St. Cyril’s
CatholicSchool Advisory Council
Year End Achievement Report
2003 - 2004
CatholicSchool Advisory Council
Year End Achievement Report 2003-2004
Summary of Community Goals Accomplishments:
/# Community goals
/ challenged / percentageof Achieved
/ 11 / 3 / 78.6 %2002-2003
/ 9 / 5 / 64.2 %Summary of Issues Presented To C.S.A.C.:
/# issues Presented
To C.S.A.C.
/Resolved Issues
/ 2003 – 2004follow-up
required / percentage
of resolved
/ 13 / 4 / 76.5 %2002-2003
/ 10 / 6 / 62.5 %Summary of C.S.A.C. Recommendations:
/# C.S.A.C. Recommendations
/ Declined / Unresolved2003-2004
/ 3 / 60 % / 0 / 0 % / 2 / 40 %2002-2003
/ 4 / 50 % / 2 / 25 % / 2 / 25 %Summary of C.S.A.C. Bylaw Agenda and Committee Accomplishments:
/# C.S.A.C. initiatives
/ challenged / percentageof success / # Committee
Initiatives /
/ challenged / percentageof success
/ 17 / 0 / 100 % / 22 / 21 / 1 / 95 %2002-2003
/ 16 / 1 / 94 % / 22 / 21 / 1 / 95 %Community Goals
St. Cyril Catholic School
Achievement of the Community Goals is the responsibility of the whole community.
C.S.A.C. the school administration and the teachers must work together to encourage the community to achieve these goals.
The Qualities of a good goal are that it be:
The goals listed for the St. Cyril Community fall into three categories:
Some goals are to be achieved and only to be maintained
Some goals may or may not be achieved. Measurement is required
Some represent goals that will take time (in some cases multiple years) in order to achieve
Community Goals for St. Cyril Catholic School
Community Goals / Specific Target / - Achieved- Challenged
1.To maintain dual streams / English Program offered from
grades JK – 8
French Immersion Program offered from grades SK - 8 / - Achieved
2.To offer and maintain minimum of two extra curricular activities per year for each grade level 1 – 8 sponsored by parents, faculty and the community / MS Read-a-Thon
Christmas Concert,
Start-of-Year BBQ / - Achieved
3.To provide and maintain three initiatives where the English and French streams are mutually beneficial / Please refer to appendix on page 22 for a complete list of activities. Additional activities:
- Celebration of Quebec’s Carnival,
- St. Jean Baptiste Day celebrations.
- BiLingual Logo
Community Goals for St. Cyril Catholic School Cont’d
Community Goals / Specific Target / - Achieved- Challenged / % of Participation Achieved
4.To Lead the achievement of the following targets for parental involvement as a percentage of household / C.S.A.C. participation - 8%,
(large attendance to meet Josie Nespolo our Superintendent, and to discuss Ring Road) / - Achieved / C.S.A.C.Membership – 5.9 %
(14 of 234 families)(2003: 4.8%)
C.S.A.C. Attendance – 14.1 %
(33 of 234 families)(2003: 9.1%)
Academic/Curriculum related participation - 10%
(i.e.: parent/community speakers, programs such as “Scientists In The Schools” field trips, participation in curriculum delivery, ) / - Achieved / Parent participation in “Scientist in the Schools”
Please see appendix for other examples.
Parental participation of children receiving sacraments – 100% / - Achieved / Requirement of Sacrament is to have parental registration.
Community Goals for St. Cyril Catholic School Cont’d
Community Goals / Specific Target / - Achieved- Challenged / % of Participation Achieved
4.To Lead the achievement of the following targets for parental involvement as a percentage of household (cont’d) / Social 75 % - i.e.
(Community Masses, Play Day activities, Winter
Carnival, Fun Day, Concerts, Special Events) / - Achieved / Advent Mass – 30 % 70 families participated.
Volunteer Appreciation BBQ – 40 % 95 families participated to be confirmed.
Christmas Concert – 85 % (200 families to be confirmed) Graduation – 100 % 20 families
Establishes monthly communication with parents: and, issues a calendar at least 2 days before the start of each month. / - Challenged / Calendars were issued monthly. However, circumstances sometimes caused delays in distribution. I Improvement noted.
For planned events issues notices at least 8 working days before the event.
(published special events calendar, preview of next month, regular SCOOP, and CSAC newsletter, …) / - Achieved? / Improved over previous years.
Community Goals for St. Cyril Catholic School Cont’d
Community Goals / Specific Target / - Achieved- Challenged / % of Participation Achieved
5.To Establish links to the French community and French teachers. / 80 % of supply teachers for French Immersion classes be French speaking. / - Achieved / Metric to be determined. However, there was much success this year at attracting French Speaking supply teachers.
Please see partial list of teachers in appendix.
6. To developand publish a classroom
communication plan when there is a
classroom disruption due to extended
teacher absence / To developand publish a classroom
Communication plan when there is a
Classroom disruption due to extended
Teacher absence / - Challenged / C.S.A.C. has recommended this to be included as a goal in “St. Cyril’s Local Action Plan”.
Community Goals for St. Cyril Catholic School Cont’d
Community Goals / Specific Target / - Achieved- Challenged / % of Participation Achieved
7.Promote a sense of community within a
Catholic framework by encouraging the
Following specific targets / Participation in a age-appropriate
sacraments / - Achieved / School participated in three Masses at St. Edwards. Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation held.
Community masses both within and outside of school hours / - Achieved / 1 community Mass was held during the advent season.
8. Implement methods to measure goals
communicate results to the parent
community / Annual C.S.A.C. Year End
Achievement Report / - Challenged / Reviewed Goals at Year – End, require methods of monitoring throughout the year ; as well as to review the alignment of the goals.
Issues Presented to C.S.A.C.
Issues / Action Taken / - Resolved- Follow- up Required / Status
- Technology in the School
- Ring Road representation
- Making St. Cyril donations a Charitable Donation
- Low continuation of French Immersion children into the FrenchImmersionHigh School programs
High School Information – CSAC co-ordination removed from CSAC Agenda. / - Resolved / Survey results tabulated. Recommendations made to board.
Issues Presented to C.S.A.C. Cont’d
Issues / Action Taken / - Resolved- Follow- up Required / Status
- No mechanism for changing bylaws exists.
Presented new bylaws for this at Annual General Meeting. Accepted. / - Resolved / New bylaw accepted at AGM.
- Bylaw changes to allow for meeting time of 7:30 – 9:30 + more frequent CSAC meetings than 6
- Parents requested distribution of class lists
- Enrolment Trends. Concern over decline of English enrollment especially in lower grades
Issues Presented to C.S.A.C. Cont’d
Issues / Action Taken / - Resolved- Follow- up Required / Status
- Recommendation on selling Kawanis Club CDs that feature St. Cyril Students
- Difficulty getting alter servers to church
- Not enough people to do rosary – especially in French
- Investigate making the St. Cyril School Uniform Mandatory
- Review supplier,
- Offer opportunity to purchase iron-on or sew-on logos,
- Ask for school logo on uniform supplier products,
- Sports Uniforms
Issues Presented to C.S.A.C. Cont’d
Issues / Action Taken / - Resolved- Follow- up Required / Status
- Reception of St. Cyril parents at Loretto Abbey open house
- What to do with 300 Staedtler Retractable Gel Ink Pens donated by parent: Rocco Sebastiano
- Trans-fat minimization at school
- Request for funds to ensure 100% attendance at Gr 7/8 trip
- Requested attendance at the 50th anniversary mass at Ricoh Coliseum
C.S.A.C. Recommendations
Recommendation / Action Taken ByPrincipal/School Board / - Accepted
- Declined
? - Unresolved
- Recommended library space be converted to have space for a computer lab
- Ring Road Recommendations 1: that the proposed park at the North of the school not be made a part of the school property and that it be separately fenced.
- Ring Road Recommendations 2: that the school be enhanced and upgraded with additional add-on space so that the portables can be removed and minimize the reduction in play area for the children. Money from this initiative to come from proceeds of land sale.
- From 2002-2003 report: As part of security recommendations, all recommendations should include free access to the school through the front door of the school
- From 2002-2003 report: The installation of lights outside the school building
C.S.A.C. Bylaw and Committee Adherence
Month / C.S.A.C. ‘s Agenda / - Achieved- Challenged / Committee’s Agenda / - Achieved
- Challenged
/ Orientation/Selection of C.S.A.C. Executive 14th day after beginning of classes / - Achieved / Nomination form and notification of election meeting goes home first day of school / - AchievedSelection of new council members / - Achieved / Curriculum Night / - Achieved
Confirmation of Special Events Committee / - Achieved / Orientation of new incoming Council – Summary of Basic Calendar of Events / - Achieved
Recruit volunteers for High School Open House Information Night committee / - Challenged
Recommend this be reviewed to determine role of CSAC in this initiative.
C.S.A.C. Bylaw and Committee Adherence Cont’d
month / C.S.A.C. ‘s Agenda / - Achieved- Challenged / Committee’s Agenda / - Achieved
- Challenged
OCTOBER / C.S.A.C. Budget - (Presented by treasurer)
School Budget - (Presented by principal) / - Achieved / Special Events Committee – prepare calendars / - Achieved
Special Events Calendars - (Presented by S. E. Committee) / - Achieved / Budget Preparation / - Achieved
School Calendars - (Presented by Principal) / - Achieved / High School Open House Information Night / - Achieved
C.S.A.C. Bylaw and Committee Adherence Cont’d
Month / C.S.A.C. ‘s Agenda / - Achieved- Challenged / Committee’s Agenda / - Achieved
- Challenged
NOVEMBER / School Profile (Presented by Principal) / - Achieved
Moved from “Challenged” last year. Start Trending next year / Prepare/Update School Profile / - Achieved
Principal Profile (Presented by C.S.A.C.) / - Achieved / Prepare/Update Principal Profile / - Achieved
Community Goals (Presented by C.S.A.C.) / - Achieved / Prepare/Update Community Goals / - Achieved
C.S.A.C. Bylaw and Committee Adherence Cont’d
Month / C.S.A.C. ‘s Agenda / - Achieved- Challenged / Committee’s Agenda / - Achieved
- Challenged
MARCH / There are no C.S.A.C. agenda deliverables during these months. / N/A / Plan/execute EQAO Initiatives / - Achieved
C.S.A.C. update on progress year to date to the school community / - Achieved – Monthly newsletters
Plan/Execute French Immersion Night / - Achieved
Plan/Execute French Information Night / - Achieved
Revise and prepare for distribution C.S.A.C. Info/Welcome Booklet to new families in time for registration / - Achieved
C.S.A.C. Bylaw and Committee Adherence Cont’d
Month / C.S.A.C. ‘s Agenda / - Achieved- Challenged / Committee’s Agenda / - Achieved
- Challenged
APRIL / EQAO results- (Presented by Principal) / - Achieved / Begin preparations for Annual C.S.A.C. Year End Achievement Report / - Achieved
Outline of Principal’s “Local Action Plan” to address opportunities for improvement / - Achieved
Month / C.S.A.C. ‘s Agenda / - Achieved
- Challenged / Committee’s Agenda / - Achieved
- Challenged
MAY / Present the final form of the “Local Action Plan” to the parent community / - Achieved / Strike Nomination Committee / - Achieved
C.S.A.C. Bylaw and Committee Adherence Cont’d
Month / C.S.A.C. ‘s Agenda / - Achieved- Challenged / Committee’s Agenda / - Achieved
- Challenged
JUNE / Annual General Meeting/C.S.A.C. Budget Reconciliation / - Achieved / Prepare for Annual General Meeting
Finalize Year End Achievement Report
Budget Reconciliation - Treasurer / - Achieved
Nomination Committee Update / - Achieved / Collect Nomination Forms including Special Events Committee / - Achieved
Recruit volunteers for Curriculum Night Committee for the following year / - Achieved / Election Preparation for September 2003 / - Achieved
Appendix: C.S.A.C. Members Of 2002 – 2003 School Year
CSAC Executives / Special EventsCoordinator / Principal
Chair / Patty Wen / Jeanette Sarkissian / Darquise Leroux
Co Chair / Dennis Winjes
Secretary / Clarie Martin
Treasurer / Margaret Codrington
Parent Members / Student Council Reps. / Community Representative / Teacher Representatives
Mario Loreto,
Mira Gredicak,
Roman Mesec,
Marie Houghton,
Jeanette Sarkissian, Russell Stuart,
Siobhan Donaghy,
Rocco Sebastiano
Bette Mior / President, Jessica Tremblet / Kathleen Anne Faustin / Rotation including:
Barbara Meilleur,
Gaynor Delfino,
Linette Vizuette,
Marianna Spatafora,
Sylvie Talarico,
Nicole Guegueirre,
Jennifer Fracassi
Appendix Cont’d
St. Cyril Activities:
Volleyball / Cross Country / Skiing / Office Helpers / Mass ChoirIndoor Soccer / Track and Field / Winter Carnival / JK Helpers / Share Life Activities
Outdoor Soccer / Mini Track and Field / St. Jean Baptiste Play Day / SK Helpers / Share Life Dance-a-thon
Basketball / Swim Team / Pizza Lunches / Reading Buddies / MS Read-a-thon
Floor Hockey / Skating / Student Council / Masses at St. Edwards / Band
St Cyril Volunteers:
Academic / Curriculum Activities / Parent / C.S.A.C. ParentsArt / Loretta Scott / Patty Wen
Music / Sergio Di Miglio / Dennis Wintjes
Literacy / Lori Loreto / Clarie Martin
Monthly Volunteers / Margaret Codrington
Milk Program / Jeanette Sarkissian / Mario Loreto
Pizza Lunches / Jeanette Sarkissian / Mira Gredicak
MonthlySchool Calendar / Jeanette Sarkissian / Roman Mesec
WEB updates / Angelo Alfieri / Marie Houghton
Jeanette Sarkissian
Rocco Sebastiano
Russel Stuart
Siobhan Donaghy
St Cyril Volunteers Cont’d:
Parent / Parent / Parent / ParentAlbert Li / Craig Houle / Ilsoon Jung / Lisa D’Ugo / Marie Moto Tomo / Sheila Griffin
Angie Nalepka / Daniela Di Giuseppantonia / Isabel De Escala / Liza Karunakaran / Marilena Sebastiano / Siobhan Donaghy
Anne Peres / Dawna Lohbihler / James Kakoczky / Lorena Chioran / Mario Loreto / Sonja Stuart
Anyoung Choi / Denise Wales / Jane Subing / Loretta Scott / Maureen Torsher / Steve Tschipper
Bella Cuaresma / Dennis Wintjes / Jeanette Sarkissian / Lori Loreto / Mira Gredicak / Theresa Bennett
Bette Mior / Donna Robichaud / Jeanine Amaral / Lucia Araujo / Mrs. Kurathawski / Toni Masci
Bill Nalepka / Dorota Sienkiewicz / Jess Mendes / Lusia Lie / Mireya Martin / Trish Wintjes
Carol Di Miglio / Eduardo Escala / Jo Anne Accum / Lydia Domingo / Natalie Fung-Lancia / Vanna Tran
Carolina Carrodine-Kellman / Elain Halle / Joanne Mesec / Lynn Rini / Priscilla Hatt / Walter Rainieri
Carrie Fabay / Erni Tan / Joanne Palermo / Mani Woodroffe / Rocco Sebastiano / Ziboulia Tsakiris
Cathy Fox / Gaynor Delfino / Judy Johnson / Margaret Codrington / Roman Mesec / Zina Anaie
Cathy Rapier / Gina Raposo / Karen Watulo / Marguerita Manuel / Rowena Perada / Zina Matlub Anaie
Chyang Wen / Glen Johnston / Katherine Nemes / Maria Aguilera-Philip / Russell Stuart / Mrs. Malapitan
Clarie Martin / Heather Pospisil / Kris Sarkissian / Maria Ong / Sergio Ruivo / Mrs. Salano
Claudia Tsihlias / Helen Hui / Lillian Richard / Maria Vega / Seymour Tannis / Mrs. Bonilla
Connie Drudi / Ibeth De Hamilton / Lily Yu-Seto / Marie Houghton / Shawna Campbell / Mrs. Chang
Mrs. Sebastiano (Grand Mother) / A special thank-you to our 97 parent volunteers!!!
St Cyril Volunteers Cont’d:
Graduated Students / Student Council / Lunch & Snack Supervision Helpers / Milk Program StudentsEmily Johnston,
Sara DiMiglio
Lindsay Johnston
Nikki Rini
Chantal Switalski
Louise Carroll / Jessica Tremblette
Natasha Tsakiris
Emily Houghton / Emily Houghton
Megan McQuarrie
Jessica Tremblette
Marie Therese DuQuesney
Front Office Student Helpers
Gr. 8 Student Volunteer
C.S.A.C. Year End Achievement ReportPage 1 of 32
June, 2004 (Prepared by 2003 - 2004 C.S.A.C. members)