Guy the Spy mini skits

Lesson One

Props- costumes (men’s suits, hats and ties, trench coats) and one briefcase or brown folder.

Two characters enter set, center stage.

Leader- Hey Guy, why so glum? Aren’t you excited about your first day at SpySchool? I’m so excited I can’t wait for our first assignment!

Guy- I was excited before I got here, but now I’m a little nervous.

Leader- Are you nervous you won’t do well?

Guy- Well now that you mention it (sounding worried).

Leader- Well don’t worry about it. I’m sure if you study hard you’ll do fine.

Guy- I guess so. I mean, the teachers will help us right?

Leader- Well yea, sure they will. Was that what you where worried about, you weren’t worried you wouldn’t make friends were you?

Guy- I wasn’t worried about that either until you mentioned it (sounding very upset).

Leader- What were you worried about then?

Guy- I was worried my jello would spill over my sandwich and make it mushy, then my lunchbox would be all sticky and my cookies would be all wet and crumbly.

Leader- Oh, and now I got you all upset about the not making any friends thing? (Guy starts to weep uncontrollably, nodding in agreement). I’m sorry Guy, but listen I’m sure there’s lots of people here who would be your friend. We’re all here to learn about the assignment Jesus gave his disciples right? (Guy cheers up and nods in agreement). The assignment is the Great Commission, to share the message of God’s love. They’ll share God’s love with you, then we’ll all be friends. Well, more than friends, kind of like brothers and sisters.

Guy- Really, like a family?

Leader- Exactly! And Guy, if something happens to your lunch I’ll share mine with you.

Guy- Really? Can I sit beside you in class?

Leader- Yea, I’ll save you a seat. Are you feeling better now? (Guy nods head). Are you ready to go in? Come on, grab your brief case…. And your lunch. (leads Guy off stage)

Lesson two

Props- costumes (men’s suits, hats and ties, trench coats), child’s lunchbox, and a Groucho Marks mask (or sunglasses and hat))

Two characters enter set, center stage.

Leader- Hey, Guy what’s up with the disguise?

Guy- I don’t know no Guy, never seen him before in my life, nope, who’s Guy?

I’m not Guy, you got me confused with somebody else.

Leader- O-kay (smiles and laughs lightly). You left your lunchbox yesterday.

Guy- Oh, thanks, I’ve been looking all over the place for it.

Leader- I knew it was you (takes glasses off of Guy). What’s up with the disguise?

Guy- I don’t want anyone to recognize me (Leader nods and shrugs shoulders, hands up in agreement) Yesterday I did something really stupid. Well I made some friends like you said I would. But well… I sort of made up a story about myself. I wanted to impress them I guess. I just really wanted them to like me. I didn’t mean to lie.. really. I just said one thing and they all started asking me questions about it. Then I had to tell one lie after another to keep the story going. Now I’m too embarrassed to go back.

Leader- Ah, I know how that can happen.

Guy- You do?

Leader- Yep, and I know just what you have to do to make it right too, and it doesn’t involve wearing a disguise.

Guy- I was afraid you were going to say that.

Leader- You have to go in there and apologize to everyone. But first you have to apologize to Him (points up).

Guy- I really felt awful, and I told Jesus that. I asked Him to forgive me for being so bad.

Leader- Well, that’s a start. But now you have to show Jesus you really meant it when you said you were sorry.

Guy- You wouldn’t help me would you? Just help me explain.

Leader- Sure. Sure I will. Come on Guy, we’ve got some explaining to do (puts arm around him, and leads him off stage)

Lesson three

Props- costumes (men’s suits, hats and tie, trench coats), a Groucho Marks mask and a gift bag preferably with a heart printed on the front))

Two characters enter set, center stage.

Leader- Hey, Guy ready for your third day at SpySchool.

Guy- I sure am (answers excitedly)!

Leader- You’re in a much better mood, today.

Guy- Thanks to you. Everyday you’ve helped me. You helped me to feel accepted, you’ve shown me the ropes, and even helped me out when I’ve made mistakes. You’ve been a really really good friend. And well… I wanted to show you how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me. So… I got you this…(hands Leader the gift bag)

Leader- Gee I don’t know what to say, thank-you Guy, but you really didn’t have to get me a present.

Guy- I wanted to. I didn’t want to just say thank-you, I wanted to do something. I wanted to give you something for all you’ve given me.

Leader- That’s really nice of you. Thank-you.

Guy- It was really nice of you to help me to apologize for the lies I told yesterday. I feel so much better today; I have a clear conscience now. I was feeling pretty guilty about the whole thing but everybody was really nice about it. They said they understood, and even some of them said the same thing had happened to them before.

Leader- Well I didn’t mind helping you out Guy, and I’m glad everything turned out well for you. I think you’re going to turn out to be a really good special agent.

Guy- (hugs Leader) Thanks. You’re always encouraging me, I really appreciate it. And I’m feeling pretty confident that I’ll really be able to do it. Someday I’ll be a really good special agent for Jesus.

Leader- I’m sure you will Guy, I’m sure you will. Can I open my present now? (peeking into bag)

Guy- Oh, yea, yea open it, I hope you like it.

Leader- (hauls out the mask) It’s your disguise (laughs lightly).

Guy- Yea, I won’t be needing it anymore, looks much better on you than it did me anyway (both exit laughing together).

Lesson four

Props- costumes (men’s suits, hats and tie, trench coats), and a brown folder

Guy enters, sits reading file attentively. Leader enters shortly after center stage.

Leader- Hey Guy, how’s it going? (Guy doesn’t look up). Hey, studying hard are you?

Guy- Real hard. Really really hard. I’m so nervous about tomorrow’s test. There’s so much to remember. I just know I’m going to fail.

Leader- Don’t be so hard on yourself, Guy. You’ve been doing really well so far. When the teacher asks questions in the class you’re always one of the first to raise your hand.

Guy- I really like SpySchool, and I really want to well with my assignment.

Leader- Don’t worry Guy, you have to have faith. Jesus gave this assignment to all His special agents and He wants you to do well. He’ll help you with it. You just have to learn to trust Him.

Guy- Do you really think He wants to help?

Leader- I know He does. He’s given us His word. He said He would be with us always, even to the end of the age. That means forever.

Guy- How do we know Jesus with us when we can’t see Him?

Leader- By faith,the more you learn to trust in His love, the more you’ll learn that you have nothing to be afraid of. The test isn’t going to be that hard, Guy. All you have to remember is that God loves you, and he wants us to love Him and all His children. He doesn’t want us just to say we love Him or others but to show His love to them.

Guy- He wants us to walk in the light.

Leader- Exactly, see you remember even more than you think you do.

Guy- Yea, I guess I do (cheering up). If we love each other God lives in us, and His love is in us, everybody will see it right? (Leader nods in agreement). Than they will know He is real, we’ll know He is real!

Leader- I think you got it.

Guy- I am so ready for the mission.

Leader- I think you better get ready for class (looking at watch), we’re going to be so late. (both hurry of set).

Lesson five

Props- costumes (men’s suits, hats and tie, trench coats), and two graduation caps

Two characters enter set, center stage.

Leader- Well we finally did it, Guy. We finished SpySchool and have officially been appointed “Special Agents in Christ”.

Guy- I didn’t think I could do it! I prayed to Jesus to help me and He answered me, and with your help I’ve really learned a lot about the love of God, and sharing His love with everyone.

Leader- We learned too that God has given us three witnesses- the Holy Spirit, the water in the baptism, and the blood on the cross- to prove His Word is true,and how we too can be witnesses. We sure had a great time at SpySchool. Now I’m ready more than ever to accept our first assignment!

Guy- My favorite lesson at Spy School was about what being born to God means- and how if we’re born to God we are born to love, born to win, born to assurance that we really are His children; how we are born secure and safe from the enemy. This is a Great Mission- how with Jesus we can’t fail.

Leader- I remember how worried you were about failing.

Guy- Now I’ve learned to trust Jesus, and how if I ask for His help he will always be there. He’s promised me to be with me until the very end of the age-forever! I can’t wait to go and make disciples of all nations, and showing them God is real by showing them His love in me!

Leader- That’s right Guy, but you know not everybody has the opportunity to go to countries all over the world and share the gospel- but everyone has a mission field even if it’s in our own backyard.

Guy- Well I’m getting my passport ready, cause you just never know!

Leader- Now that’s the kind of enthusiasm Jesus loves to see! I told you you’d be a great special agent!

Guy- Thanks. You really have been a real encouragement. Have I told you how glad I am that you’re a part of my eternal family?

Leader- Guy, I’m really glad that you’re my brother too (two exit arm in arm).