bodies of dead animals and cremated remains of humans, used for bathing, used for laundry, used for drinking and cooking water

20.  Why has the Indian government had such a hard time making progress in cleaning up the Ganges River?

  1. Growing population and run-off from farming make it hard to see progress in controlling pollution.

21.  Why is the Yangtze so important to the population and economy of China?

  1. Supplies millions of people with water for drinking, irrigation, and industrial uses.

22.  What are some of the main causes of high levels of nitrogen in the waters of the Yangtze River?

  1. The chemicals used for industry run off into the river causing much damage to the environment.

23.  What is the most common industrial pollutant found in the Yangtze?

  1. Nitrogen

24.  How would building sanitary landfills along the Yangtze help reduce pollution in the water?

  1. The garbage would go into the landfills and not the river.

25.  Why are India’s urban areas having problems with air pollution?

  1. Rapidly growing population, heavy industry, thousands of automobiles

Reduce rainfall, lower temperatures

26.  Why is reducing air pollution difficult for the Indian government?

  1. Many people are poor and they do not want to slow economic growth

27.  What is the leading cause of death in China?

  1. Respiratory and heart disease

28.  What economic argument does the World Bank make to urge countries to do whatever they need to do to clean up serious environmental problems quickly?

  1. Long-term costs of health problems often more expensive than clean-up effort or economic profits.