VCU Student Government Association
Student Life Committee
October 26, 2008
- Call to Order
- Members Present: Gonzalo Aida-Brescia, Ja’Nel Edens, Stephen Straus, Ethan Labowitz, Josie Mace, Josh Ronk, Brittany Vogel, Jenny You, Deonte Young, Delegate John Burton
- Recycling Meeting with Green Unity– Jenny You
- Recycling in dorms -- they want a “thermometer” to judge how much is being recycled similar to how we want a large clock put in the Hibbs area.
- 15th of November – National Recycling days – want something set up with/by SGA – Steve Heinitz
- Construction – S.B. Cox Demolition – Recycle their materials in some way; maybe a recycled art competition in joint with Earth Day
- There is a store that Habitat has to take recycled/left over building materials
- Improve trash locations near and in library – more centralized location –something for when finals come around
- Posters in dorm rooms about cleanliness and recycling
- Maybe we should talk to the directors of each dorm to initiate some action with Green Unity – put recycling posters beside fire exit signs
- Start a reuse program with school supplies
- Bathroom Stall Readers – Want to get in with the WellnessCenter on that maybe
- Ja’Nel – still a major concern with dorms and recycling
- Health and Safety Checks – If people fail, no action is taken –trash!
- Removal of the Computers in the Library Basement
- John Burton will be talking to them – They are in the midst of making a decision to remove all computers from the Cabell Basement – When? How seriously is this being considered? Are students going to be consulted?
- Is there a technology committee (with Student Representatives)?
- Virginia Book Company Presentation– Mike
- Collecting books that the SGA gets as part of a Book Drive – want to promote it so it can actually happen – books will go to children in Asia and Africa – would like to hand down the entire drive to SGA so that we also make the money from
- VBC collects books, SGA does what we please with them – VBC currently holds them (it’s the collection site)
- Flat fee per carton for these recycled books
- UNIV 111 and 112 – complete turnover for books – each new class of Freshmen has to buy totally new books -- $130 with no resale value – something needs to be done
- Can we team up with the Academic Affairs Committee to do something about this?
- Talk to Daphne Rankin about this
- Assigned to Joshua Ronk
- Mike needs to talk to Faculty Senate as well, recommend he speak with Danny Barefoot, Gabe Walker, and or Leah Fremouw
- Ethan’s Reports
- Leah Fremouw – working on getting streetlights put in the Carver area – Thursday at noon at Qdoba
- Safety committee meeting – Ja’Nel
- Captain Welch – Zero Tolerance rule put in place first week of September $10,000 worth of narcotics (just in the first week!) – 30 arrests, 10 were VCU students
- How frequently are police checking dorms? Evidently very frequently
- MCV Campus – problems with parking
- Spring – Safety fair on both campuses
- YouTube Safety Video, Website – Contest for this
- Ja’Nel will be conducting a survey with Mark Williams on Safety
- Protestors meeting with Dr. Reed – Josie and Gonzalo
- Robust, should keep it – planned v. unplanned protesting, can’t just push them away violation of First Amendment rights
- We need to write a bill
- More permit based with a fee?
- Get back with Dr. Reed to discuss the process to protest
- Louise – Shafer – Gonzalo Aida
- Shafer Hours -- based on traffic
- When was the last time this was reviewed? – Follow up with Louise
- Breakfast options in the Commons
- Adjournment