4 Our Troops / Andrew Meyers, Laura Watiker / Ms. Barton / / To support the troops fighting in Operation Iraqi Freedom by collecting goods like DVD's, games, toiletries and then box and mail them / Twice a month
Adopt-A-Grandparent / Rachel Natbony, Sara Greenberg / Ms. Ungar / / We visit with the residents at Sarah Neuman nursing home a few times a month.
AFYA / Leah Cannon / Ronnie Braun / / Send medical supplies to Africa and Haiti
Anmesty International / Lina Kheir / Lisa Yokana / / Amnesty International's vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rightsand other international human rights standards. Our mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of our work to promote all human rights. / Rm. 211, Wednesdays 7th period
Art from the Heart / Eden Halperin and Julie Leff / Nadine Gordon / / To raise money to buy, build, and paint supplies to redo a deserving child's room / Rm 273
Art Therapy / Taylor Solomon, Celina Tcoll-Ramirez / Lauren Pomerantz / , / Do art with kids in therapy / Thursdays
Autism Speaks / Alexandra Levine, Laurn Alin / Mr. Singer / / To raise money and raise awareness for Autism Speaks in order to better the lives of those touched by autism spectrum disorders. / Tuesdays after school, Rm. 348
Backyard Sports / Max Bernstein / John Feld / / To supply Backyard Sports with volunteers and to raise money for the organization. / Thursdays at 3 in the LRC room
The Balamitra Project / Maya Pochiraju / Rashid Silvera / / Raise funds, and school supplies for the Balamitra Schools in Eastern India. Also to raise awareness about Balamitra’s cause in helping to provide education to tribal children and communities. / Wednesdays 7th Rm. 2n6.
Beads for Babies / Radhika Rastogi and
Laura Watiker / Candiss Cowan / / To raise money Childlife Programs at the Children’s Hospital in Montefiore / Radhika Rastogi’s house, a few weekends a month
beCause we care / Dana Bernstein
and Stefanie Hindmarch / Ms. Minchillo / / To make bracelets for the company beCause marketing too—proceeds go to different charities / Fridays at 2:00 room 281 (Johnson's room) once a month
Black awareness club / Talia Plummer, Anita Jackson / Mr. Draper / / To spread awareness that black people are not what the stereotypes portray
in the science wing / Wednesday 7th
Breast Cancer Awareness Club / Harley Landsberg,
Allie Weber,
Eve Muller / John Feld / , , / To raise money for breast cancer research / Wednesday
Bridges to Community / Stephanie Ro and Jessica Solomon / Ms. Wagner / , / To raise money for children in Nicaragua who are living in poverty and dying from lack of health care / Wednesdays 7th period in room 383
Charity Water / Ben Rosenbaum, Larry Milstein / Mr.Szerlip / / To promote awareness and raise money for the N.Y. based organization Charity: Water which uses donations to build freshwater solutions that bring clean, safe, and potable drinking water to developing nations / Monday, 3:00, Room 292
Child Soldier Awareness (CSA) / Anisha Nandi / Ms. Tallevi-Meyer / / CSA raises awareness of the state of child soldiers in countries around the world. Furthermore, we seek to raise money to fund and support rehabilitation centers for child soldiers / Wednesday 7th period
CHOSA (Children of South Africa) / Georgia Roth, Julia Morris, Bebe Silberzweig / Mr. Boyar / / Reach out and take care of orphans in South Africa
Coachman Club / Zoe Mikhailovich and Dana Bernstein / Ms. Brilliant / / Help homeless children with homework and to prepare for tests after school / Brilliant’s Room
Cooking For A Cause / Shelby and Ariel Rokito / Ms. Levenberg / / Feed homeless in Westchester / Sundays once a month in the
WRT kitchen
Cultivating Futures / Kailyn Amory / Ms. Konishi / / The purpose of our club is to help end poverty and hunger by giving poor, rural families the tools they need to become self reliant. We will raise funds for the organization Heifer International. Heifer International will use the money we give them to give livestock and training to rural communities. / Monday 7th, weekly, Rm. 287 Club / Caroline Pitofsky, Brittany Salese / Mr. Draper / , / Undertakes fundraising to provide school materials to teachers and students in need / Thursday Rm. 2N4
Edward Williams elementary School Club / Graham Winston / Kami Wright / / Tutoring, fund-raising / Thursday
Rm. 1N2
F.A.C.T. (Food Allergy Club for Teens) / Carly Roman and Ilana Newman / Jessica Levenberg / / To raise awareness about various food allergies that affect people in this
community. We would also like to hold fundraisers to raise money for food allergy
groups, such as FAAN, the Feingold Association, and APFED. / Wednesdays 7th period, once a month
Rm. 374
Free The Children / Carly Carlin and Allie Beizer / Mr. Olivier / / We work closely with Human Rights Coalition and have several annual fundraisers in order to benefit children around the world and help end the cycle of poverty, specifically through educating community members on a local level and building schools globally. / Fridays 7th every other week, Rm. 3N2
GLOW (Gay Lesbian Or Whatever) / Olivia Harris and Sarah Pattiz / Candiss Cowan, Lauren Tallevi-Meyer / / To provide SHS students with a safe haven and information regarding their sexuality
and to raise awareness about gay rights in both our community and globally / Fridays 7th, Rm. 367, weekly
The Girl Effect / Maddy Appelbaum and Hannah Rubinstein / Jeanne Cooper / / To raise money for organizations that are making a real difference in the live of girls and women, and putting the girl effect into action. Also to spread the word about the serious issues affecting women and girls in developing nations, and the powerful change the girl effect can bring to the world. / Wednesdays at 3:00 in room 1N2
GMt. Sinai Pediatric Care Club / Becca Zipursky, / Mr. Draper / / Raise money for children at Mr. Sinai hospital / Every other Wednesday Rm. 306
Graced Notes / Will Heffner / Ms. Blood / / To provide music programs for summer camps (like Graced church community center summer camp and
Holy Rosary Church summer camp) that cannot afford to provide them.
H.E.L.P. Animals / Andrew Davis, Michael Shore / Laura Bell / / To raise money for animal shelters and help to promote the humane treatment of animals in the district. / Thursdays in Rm. 407
Hearts and Crafts / Micaela Arriola
Christiana Vissas / Ms. Farina / / Our club will be working with the Ronald McDonald House in New York City. Along with fund-raising, we will be making small arts and crafts kits for the children. Since each child has adifferent schedule with their medical checkups and chemotherapy, they will be able to make the project whenever they would like. We hope this will bring joy to the children that have cancer and for it to be something fun for children of all ages. / Monday after school Rm. 282, bimonthly
Habitat for Humanity / Grace Dowling and Melissa Tucker / Kathryn Darcy / , / To raise money and awareness for Habitat for Humanity of Westchester / Thursdays after school in Rm. 3N4
Human Rights Coalition / Neil Ginsberg / / To educate club members and the school community about current human right violations around the world. / Monday
Rm. 362
Hang A Tear, Prevent A Tear (HATPAT) / Jamie Tanzer / Ms. Brilliant / / To educate students about the dangers of drunk driving
It Takes A Village / David Wiesenfeld, Douglas meyers / Wesley Phillipson / / To fundraise and raise awareness. Then, with the money made from fundraising or donations, we will buy and send school supplies to the school in the town of Mlagarini, Tanzania. / Every other Wednesday Rm. 370
Kiva Club / Sam Waters and Alex Allien / Ms. Tallevi-Meyer / / Raise money to give micro loans to small business owners in the developing world / Mondays 7th
LiNK / Brian Chae, Christina Song, Joseph Lee / Mr. Waters / nykturtle17 / Increase Awareness of North Korea's Human Right's issues / Monday
Rm. 315
Make a Wish / Jacob Wallach / Dr. Kroll and Mr. Semioli / / To make money in order to donate / Mondays, 7th Rm. 2N7
Make It Green Club / Shelby Schrier, Carly Carlin, Meagan Hom, Ali Katcis / Ms. Claussen / / Promote sustainability within the school and the rest of the community / Monday or Wesnesday 7th, Rm. 389
Mascaro Club / Claire D’Silva / Rashid Silvera / / To raise money, increase the number of volunteers, and collect needed supplies for the Mascaro Unit of the Boys and Girls Club.
M.I.A / Allie Chaves / Ginsberg / / To help kids cope with grief / Every Wednesday 7th period
Rm. 362, and Friday 730am Rm. 362
Midnight Run / Zach Wald / Mr. Mounkhall / / Feed the homeless of NYC / Saturday Night once a month
Nothing But Nets / Casey Russo / Mr. Evans / / Raise money to purchase mosquito nets to send to Ghana, and plan a senior trip there. / Wednesday 7th period
Rm. 2N7
Organic Club / Biagio Disalvo / Ms. Favaretti / , / To grow organic foods to be sent to soup kitchens in the area. We also teach our members techniques that make growing plants easy and information on the plants that we grow. / 7th period Wednesday and Friday – Post road garden
Pajama Program / Emily Trock Will Hunersen / Dina Hoffstetter / / Raise money for/ collect books and pajamas for underprivileged children in the Westchester area / Wednesdays once a month
Rm. 211
Pediatric Cancer Club / Chelsea Tatz and Jordan Falcoff / Mr. Vermes / / Raise money for cure and treatment of cancer / Wednesday 7th Rm. 351
Pennies for Peace / Brittany Kaplan and Alisa Zosin / Ms. Claussen / ,
/ To raise money for building and sustaining schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which are built for students who have inadequate learning conditions. / First Monday of every month, 7th period, Rm. 362
Pine Ridge Reservation Aid / Helen Bush and Abby Weingarten / Mr. Renino / , / To raise awareness of conditions on the Pine Ridge Reservation and about the Oglala Lakota people and culture / Thursdays Rm. 204
Project Morry / Jeffrey Salama, Ali Chalfin / Ms. Wagner / / Project Morry does is it is an organization that gives under privileged children the opportunity to go to sleep-away camp for FREE! / Wednesday 7th Rm. 289
Publicolor / Alyssa Marcus / Dr. Gordan / , / Make schools in the city more colorful and cheerful / Room 273 after school Tuesdays
Recycle for Change / Lauren Silberberg and Rachel Boxer / Mrs. Siegrist / , / To collect bottles around the school to exchange for grocery money and donate to charity / Every other Tuesday Rm. 285
reNEW York / Shoshana Sheinfeld and Matthew Lee / Rashid Silvera / / To benefit the people and environment of New York / Wednesday
Rm. 2N6 once or twice a month
RobinHood / Andrew Och / John Feld / / To create awareness and raise money for the robinhood foundation, which fights poverty in NYC.
Same Sky / Blayne Planit / Claussen / / To raise awareness and money for Same Sky organization, a fair-trade company whose mission is to empower women worldwide and inspire a movement of women empowering women. The women are slowly recovering from the Rwanda genocide, the money raised provides them with tools to become entrepreneurs and lead self-sustaining lives. / Thursdays at after school in room 362
S.T.E.P / Caroline Rodman / Mr. Sawyer / / Integrate S.T.E.P students into the Scarsdale High School Community / Out of school, location and time vary
Sending Hope to Unicef / Julia Hirsch, Michelle AbramowitzAshley Panessa and Ciera Howard / Ms. Barton / / Raise money to send to Unicef,
collect clothing and school supplies to send to various charities (Yonkers, Nicaragua, and Haiti)
To raise awareness and participants when we go to Unicef walks
-Annual Halloween "Trick-or-Treat-for-Unicef" / Julia's House (2 Winslow Place)
On the first Wednesday of every month
at 2:00pm
Schools Helping Schools / Laura Isby, Elisabeth Huh / Ms. Johnson / , / To help schools worldwide that have been devastated by natural disasters—support social development work in Southeast Asia / Wednesday 3 p.m. Rm. 281
SHS Ghana Club / Camila Kaune / Mr. Caie / / Send supplies to Ghana / Fridays
SHS Haiti Club / Ian Rabin and Jacob Klein / Mr. Azor / / Our purpose is to raise money for Haiti. In addition to fundraisers, we will be in contact with AFYA to help out and to continue our partnership in supporting this cause.
SOS 4 Education / Richard Jamesley / Jim Borgia / / Go to Katrina / Wednesday
Skiing and Snowboarding For the community / Zoe Blumenthal and Jordana Cooper / Mrs. Barton / / We go on about 1-2 ski trips per year and are sponsored to raise money for a different local charity each year and we also so fundraisers like bake sales, bracelet sales, etc. / Fridays 2:00
Rm. 256
Spanglish / Peter Lash, Mitchell Stone / Kaitz / / Teach Spanish-speaking adults English / Wednesday Rm. 311
Spectrum of Friends Club / Erica Getto, , Matt Schier, / Mounkhall / / To integrate the students in SHS Special Ed. Program into the student body through art, games and social interaction / Mondays and Wednesday's we meet in Rm. 273 and Fridays in Mr. Singer’s room(attheendofthecomputerlabhallwayonthethirdfloorintheotherdirectionfromthePostRd.entrance
Support Education Club / Laura Watiker and
Leigh Wigon / Lauren Pomerantz / / Aid Education on Local and Global Basis / Some Thursdays
Lauren Pomerantz's office in Commons
TOMS / Justine Gelfman / Ms. Hollander / / To raise awareness and contribute to the TOMS charity which provides footwear to children in areas of need. Millions of kids around the world do not own a pair of shoes. / Friday 7th, bimonthly
Tourettes Awareness / Carina Gupta / Lauren Pomerantz / / Raise awareness/ money to fund genetic research to find a cure. Create anti-bullying campaigns in local schools and the community at large.
Form support groups for students who have, or are affected by Tourettes Syndrome. / Wednesdays after school, weekly Rm. 207
UNICEF / Victoria Green / Ms. Barton / / Raise money to support international education
Vitamin Angels / Camille Tambunting and Bobby Koch / Mr. Draper / , / To raise money for support of the full time organization. / Monday 7th Period, Draper’s classroom
youthAIDS / Matt Greenberg
Ben Jacobs / Mr. Gustaffson / / Raise money to pay for medications for youth's with aids in Africa / Wednesday