VCU Student Government Association

Student Life Committee

October 26, 2008

  1. Call to Order
  2. Members Present: Gonzalo Aida-Brescia, Ja’Nel Edens, Stephen Straus, Ethan Labowitz, Josie Mace, Josh Ronk, Brittany Vogel, Jenny You, Deonte Young, Delegate John Burton
  3. Recycling Meeting with Green Unity– Jenny You
  4. Recycling in dorms -- they want a “thermometer” to judge how much is being recycled similar to how we want a large clock put in the Hibbs area.
  5. 15th of November – National Recycling days – want something set up with/by SGA – Steve Heinitz
  6. Construction – S.B. Cox Demolition – Recycle their materials in some way; maybe a recycled art competition in joint with Earth Day
  7. There is a store that Habitat has to take recycled/left over building materials
  8. Improve trash locations near and in library – more centralized location –something for when finals come around
  9. Posters in dorm rooms about cleanliness and recycling
  10. Maybe we should talk to the directors of each dorm to initiate some action with Green Unity – put recycling posters beside fire exit signs
  11. Start a reuse program with school supplies
  12. Bathroom Stall Readers – Want to get in with the WellnessCenter on that maybe
  13. Ja’Nel – still a major concern with dorms and recycling
  14. Health and Safety Checks – If people fail, no action is taken –trash!
  15. Removal of the Computers in the Library Basement
  16. John Burton will be talking to them – They are in the midst of making a decision to remove all computers from the Cabell Basement – When? How seriously is this being considered? Are students going to be consulted?
  17. Is there a technology committee (with Student Representatives)?
  18. Virginia Book Company Presentation– Mike
  19. Collecting books that the SGA gets as part of a Book Drive – want to promote it so it can actually happen – books will go to children in Asia and Africa – would like to hand down the entire drive to SGA so that we also make the money from
  20. VBC collects books, SGA does what we please with them – VBC currently holds them (it’s the collection site)
  21. Flat fee per carton for these recycled books
  22. UNIV 111 and 112 – complete turnover for books – each new class of Freshmen has to buy totally new books -- $130 with no resale value – something needs to be done
  23. Can we team up with the Academic Affairs Committee to do something about this?
  24. Talk to Daphne Rankin about this
  25. Assigned to Joshua Ronk
  26. Mike needs to talk to Faculty Senate as well, recommend he speak with Danny Barefoot, Gabe Walker, and or Leah Fremouw
  27. Ethan’s Reports
  28. Leah Fremouw – working on getting streetlights put in the Carver area – Thursday at noon at Qdoba
  29. Safety committee meeting – Ja’Nel
  30. Captain Welch – Zero Tolerance rule put in place first week of September $10,000 worth of narcotics (just in the first week!) – 30 arrests, 10 were VCU students
  31. How frequently are police checking dorms? Evidently very frequently
  32. MCV Campus – problems with parking
  33. Spring – Safety fair on both campuses
  34. YouTube Safety Video, Website – Contest for this
  35. Ja’Nel will be conducting a survey with Mark Williams on Safety
  36. Protestors meeting with Dr. Reed – Josie and Gonzalo
  37. Robust, should keep it – planned v. unplanned protesting, can’t just push them away violation of First Amendment rights
  38. We need to write a bill
  39. More permit based with a fee?
  40. Get back with Dr. Reed to discuss the process to protest
  41. Louise – Shafer – Gonzalo Aida
  42. Shafer Hours -- based on traffic
  43. When was the last time this was reviewed? – Follow up with Louise
  44. Breakfast options in the Commons
  45. Adjournment