Diegueno Middle School Band Booster Meeting Minutes

August 30, 2006

Band Booster Chair Vicki Ernenwein, called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.

In attendance –Vicki Ernenwein, Lori Endow (Teare), Meredith Goodman, Maria Kamon, Arianne Gallagher, Susan Rees, Karen Campbell, Jamie Rodin, and Diane Tu.

Minutes approved – Minutes approved for May 25, 2006 (previously by email)


Meredith Goodman reviewed the monthly Diegueno Band Boosters Financial Statement. DNO’s Band Booster’s budget is on-target. Some highlights include:

  expenditures incurred over the summer include:

o  instrument repair and cleaning (we have not yet received the bills )

o  purchase of a new bass clarinet and reeds

  $2,000 buffer was carried over from last year’s band booster budget

  Band camp was cancelled, so no income or outflow of funds occurred

  we have $2,600 to spend this year

  in addition to the above, $2,000 in donations were received after our May 25th meeting, and was not included in our current budget until now

  Band Booster funds are usually spent providing the following: instruments/ equipment, repairs and cleaning, uniforms, music, trips, recognitions (awards), tour of feeder elementary schools (bus and u-haul for instruments), spring concert (refreshments, programs), student activities, copying, miscellaneous (solo ensemble last year), honor band judges, scholarship, financial support for band trip as needed

Maria Kamon spoke with the owners of California Music Studios (CMS). They are interested in supporting the Diegueno Band program.

ACTION: Maria – Keep in touch. Suggest ways they could support us (perhaps as sponsors to an event)

There was a proposal for the District to not fund the band program this year. However, Terry Calen, Oak Crest Principal, helped to ensure that financial assistance would still be available this year. Previously funding from the school district helped to pay for such things as the Artists in Residence, who are so helpful to our students. There is a proposal that these moneys that help pay for the band program will be discontinued next year! It is hoped that the Band Boosters can help to overcome the shortage, but Band Boosters is under the PTSA umbrella and must abide by fund raising restrictions and policies, so our ability may be limited. We’ll be discussing this further as the year progresses.

Uniform Update

Band Polo Shirts-Vicki Ernenwein reported on behalf of Tensie Coassin.

  Uniforms consist of a beret (worn at the LCC football game performance), cummerbund, and black bowtie. This is worn with a white collared long sleeve shirt, black pants or skirt, black socks, and black shoes. Black tennis shoes are acceptable as long as there are no other colors (including white) that can be seen. Jazz band members wear black polo shirts with the Diegueno cougar logo instead of the white shirts.

  Uniforms will be collected at the Spring Concert on Tuesday, May 30th and in class the following week.

  Used polo shirts from out-going 8th graders may be collected and used as “emergency extras” for next year.

Old Business

Band Camp Cancelled

·  Band Camp was cancelled due to perceived low sign-up response.

·  35 Students signed up for the camp, several of whom signed up after the deadline. The previous year yielded 40 students

·  ACTION: Lori -write letter to Mr. Salehi voicing band booster’s concerns. cc. Ms. Pugh.

New Business

2006-07 Diegueno Band Boosters Calendar

The dates and events were reviewed. Special note was taken of the following events:

·  Sept 13: Music Parent Night. Mr. Salehi explains the band program for both parents and students. (Diegueno and Oak Crest). Vicki will not be available to represent Diegueno.

ACTION: Maria will represent Band Boosters. Supporting volunteers are needed.

·  Sept 21st: The Advanced Band will be performing on Back to School Night

·  Dec 9: Performance at the Forum Shopping Center

·  Jan 30: Winter Concert was moved to January

·  Feb ?: Steve Hall of Oak Crest suggested a Music Night/ Silent Auction be held, open to the public, to raise funds for the band programs. Perhaps this is an event that will combine OC and DNO students.

·  March 8 Parent Orientation Night is for the 6th grade parents to learn about Diegueno

·  April 28 Beginning and Advanced bands will play at the Forum Music Festival.

·  May 5: The Jazz Band will be playing at the Coronado Jazz Festival

2006-07 Diegueno Band Boosters Board

Many positions are still open. Traditionally, the board has 2-co-chairs, as this is a two year position. Immediately, morning supervision (7:15-7:45 am) is needed to open the band room in the mornings – Friday and subs for every day.

ACTION: Vicki – write list of open board positions for next meeting

Photographer: a parent of a 7th grader offered to take photographs at the events her child participates. An additional photographer would be helpful. Karen suggested that CD’s be made of our events and sold as a fundraiser.

Costco shopper: Lori and Arianne (mostly correspondence supplies)

·  Parent Packets which include all band related information and forms will be mailed out to all parents.

·  Vicki noted that Mr. Salehi should have his “wish list” on the band website, which includes instruments.

Inventory of Instruments and Music

Karen raised the following questions:

·  Where are the instruments that are usually in the band room?

·  Have all instruments and music purchased with Diegueno funds been inventoried and are they staying at Diegueno?

·  If Mr. Salehi ever left, would someone else be able to find the Diegueno items?

ACTION: Vicki- Ask Mr. Salehi to explain current inventory procedure and records. Ask for answers to the questions asked. Karen volunteered to tag and inventory equipment and music (Music Librarian) for this year.

UPCOMING EVENTS-Review of Tentative Band Calendar 2005-06 some highlights include:

§  Wednesday, Sept 13th – 6:00 p.m. Music Parent Night (including students) – Crest Hall, Oak Crest

§  Thursday, Sept 21 - Back to School Night – DNO (Advanced Band plays)

§  Wednesday, Oct 11 - Rehearsal for LCC Band Night, Adv Band – LCC

§  Friday, Oct 13 - LCC Band Night, Adv Band - LCC

Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 am

Tentative Band Booster Meeting: September 26, 2006, 7:00 pm at Marie Callender Restaurant in Encinitas

Minutes prepared by Lori Endow