Wokingham NCT

Nearly New Sale Seller Instructions

Nearly New Sale Enquiries:

Please note: The information in this letter changes from sale to sale, so even if you have sold before, please read this fully to ensure you are aware of any changes.

Dear Seller

Thank you for applying to sell your items at our next NCT Nearly New Sale.

Date: Sunday 26th April 2015Venue: St Crispin’s School, London Road, Wokingham.

Time: 11:15am – 12:45pm general public. 11:00am entrance for NCT members (with valid membership card)

Entrance £1 minimum donation

Sale Items Drop off Times

Seller Number / Drop off time
1 -50 / 09:00
51 – 100 / 09:15
101 – 120 / 09:30
If you are an all day volunteer and a seller / 08:45

Please bring your labeled items, completed Sellers’ List and signed Seller Agreement through the right hand side entrance of the school, please check in at the desk.

Dropping off your sale items

Items should be dropped off in large boxes, suitcase, or laundry bags labelled clearly with your seller number.

Please Note

Although every care will be taken with the security of your sale goods, the NCT cannot accept responsibility for labels that become detached and lost, or for lost and damaged items. All items are left at the owner’s risk.

Collection of unsold items

After the sale, your unsold goods will be available for you to collect from the hall between 3:00 and 3:30pm.

All sellers should check the ‘Lost and Found’ table, which contains all the items that have lost their labels or been incorrectly, labelled BEFORE LEAVING THE HALL.

Please take the time to look through your bag to ensure all the items returned are yours. If you find anything that is not yours, please contact us on

PLEASE NOTE: Items that have not been collected by 3:30pm on Sunday 26th April 2015 will be assumed to be no longer wanted by the seller and will be donated to charity.


What Can Be Sold

Please consider carefully items to be sold. Each seller may sell a maximum of 150 items.

Items which CAN be sold / Items which CANNOT be sold
Clothing and shoes 0 – 10 years only / Clothing for children 10 years or over
Maternity clothes / Mains electrical items (e.g. baby monitors, bottle warmers, lamps)
Prams, pushchairs & buggies / Bottles, baby food and formula milk
Toys / Second hand breast pumps (both electrical and hand held). Brand new manual ones can be sold.
Fancy dress / Riding hats, crash helmets, cycle hats
Books & puzzles / Clothing with a drawstring around the neck
Games / Handmade toys
DVDs, Videos and CDs / Mattresses
Maternity wear & equipment / Pottery, china, glass or other such breakables
Nursery furnishings, bedding & equipment / Car seats, car booster seats, Isofix bases or car seats from travel systems
Cots, travel cots and cot beds / Bag style sling baby carriers, due to safety concerns (Infantino Sling Rider, Premaxx baby bag, Munchkin cargo sling, Boppy carry in comfort, Lamaze Close Comfort, Wendy Bellisimo sling are no longer accepted).
Playpens / Mothercare travel swings (including ‘Loved so Much’ “Little Circus”, My Jungle Family”, Please look after Me Bear”.
Baths, potties
Cosmetic products if unopened.
Safety equipment
Clean high chairs and booster seats
Baby bouncers, walkers, sit in activity centres

Clothing Quality

Please note that many clothes went unsold at the last sale. We believe this was because of their quality and price. We recommend that you only put forward clothes that are in excellent condition and do not look worn.

Please note that the NCT do accept up to the age of 10 years and that 0-6 months clothes do not sell well so please try and limit the amount of these that you enter into the sale.

Please ensure all shoes are fastened in pairs and are clean, any that are of poor condition will be removed from the sale.

Don’t over-price items. Clothes sell better on hangers. Fancy dress & uniforms sell well. Good quality brands e.g., M&S, Mini Boden, GAP, Next, etc., will always sell for a good price. Please bear in mind when pricing your goods that new items can be purchased very cheaply from places like Primark, Asda and Tesco.

Condition of Goods to Be Sold

  • The sale has an excellent reputation for high quality clothes, toys and equipment so we ask that you only put in items still in good condition.
  • All clothes must be clean and pressed.
  • All toys and equipment should be clean and safe. Theymustbeinfullworkingorderwithnopartsmissing.
  • Stair gates, fireguards, barriers and bed rails must have correct fittings. Please ensure it would not be possible for babies to get their heads stuck between any parts. Please include instructions on use that should be securely attached in a separate bag if necessary.
  • Pram & Pushchair Information Due to tight legal restrictions we must insist on the following compliances for all prams, pushchairs, travel systems, buggies.

Instructions in English must be supplied with each vehicle. These are to be headed: IMPORTANT, KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. These can be a download off the Internet or a photocopy of someone else's, but it must have them.

The law relating to the sale of both new and second-hand 'wheeled child conveyances' now states that such items (e.g. pushchairs, prams, buggies, but not baby walkers etc. whichchildren use to push themselves about) must conform to British Standard 7409 or its European equivalent, and must be permanently marked BS 7409: 1996, together with the name or trademark of the manufacturer or importer.

A permanent notice on the vehicle must state:

“Children should be harnessed in at all times and should never be left unattended. The child should be clear of moving parts while making adjustments. This vehicle requires regular maintenance by the user. Overloading, incorrect folding and the use of non-approved accessories may damage or break this vehicle. Read the instructions.”

You should also check the brakes and if they don't work, we will have to reject it.

Maclaren pushchairs: There are a number of models which are said to be affected by the safety of the hinges: Volo, Triumph, Quest Sport, Quest Mod, Techno XT, TechnoXLR, Twin Triumph, Twin Techno and Easy Traveller. Any of these models of buggy being sold at a Nearly New Sale must be fitted with hinge safety covers. Covers are available, free of charge, from the Maclaren website,

Any items that do not meet these criteria will be removed from the sale and returned to the seller with a red sticker.

Please do not put such items forward for resale at future events!

How Do I Label My Sale Items?

To make it as easy for you as possible this sale we are introducing a spreadsheet that you can use to create your labels and seller item list. As you complete the seller item list your labels will automatically be populated. Further guidance on creating your labels can be found on the spreadsheet that can be downloaded at

  • Hang clothes or put them in clear bags. You may wish to include several items in one bag e.g. 3 vests, 5 t-shirts etc. as they may be seen as better value for money.
  • If submitting items in clear bags, please make sure the label is attached to the outside of the bag, although you can also label the items inside to help reunite them if they become lost.
  • Clearly label clothing with the size/age. E.g. 12-18 months.
  • It would assist our helpers if you could separate girls boys clothing group them together (an elastic band is ideal) by age as follow 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-18 months, 18-24 months, 2-3 years, 3 -4 years, 4-5 years, and 5+ years.
  • Clothing without hangers will be placed on tables.
  • Please ensure that toys and games are complete and packaged securely.
  • When attaching your labels to clothes/toys/equipment please ensure only the left hand side of the label is attached to the item. This will remain on the item for the customer and the right hand side of the label will be removed at point of sale and used to calculate the amount due to you.
  • Labels should be firmly attached to garments with safety pins; for the safety of our helpers please do not use dressmakers’ pins. Please use sticky tape for toys and equipment (note: masking tape does not mark books) and tape across the left hand side of the label only.
  • Attach labels to the back of books, so that the tape does not spoil the front cover.
  • Correct and clear completion of the labels is very important and we will withdraw from the sale any items with incorrect labels.

And Finally...

• If your plans change and you can no longer be a seller, please let us know as soon as possible as we may be able to reallocate your place. It is disappointing that at the last sale we had 15 no shows without advising us they were no longer able to be a seller. Failure to contact us 72 hours before the sale will jeopardise your participation at future sales.

• Please would you help us to publicise the sale by displaying the enclosed poster. The more people who attend the sale, the greater chance we have of selling your items.

• The last sale was very busy, so if you come to the sale please leave pushchairs at home. It would be better to carry young children in slings or backpacks.

Thanks very much and we are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday 26th April with your sale items.

Best regards, The NCT Nearly New Sales Team


Prepare your items for sale ensuring they are clean and in full working order

Complete your seller’s list

Label your items ensuring each label is printed in colour, filled in correctly and attached securely, and making sure your seller number is on both parts of the ticket.

Clearly highlight any items that you wish to donate to charity in event of the item not selling.

Print out and sign your seller agreement ready for the sale.

Ensure you have submitted 150 items or less

Bring your labelled items to the hall in a large box or laundry bag with your seller number on the side, with your signed seller agreement and seller’s list at your allotted time on Sunday 26th April 2015.

Collect your unsold items promptly between 3pm and 3:30pm or they will be donated to charity.

Check the lost property table to see if any items are yours.

Check your items before putting them back in the loft

Wait for your proceeds of sale to arrive into your bank account. (Cheques will arrive within 21 days).

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday 26th April 2015

If you have any further queries prior to the sale or if you would like to volunteer to help on the day please email:

Registered no. 2370573 (England) Registered Office: Alexandra House, Oldham Terrace, London, W3 6NH. Registered charity no. 801395