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sediments, sec 2 • physical and biogeochemical processes • research article

Iron–manganese concretions contribute to benthic release of phosphorus and arsenic in anoxic conditions in the Baltic Sea

Pirjo Yli–Hemminki1 • Timo Sara–aho2 • Kirsten S. Jørgensen1 • Jouni Lehtoranta1

1Marine Research Centre, Finnish Environment Institute, P.O.B. 140, 00251 Helsinki, Finland

2Laboratory Centre, Finnish Environment Institute, P.O.B. 140, 00251 Helsinki, Finland

Received: 13 August 2015 / Accepted: 1 April 2016

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Responsible editor: Nives Ogrinc

Pirjo Yli–Hemminki


Table A1 Locations and references to published studies on Fe–Mn concretions, sediments and settling particulate matterused in the comparisons to the concretions from this study in Figs. 7–9

Reference / Location / Depth (m) / n of values / Characteristics
rev. Ingri 1985 / Gulf of Finland / 1 / Fe and Mn oxides
Zhamoida et al. 2007 / GoF / 50 / 7 / Fe and Mn oxides, spheroidal
Ingri 1985 / Gulf of Bothnia / 48 / 35 mean values / Fe and Mn oxides in spheroidal, discoidal, crust concretions
Baturin and Dubinchuk 2009 / Gulf of Riga (GoR) / 45–55 / 4 / Fe and Mn hydroxides
rev. Glasby et al. 1997 / GoR / 19–37 / 1 mean value / Mn oxides manganite
rev. Ingri 1985 / GoR / 1
rev. Ingri 1985 / Western Baltic Sea (WBS) / 2 mean values
Suess and Djafari 1977 / WBS / 25 / 1 / Hydrogenous Fe and Mn oxides
rev. Arif and Blinov 2004 / Pacific, Indian, Atlantic Oceans / 3 mean values / Mn and Fe oxides
rev. Baturin and Dubinchuk 2009 / Oceans / 1
Bischoff et al. 1981 / North Pacific ocean / 5000 / 9
Glasby 1973 / Indian ocean, Campbell Plateau, Blake Plateau, Gulf of Aden, Loch Fyne / 4042, 1280, 806, 2405, 190 / 5 mean values
rev. Ingri 1985 / Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans / 3 mean values
Rona and Lenoble 2004 / Oceans / 1
Wu et al. 2012 / Pacific ocean / 5178–5513 / 3
rev. by Ingri 1985 / Fresh water: Sweden, Finland, U.S.A. / 7 mean values
Arshad and Arnaud 1980 / Soil in Saskatchewan in Canada / 0.8 / 19 / Soil podzol, glaysol, luvisol. Poorly crystallized Fe and Mn oxides in concretions.
He et al. 2008 / Soil in Hubei in Central China / 0.2–0.4 / 1 / Soil subacidorthicagrudalf. Mn oxides lithiophorite, birnessite, todorokite in concretions.
Szymanski and Skiba 2013 / Soil in Carpathian Foothills in Poland / 0.2–1.8 / 8 / Soil albeluvisols. Poorly crystallized Fe and Mn oxides in concretions.
Tan et al. 2006 / Soil in Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei and Shandong in China / 0.25–1 / 1 mean value / Soil alliti–udic ferrosols, hapli–udic ferralosols and ferrosols, claypani–
udic argosols, calci–aquic vertosols and albi–udic argosols. Mn oxides lithiophorite, birnessite, todorokite in concretions.
Sediment (0-1 cm)
Leivuori 1998 / Gulf of Finland (GoF) / < 60 < / 5
Lukkari et al. 2009a, b / GoF / 11
Pakhomova et al. 2007 / GoF / 43–86 / 9 / aleuritic–pelitic mud with Fe–Mn concretions
Vallius 2012 / GoF / 11
Vallius and Leivuori 1999 / GoF / 1 / muddy silt and clay
Vallius et al. 2007 / GoF / 14
Zhamoida et al. 2007 / GoF / 1
Ingri 1985 / Gulf of Bothnia (GoB) / 4 / oxidized surface sediment, weak halocline
Leivuori 1998 / GoB / 1
Leivuori and Niemistö 1993, 1995 / GoB / 43–68 / 4 / Salinity 0–7 ‰, well oxygenated bottom
Ingri 1985 / Bothnian Sea (BS) / 1
Leivuori and Niemistö 1993, 1995 / BS / 4
Leivuori 1998 / BS / 1
Leivuori et al. 2000 / Gulf of Riga / 1–50 / 1
Muller et al. 2002 / Lake Baikal / 3 mean values
Settling particulate matter
Leivuori and Vallius 1998 / Gulf of Finland / 73 / 12