KCYLL Youth Rule Variations by Division for 2014[1]

Rule / U-9 6v.6 / U-9 10v.10 / U-11 / U-13 and U-15[2]
Field Size in Yards / 60x35 / 90x50 / 90x50 / 110x60
Team Size / 6v.6 / 10 v. 10 / 10 v. 10 / 10 v. 10
Quarters / 10 minute running / 10 minute running / 10 minute running / 12 minute running
Sub Time[3] / 2 per quarter / Reg & Special Subs / Reg & Special Subs / Reg & Special Subs
Qtr breaks / 2 min / 2 min / 2 min / 2 min
Half time / 5 min / 5 min / 5 min / 5 min
Team TO / 2 per half-1 min / 2 per half-1 min / 2 per half-1 min / 2 per half-1 min
Short Stick / 37-42 / 37-42 / 37-42 / 40-42
Long Pole[4] / N/A / N/A / 47-54 / 52-72
Goalie Stick / 37-52 / 37-52 / 37-52 / 40-52
String Hang / 2” / 2” / 2” / 2”
Goalie Arm Pads / Required / Required / Required / Required
Ref Stick Checks[5] / No / No / Yes / Yes
Protective Cup / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Mouth Guard[6] / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Penalties and Enforcement
Advancing Ball[7] / One Pass Rule[8] / N/A / N/A / :20 and :10
Personal Fouls(PF) / Sub / Penalty Served / Penalty served / Penalty served
Fouling Out / N/A / 4 PF or 5 minutes of PF time assessed / 4 PF or 5 minutes of PF time assessed / 4 PF or 5 minutes of PF time assessed
Technical Foul / 5 yds behind on reset / Penalty Served / Penalty served / Penalty served
Three Yard Rule[9] / No body checks / No body checks / Applies / Applies
Checking / Stick only 3yd rule / Stick only 3yd rule / Stick only 3yd rule / Stick and body 3yd rule
One hand check[10] / Slash / Slash / Slash / Slash
Take Out Check / No body checks / No body checks / No body checks / 2-3 min NR
Head/Neck / No body checks / No body checks / No body checks / 2-3min NR
Penalty Clock / Offending player cannot return until released / Starts when player kneeling in penalty box or restart whistle, whichever is later. / Starts when player kneeling in penalty box or restart whistle, whichever is later. / Starts when player kneeling in penalty box or restart whistle, whichever is later.
Stops only for time out called by officials or team / Stops only for time out called by officials or team / Stops only for time out called by officials or team / Stops only for time out called by officials or team
Last 2 minutes / N/A / N/A / If 2 or less goal difference,game clock stops on all whistles
U-13 and U-15, keep it in for team ahead, not if tied.

[1] This chart incorporates differences for youth play under Federation Rules and KCYLL variations from those rules.

[2] These rules apply to both A and B divisions.

[3] KCYLL Rules require a dead ball substitution opportunity for U-9 6v.6 twice during each period. Recommend this occur at first dead ball after 7:30 and 3:30 remaining in each period. For U-11 10x10, U-13 and U-15,no horn, but can sub at any dead ball situation except for out of bounds on end line, non-time serving infraction or inadvertent whistle.

[4]With very few exceptions, a long stick shaft sold to meet U-13 and U-15 length, which with the head, is limited to 72 inches. To be a legal stick for U-11 play, the shaft will need to be cut down so the head and shaft does not exceed 54 inches. US Lacrosse strongly recommends that long poles not be longer than the height of the player. Long poles in U-11 games that are longer than 54” are illegal and will result in a 3 minute non-releasable penalty and the stick kept at the table for the entire game.

[5] For U-11, 13 and 15 up to two stick checks can be requested by each coach during a game. If a second request is made and the neither of the sticks is found to be illegal, the requesting coach’s team will be penalized by the loss of a time out or a technical foul if no time-outs remain in that period.

[6] Mouth Guards may be any color except white or clear.

[7] For U-13 and U-15, the 10 second count is satisfied if the ball enters the offensive area within 10 seconds of crossing the middle line. Once inside the offensive area, the ball can come out of the offensive area without a 10 second count unless (1) possession is obtained in the offensive side of the field outside the goal area, (2) offense loses possession of the ball and regains it outside the goal area, or (3) loses possession and regains it in the defensive side of the field.

[8] The One Pass Rule is attached to the bylaws.

[9] Three yard rule: All stick checks, body checks, legal holds, and legal pushes must be on a player in possession of the ball or within 3 yards of a loose ball or ball in flight, not the 5 yard rule that applies to high school games.

[10] A one-handed check will be considered a slash, whether or not it makes contact with the opposing player.